local platform = require 'bee.platform' ---@alias uri string local escPatt = '[^%w%-%.%_%~%/]' local function esc(c) return ('%%%02X'):format(c:byte()) end local function normalize(str) return str:gsub('%%(%x%x)', function (n) return string.char(tonumber(n, 16)) end) end local m = {} -- c:\my\files --> file:///c%3A/my/files -- /usr/home --> file:///usr/home -- \\server\share\some\path --> file://server/share/some/path --- path -> uri ---@param path string ---@return uri uri function m.encode(path) local authority = '' if platform.OS == 'Windows' then path = path:gsub('\\', '/') end if path:sub(1, 2) == '//' then local idx = path:find('/', 3) if idx then authority = path:sub(3, idx) path = path:sub(idx + 1) if path == '' then path = '/' end else authority = path:sub(3) path = '/' end end if path:sub(1, 1) ~= '/' then path = '/' .. path end --lower-case windows drive letters in /C:/fff or C:/fff local start, finish, drive = path:find '/(%u):' if drive then path = path:sub(1, start) .. drive:lower() .. path:sub(finish, -1) end local uri = 'file://' .. authority:gsub(escPatt, esc) .. path:gsub(escPatt, esc) return uri end -- file:///c%3A/my/files --> c:\my\files -- file:///usr/home --> /usr/home -- file://server/share/some/path --> \\server\share\some\path --- uri -> path ---@param uri uri ---@return string path function m.decode(uri) local scheme, authority, path = uri:match('([^:]*):?/?/?([^/]*)(.*)') if not scheme then return '' end scheme = normalize(scheme) authority = normalize(authority) path = normalize(path) local value if scheme == 'file' and #authority > 0 and #path > 1 then value = '//' .. authority .. path elseif path:match '/%a:' then value = path:sub(2, 2):upper() .. path:sub(3) else value = path end if platform.OS == 'Windows' then value = value:gsub('/', '\\') end return value end function m.split(uri) return uri:match('([^:]*):/?/?([^/]*)(.*)') end return m