local platform = require 'bee.platform' local config = require 'config' local glob = require 'glob' local furi = require 'file-uri' local parser = require 'parser' local proto = require 'proto' local lang = require 'language' local await = require 'await' local timer = require 'timer' local plugin = require 'plugin' local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local smerger = require 'string-merger' local progress = require "progress" local client = require 'client' local unicode if platform.OS == 'Windows' then unicode = require 'bee.unicode' end ---@class files local m = {} m.openMap = {} m.libraryMap = {} m.fileMap = {} m.dllMap = {} m.watchList = {} m.notifyCache = {} m.visible = {} m.assocVersion = -1 m.assocMatcher = nil m.globalVersion = 0 m.fileCount = 0 m.astCount = 0 m.astMap = {} -- setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'v' }) --- 打开文件 ---@param uri uri function m.open(uri) m.openMap[uri] = { cache = {}, } m.onWatch('open', uri) end --- 关闭文件 ---@param uri uri function m.close(uri) m.openMap[uri] = nil local file = m.fileMap[uri] if file then file.trusted = false end m.onWatch('close', uri) end --- 是否打开 ---@param uri uri ---@return boolean function m.isOpen(uri) return m.openMap[uri] ~= nil end function m.getOpenedCache(uri) local data = m.openMap[uri] if not data then return nil end return data.cache end --- 标记为库文件 function m.setLibraryPath(uri, libraryPath) m.libraryMap[uri] = libraryPath end --- 是否是库文件 function m.isLibrary(uri) return m.libraryMap[uri] ~= nil end --- 获取库文件的根目录 function m.getLibraryPath(uri) return m.libraryMap[uri] end function m.flushAllLibrary() m.libraryMap = {} end --- 是否存在 ---@return boolean function m.exists(uri) return m.fileMap[uri] ~= nil end local function pluginOnSetText(file, text) file._diffInfo = nil local suc, result = plugin.dispatch('OnSetText', file.uri, text) if not suc then if DEVELOP and result then util.saveFile(LOGPATH .. '/diffed.lua', tostring(result)) end return text end if type(result) == 'string' then return result elseif type(result) == 'table' then local diffs suc, result, diffs = xpcall(smerger.mergeDiff, log.error, text, result) if suc then file._diffInfo = diffs return result else if DEVELOP and result then util.saveFile(LOGPATH .. '/diffed.lua', tostring(result)) end end end return text end --- 设置文件文本 ---@param uri uri ---@param text string function m.setText(uri, text, isTrust, instance) if not text then return end --log.debug('setText', uri) local create if not m.fileMap[uri] then m.fileMap[uri] = { uri = uri, version = 0, } m.fileCount = m.fileCount + 1 create = true m._pairsCache = nil end local file = m.fileMap[uri] if file.trusted and not isTrust then return end if not isTrust and unicode then if config.get 'Lua.runtime.fileEncoding' == 'ansi' then text = unicode.a2u(text) end end if file.originText == text then return end local newText = pluginOnSetText(file, text) file.text = newText file.trusted = isTrust file.originText = text file.words = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil file.cache = {} file.cacheActiveTime = math.huge file.version = file.version + 1 m.globalVersion = m.globalVersion + 1 await.close('files.version') m.onWatch('version') if create then m.onWatch('create', uri) end if DEVELOP then if text ~= newText then util.saveFile(LOGPATH .. '/diffed.lua', newText) end end if instance or TEST then m.onWatch('update', uri) else await.call(function () await.close('update:' .. uri) await.setID('update:' .. uri) await.sleep(0.1) if m.exists(uri) then m.onWatch('update', uri) end end) end end function m.resetText(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] local originText = file.originText file.originText = nil m.setText(uri, originText, file.trusted) end function m.setRawText(uri, text) if not text then return end local file = m.fileMap[uri] file.text = text file.originText = text m.linesMap[uri] = nil m.originLinesMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil end function m.getCachedRows(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.rows end function m.setCachedRows(uri, rows) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return end file.rows = rows end function m.getWords(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return end if file.words then return file.words end local words = {} file.words = words local text = file.text if not text then return end local mark = {} for word in text:gmatch '([%a_][%w_]+)' do if #word >= 3 and not mark[word] then mark[word] = true local head = word:sub(1, 2) if not words[head] then words[head] = {} end words[head][#words[head]+1] = word end end return words end function m.getWordsOfHead(uri, head) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end local words = m.getWords(uri) if not words then return nil end return words[head] end --- 获取文件版本 function m.getVersion(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.version end --- 获取文件文本 ---@param uri uri ---@return string text function m.getText(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.text end --- 获取文件原始文本 ---@param uri uri ---@return string text function m.getOriginText(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.originText end function m.getChildFiles(uri) local results = {} local uris = m.getAllUris() for _, curi in ipairs(uris) do if #curi > #uri and curi:sub(1, #uri) == uri and curi:sub(#uri+1, #uri+1):match '[/\\]' then results[#results+1] = curi end end return results end --- 移除文件 ---@param uri uri function m.remove(uri) local originUri = uri local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return end m.fileMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil m.linesMap[uri] = nil m.originLinesMap[uri] = nil m._pairsCache = nil m.flushFileCache(uri) m.fileCount = m.fileCount - 1 m.globalVersion = m.globalVersion + 1 await.close('files.version') m.onWatch('version') m.onWatch('remove', originUri) end --- 移除所有文件 function m.removeAll() local ws = require 'workspace.workspace' m.globalVersion = m.globalVersion + 1 await.close('files.version') m.onWatch('version') m._pairsCache = nil for uri in pairs(m.fileMap) do if not m.libraryMap[uri] then m.fileCount = m.fileCount - 1 m.fileMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil m.onWatch('remove', uri) end end ws.flushCache() --m.notifyCache = {} end --- 移除所有关闭的文件 function m.removeAllClosed() m.globalVersion = m.globalVersion + 1 await.close('files.version') m.onWatch('version') m._pairsCache = nil for uri in pairs(m.fileMap) do if not m.openMap[uri] and not m.libraryMap[uri] then m.fileCount = m.fileCount - 1 m.fileMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil m.onWatch('remove', uri) end end --m.notifyCache = {} end --- 获取一个包含所有文件uri的数组 ---@return uri[] function m.getAllUris() local files = m._pairsCache local i = 0 if not files then files = {} m._pairsCache = files for uri in pairs(m.fileMap) do i = i + 1 files[i] = uri end table.sort(files) end return m._pairsCache end --- 遍历文件 function m.eachFile() local files = m.getAllUris() local i = 0 return function () i = i + 1 local uri = files[i] while not m.fileMap[uri] do i = i + 1 uri = files[i] if not uri then return nil end end return files[i] end end --- Pairs dll files ---@return function function m.eachDll() local map = {} for uri, file in pairs(m.dllMap) do map[uri] = file end return pairs(map) end function m.compileState(uri, text) local ws = require 'workspace' if not m.isOpen(uri) and not m.isLibrary(uri) and #text >= config.get 'Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize' * 1000 then if not m.notifyCache['preloadFileSize'] then m.notifyCache['preloadFileSize'] = {} m.notifyCache['skipLargeFileCount'] = 0 end if not m.notifyCache['preloadFileSize'][uri] then m.notifyCache['preloadFileSize'][uri] = true m.notifyCache['skipLargeFileCount'] = m.notifyCache['skipLargeFileCount'] + 1 local message = lang.script('WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE' , ws.getRelativePath(uri) , config.get 'Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize' , #text / 1000 ) if m.notifyCache['skipLargeFileCount'] <= 1 then client.showMessage('Info', message) else client.logMessage('Info', message) end end return nil end local prog = progress.create(lang.script.WINDOW_COMPILING, 0.5) prog:setMessage(ws.getRelativePath(uri)) local clock = os.clock() local state, err = parser.compile(text , 'Lua' , config.get 'Lua.runtime.version' , { special = config.get 'Lua.runtime.special', unicodeName = config.get 'Lua.runtime.unicodeName', nonstandardSymbol = config.get 'Lua.runtime.nonstandardSymbol', } ) local passed = os.clock() - clock if passed > 0.1 then log.warn(('Compile [%s] takes [%.3f] sec, size [%.3f] kb.'):format(uri, passed, #text / 1000)) end --await.delay() if state then state.uri = uri state.ast.uri = uri local clock = os.clock() parser.luadoc(state) local passed = os.clock() - clock if passed > 0.1 then log.warn(('Parse LuaDoc of [%s] takes [%.3f] sec, size [%.3f] kb.'):format(uri, passed, #text / 1000)) end m.astCount = m.astCount + 1 local removed setmetatable(state, {__gc = function () if removed then return end removed = true m.astCount = m.astCount - 1 end}) return state else log.error('Compile failed:', uri, err) return nil end end --- 获取文件语法树 ---@param uri uri ---@return table state function m.getState(uri) if uri ~= '' and not m.isLua(uri) then return nil end local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end local ast = m.astMap[uri] if not ast then ast = m.compileState(uri, file.text) m.astMap[uri] = ast --await.delay() end file.cacheActiveTime = timer.clock() return ast end ---设置文件的当前可见范围 ---@param uri uri ---@param ranges range[] function m.setVisibles(uri, ranges) m.visible[uri] = ranges m.onWatch('updateVisible', uri) end ---获取文件的当前可见范围 ---@param uri uri ---@return table[] function m.getVisibles(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end local ranges = m.visible[uri] if not ranges or #ranges == 0 then return nil end local visibles = {} for i, range in ipairs(ranges) do local start, finish = m.unrange(uri, range) visibles[i] = { start = start, finish = finish, } end return visibles end function m.getFile(uri) return m.fileMap[uri] or m.dllMap[uri] end ---@param text string local function isNameChar(text) if text:match '^[\xC2-\xFD][\x80-\xBF]*$' then return true end if text:match '^[%w_]+$' then return true end return false end ---@alias position table --- 获取 position 对应的光标位置 ---@param uri uri ---@param position position ---@param isFinish? boolean ---@return integer function m.offset(uri, position, isFinish) local file = m.getFile(uri) local lines = m.getLines(uri) local text = m.getText(uri) if not file then return 0 end if file._diffInfo then lines = m.getOriginLines(uri) text = m.getOriginText(uri) end local row = position.line + 1 local start, finish, char if row > #lines then start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, #lines) start = start + 1 char = util.utf8Len(text, start, finish) else start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, row) start = start + 1 char = position.character end local utf8Len = util.utf8Len(text, start, finish) local offset if char <= 0 then offset = start else if char >= utf8Len then char = utf8Len end local left = utf8.offset(text, char, start) local right = utf8.offset(text, char + 1, start) if isFinish then offset = left else offset = right end end if file._diffInfo then local start, finish = smerger.getOffset(file._diffInfo, offset) if isFinish then offset = finish else offset = start end end return offset end --- 获取 position 对应的光标位置(根据附近的单词) ---@param uri uri ---@param position position ---@return integer function m.offsetOfWord(uri, position) local file = m.getFile(uri) local lines = m.getLines(uri) local text = m.getText(uri) if not file then return 0 end if file._diffInfo then lines = m.getOriginLines(uri) text = m.getOriginText(uri) end local row = position.line + 1 local start, finish, char if row > #lines then start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, #lines) start = start + 1 char = util.utf8Len(text, start, finish) else start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, row) start = start + 1 char = position.character end local utf8Len = util.utf8Len(text, start, finish) local offset if char <= 0 then offset = start else if char >= utf8Len then char = utf8Len end local left = utf8.offset(text, char, start) local right = utf8.offset(text, char + 1, start) if isNameChar(text:sub(left, right - 1)) and not isNameChar(text:sub(right, right)) then offset = left else offset = right end end if file._diffInfo then offset = smerger.getOffset(file._diffInfo, offset) end return offset end --- 将应用差异前的offset转换为应用差异后的offset ---@param uri uri ---@param offset integer ---@return integer start ---@return integer finish function m.diffedOffset(uri, offset) local file = m.getFile(uri) if not file then return offset, offset end if not file._diffInfo then return offset, offset end return smerger.getOffset(file._diffInfo, offset) end --- 将应用差异后的offset转换为应用差异前的offset ---@param uri uri ---@param offset integer ---@return integer start ---@return integer finish function m.diffedOffsetBack(uri, offset) local file = m.getFile(uri) if not file then return offset, offset end if not file._diffInfo then return offset, offset end return smerger.getOffsetBack(file._diffInfo, offset) end --- 将光标位置转化为 position ---@param uri uri ---@param offset integer ---@param leftOrRight? '"left"'|'"right"' ---@return position function m.position(uri, offset, leftOrRight) local file = m.getFile(uri) local lines = m.getLines(uri) local text = m.getText(uri) if not file then return { line = 0, character = 0, } end if file._diffInfo then local start, finish = smerger.getOffsetBack(file._diffInfo, offset) if leftOrRight == 'right' then offset = finish else offset = start end lines = m.getOriginLines(uri) text = m.getOriginText(uri) end local row, col = guide.rowColOf(offset) local start, finish = guide.lineRange(lines, row, true) start = start + 1 if col <= finish - start + 1 then local ucol = util.utf8Len(text, start, start + col - 1) if row < 1 then row = 1 end if leftOrRight == 'left' and ucol > 0 then ucol = ucol - 1 end return { line = row - 1, character = ucol, } else return { line = row - 1, character = util.utf8Len(text, start, finish), } end end --- 将起点与终点位置转化为 range ---@alias range table ---@param uri uri ---@param offset1 integer ---@param offset2 integer function m.range(uri, offset1, offset2) local range = { start = m.position(uri, offset1, 'left'), ['end'] = m.position(uri, offset2, 'right'), } return range end --- convert `range` to `offsetStart` and `offsetFinish` ---@param uri table ---@param range table ---@return integer start ---@return integer finish function m.unrange(uri, range) local start = m.offset(uri, range.start, true) local finish = m.offset(uri, range['end'], false) return start, finish end --- 获取文件的自定义缓存信息(在文件内容更新后自动失效) function m.getCache(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return nil end --file.cacheActiveTime = timer.clock() return file.cache end --- 获取文件关联 function m.getAssoc() if m.assocVersion == config.get 'version' then return m.assocMatcher end m.assocVersion = config.get 'version' local patt = {} for k, v in pairs(config.get 'files.associations') do if v == 'lua' then patt[#patt+1] = k end end m.assocMatcher = glob.glob(patt) return m.assocMatcher end --- 判断是否是Lua文件 ---@param uri uri ---@return boolean function m.isLua(uri) local ext = uri:match '%.([^%.%/%\\]+)$' if not ext then return false end if ext == 'lua' then return true end local matcher = m.getAssoc() local path = furi.decode(uri) return matcher(path) end --- Does the uri look like a `Dynamic link library` ? ---@param uri uri ---@return boolean function m.isDll(uri) local ext = uri:match '%.([^%.%/%\\]+)$' if not ext then return false end if platform.OS == 'Windows' then if ext == 'dll' then return true end else if ext == 'so' then return true end end return false end --- Save dll, makes opens and words, discard content ---@param uri uri ---@param content string function m.saveDll(uri, content) if not content then return end local file = { uri = uri, opens = {}, words = {}, } for word in content:gmatch 'luaopen_([%w_]+)' do file.opens[#file.opens+1] = word:gsub('_', '.') end if #file.opens == 0 then return end local mark = {} for word in content:gmatch '(%a[%w_]+)\0' do if word:sub(1, 3) ~= 'lua' then if not mark[word] then mark[word] = true file.words[#file.words+1] = word end end end m.dllMap[uri] = file m.onWatch('dll', uri) end --- ---@param uri uri ---@return string[]|nil function m.getDllOpens(uri) local file = m.dllMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.opens end --- ---@param uri uri ---@return string[]|nil function m.getDllWords(uri) local file = m.dllMap[uri] if not file then return nil end return file.words end --- 注册事件 function m.watch(callback) m.watchList[#m.watchList+1] = callback end function m.onWatch(ev, ...) for _, callback in ipairs(m.watchList) do callback(ev, ...) end end function m.flushCache() for uri, file in pairs(m.fileMap) do file.cacheActiveTime = math.huge m.linesMap[uri] = nil m.originLinesMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil file.cache = {} end end function m.flushFileCache(uri) local file = m.fileMap[uri] if not file then return end file.cacheActiveTime = math.huge m.linesMap[uri] = nil m.originLinesMap[uri] = nil m.astMap[uri] = nil file.cache = {} end function m.init() --TODO 可以清空文件缓存,之后看要不要启用吧 --timer.loop(10, function () -- local list = {} -- for _, file in pairs(m.fileMap) do -- if timer.clock() - file.cacheActiveTime > 10.0 then -- file.cacheActiveTime = math.huge -- file.ast = nil -- file.cache = {} -- list[#list+1] = file.uri -- end -- end -- if #list > 0 then -- log.info('Flush file caches:', #list, '\n', table.concat(list, '\n')) -- collectgarbage() -- end --end) end return m