local m = require 'lpeglabel' local matcher = require 'glob.matcher' local function prop(name, pat) return m.Cg(m.Cc(true), name) * pat end local function object(type, pat) return m.Ct( m.Cg(m.Cc(type), 'type') * m.Cg(pat, 'value') ) end local function expect(p, err) return p + m.T(err) end local parser = m.P { 'Main', ['Sp'] = m.S(' \t')^0, ['Slash'] = m.S('/')^1, ['Main'] = m.Ct(m.V'Sp' * m.P'{' * m.V'Pattern' * (',' * expect(m.V'Pattern', 'Miss exp after ","'))^0 * m.P'}') + m.Ct(m.V'Pattern') + m.T'Main Failed' , ['Pattern'] = m.Ct(m.V'Sp' * prop('neg', m.P'!') * expect(m.V'Unit', 'Miss exp after "!"')) + m.Ct(m.V'Unit') , ['NeedRoot'] = prop('root', (m.P'.' * m.V'Slash' + m.V'Slash')), ['Unit'] = m.V'Sp' * m.V'NeedRoot'^-1 * expect(m.V'Exp', 'Miss exp') * m.V'Sp', ['Exp'] = m.V'Sp' * (m.V'FSymbol' + object('/', m.V'Slash') + m.V'Word')^0 * m.V'Sp', ['Word'] = object('word', m.Ct((m.V'CSymbol' + m.V'Char' - m.V'FSymbol')^1)), ['CSymbol'] = object('*', m.P'*') + object('?', m.P'?') + object('[]', m.V'Range') , ['SimpleChar'] = m.P(1) - m.S',{}[]*?/', ['EscChar'] = m.P'\\' / '' * m.P(1), ['Char'] = object('char', m.Cs((m.V'EscChar' + m.V'SimpleChar')^1)), ['FSymbol'] = object('**', m.P'**'), ['Range'] = m.P'[' * m.Ct(m.V'RangeUnit'^0) * m.P']'^-1, ['RangeUnit'] = m.Ct(- m.P']' * m.C(m.P(1)) * (m.P'-' * - m.P']' * m.C(m.P(1)))^-1), } ---@class gitignore ---@field pattern string[] ---@field options table ---@field errors table[] ---@field matcher table ---@field interface function[] local mt = {} mt.__index = mt mt.__name = 'gitignore' function mt:addPattern(pat) if type(pat) ~= 'string' then return end self.pattern[#self.pattern+1] = pat if self.options.ignoreCase then pat = pat:lower() end local states, err = parser:match(pat) if not states then self.errors[#self.errors+1] = { pattern = pat, message = err } return end for _, state in ipairs(states) do self.matcher[#self.matcher+1] = matcher(state) end end function mt:setOption(op, val) if val == nil then val = true end self.options[op] = val end ---@param key string | "'type'" | "'list'" ---@param func function | "function (path) end" function mt:setInterface(key, func) if type(func) ~= 'function' then return end self.interface[key] = func end function mt:callInterface(name, ...) local func = self.interface[name] return func(...) end function mt:hasInterface(name) return self.interface[name] ~= nil end function mt:checkDirectory(catch, path, matcher) if not self:hasInterface 'type' then return true end if not matcher:isNeedDirectory() then return true end if #catch < #path then -- if path is 'a/b/c' and catch is 'a/b' -- then the catch must be a directory return true else return self:callInterface('type', path) == 'directory' end end function mt:simpleMatch(path) path = self:getRelativePath(path) for i = #self.matcher, 1, -1 do local matcher = self.matcher[i] local catch = matcher(path) if catch and self:checkDirectory(catch, path, matcher) then if matcher:isNegative() then return false else return true end end end return nil end function mt:finishMatch(path) local paths = {} for filename in path:gmatch '[^/\\]+' do paths[#paths+1] = filename end for i = 1, #paths do local newPath = table.concat(paths, '/', 1, i) local passed = self:simpleMatch(newPath) if passed == true then return true elseif passed == false then return false end end return false end function mt:getRelativePath(path) local root = self.options.root or '' if self.options.ignoreCase then path = path:lower() root = root:lower() end path = path:gsub('^[/\\]+', ''):gsub('[/\\]+', '/') root = root:gsub('^[/\\]+', ''):gsub('[/\\]+', '/') if path:sub(1, #root) == root then path = path:sub(#root + 1) path = path:gsub('^[/\\]+', '') end return path end ---@param callback async fun(path: string) ---@async function mt:scan(path, callback) local files = {} if type(callback) ~= 'function' then callback = nil end local list = {} ---@async local function check(current) local fileType = self:callInterface('type', current) if fileType == 'file' then if callback then callback(current) end files[#files+1] = current elseif fileType == 'directory' then local result = self:callInterface('list', current) if type(result) == 'table' then for _, path in ipairs(result) do local filename = path:match '([^/\\]+)[/\\]*$' if filename and filename ~= '.' and filename ~= '..' then list[#list+1] = path end end end end end if not self:simpleMatch(path) then check(path) end while #list > 0 do local current = list[#list] if not current then break end list[#list] = nil if not self:simpleMatch(current) then check(current) end end return files end function mt:__call(path) path = self:getRelativePath(path) return self:finishMatch(path) end return function (pattern, options, interface) local self = setmetatable({ pattern = {}, options = {}, matcher = {}, errors = {}, interface = {}, }, mt) if type(options) == 'table' then for op, val in pairs(options) do self:setOption(op, val) end end if type(pattern) == 'table' then for _, pat in ipairs(pattern) do self:addPattern(pat) end else self:addPattern(pattern) end if type(interface) == 'table' then for key, func in pairs(interface) do self:setInterface(key, func) end end return self end