local files = require 'files' local vm = require 'vm' local proto = require 'proto' local define = require 'proto.define' local util = require 'utility' local findSource = require 'core.find-source' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local noder = require 'core.noder' local Forcing local function askForcing(str) -- TODO 总是可以替换 do return true end if TEST then return true end if Forcing ~= nil then return Forcing end local version = files.globalVersion -- TODO local item = proto.awaitRequest('window/showMessageRequest', { type = define.MessageType.Warning, message = ('[%s]不是有效的标识符,是否强制替换?'):format(str), actions = { { title = '强制替换', }, { title = '取消', }, } }) if version ~= files.globalVersion then Forcing = false proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = define.MessageType.Warning, message = '文件发生了变化,替换取消。' }) return false end if not item then Forcing = false return false end if item.title == '强制替换' then Forcing = true return true else Forcing = false return false end end local function askForMultiChange(results, newname) -- TODO 总是可以替换 do return true end if TEST then return true end local uris = {} for _, result in ipairs(results) do local uri = result.uri if not uris[uri] then uris[uri] = 0 uris[#uris+1] = uri end uris[uri] = uris[uri] + 1 end if #uris <= 1 then return true end local version = files.globalVersion -- TODO local item = proto.awaitRequest('window/showMessageRequest', { type = define.MessageType.Warning, message = ('将修改 %d 个文件,共 %d 处。'):format( #uris, #results ), actions = { { title = '继续', }, { title = '放弃', }, } }) if version ~= files.globalVersion then proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = define.MessageType.Warning, message = '文件发生了变化,替换取消。' }) return false end if item and item.title == '继续' then local fileList = {} for _, uri in ipairs(uris) do fileList[#fileList+1] = ('%s (%d)'):format(uri, uris[uri]) end log.debug(('Renamed [%s]\r\n%s'):format(newname, table.concat(fileList, '\r\n'))) return true end return false end local function trim(str) return str:match '^%s*(%S+)%s*$' end local function isValidName(str) if not str then return false end return str:match '^[%a_][%w_]*$' end local function isValidGlobal(str) if not str then return false end for s in str:gmatch '[^%.]*' do if not isValidName(trim(s)) then return false end end return true end local function isValidFunctionName(str) if isValidGlobal(str) then return true end local pos = str:find(':', 1, true) if not pos then return false end return isValidGlobal(trim(str:sub(1, pos-1))) and isValidName(trim(str:sub(pos+1))) end local function isFunctionGlobalName(source) local parent = source.parent if parent.type ~= 'setglobal' then return false end local value = parent.value if not value.type ~= 'function' then return false end return value.start <= parent.start end local function renameLocal(source, newname, callback) if isValidName(newname) then callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) return end if askForcing(newname) then callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) end end local function renameField(source, newname, callback) if isValidName(newname) then callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) return true end local parent = source.parent if parent.type == 'setfield' or parent.type == 'getfield' then local dot = parent.dot local newstr = '[' .. util.viewString(newname) .. ']' callback(source, dot.start, source.finish, newstr) elseif parent.type == 'tablefield' then local newstr = '[' .. util.viewString(newname) .. ']' callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newstr) elseif parent.type == 'getmethod' then if not askForcing(newname) then return false end callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) elseif parent.type == 'setmethod' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) local text = files.getText(uri) local func = parent.value -- function mt:name () end --> mt['newname'] = function (self) end local newstr = string.format('%s[%s] = function ' , text:sub(parent.start, parent.node.finish) , util.viewString(newname) ) callback(source, func.start, parent.finish, newstr) local pl = text:find('(', parent.finish, true) if pl then if text:find('^%s*%)', pl + 1) then callback(source, pl + 1, pl, 'self') else callback(source, pl + 1, pl, 'self, ') end end end return true end local function renameGlobal(source, newname, callback) if isValidGlobal(newname) then callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) return true end if isValidFunctionName(newname) then if not isFunctionGlobalName(source) then askForcing(newname) end callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) return true end local newstr = '_ENV[' .. util.viewString(newname) .. ']' -- function name () end --> _ENV['newname'] = function () end if source.value and source.value.type == 'function' and source.value.start < source.start then callback(source, source.value.start, source.finish, newstr .. ' = function ') return true end callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newstr) return true end local function ofLocal(source, newname, callback) renameLocal(source, newname, callback) if source.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do renameLocal(ref, newname, callback) end end if source.parent.type == 'funcargs' and source.bindDocs then for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.param' and doc.param[1] == source[1] then callback(doc.param, doc.param.start, doc.param.finish, newname) end end end end local function ofFieldThen(key, src, newname, callback) if vm.getKeyName(src) ~= key then return end if src.type == 'tablefield' or src.type == 'getfield' or src.type == 'setfield' then src = src.field elseif src.type == 'tableindex' or src.type == 'getindex' or src.type == 'setindex' then src = src.index elseif src.type == 'getmethod' or src.type == 'setmethod' then src = src.method end if src.type == 'string' then local quo = src[2] local text = util.viewString(newname, quo) callback(src, src.start, src.finish, text) return elseif src.type == 'field' or src.type == 'method' then local suc = renameField(src, newname, callback) if not suc then return end elseif src.type == 'setglobal' or src.type == 'getglobal' then local suc = renameGlobal(src, newname, callback) if not suc then return end end end local function ofField(source, newname, callback) local key = guide.getKeyName(source) local node if source.type == 'tablefield' or source.type == 'tableindex' then node = source.parent else node = source.node end for _, src in ipairs(vm.getRefs(node, '*')) do ofFieldThen(key, src, newname, callback) end end local function ofGlobal(source, newname, callback) local key = guide.getKeyName(source) for _, src in ipairs(vm.getRefs(source)) do ofFieldThen(key, src, newname, callback) end end local function ofLabel(source, newname, callback) if not isValidName(newname) and not askForcing(newname)then return false end for _, src in ipairs(vm.getRefs(source)) do callback(src, src.start, src.finish, newname) end end local function ofDocTypeName(source, newname, callback) local oldname = source[1] for _, doc in ipairs(vm.getRefs(source)) do if doc.type == 'doc.class.name' or doc.type == 'doc.type.name' or doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then if oldname == doc[1] then callback(doc, doc.start, doc.finish, newname) end end end end local function ofDocParamName(source, newname, callback) callback(source, source.start, source.finish, newname) local doc = noder.getDocState(source) if doc.bindSources then for _, src in ipairs(doc.bindSources) do if src.type == 'local' and src.parent.type == 'funcargs' and src[1] == source[1] then renameLocal(src, newname, callback) if src.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(src.ref) do renameLocal(ref, newname, callback) end end end end end end local function rename(source, newname, callback) if source.type == 'label' or source.type == 'goto' then return ofLabel(source, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'local' then return ofLocal(source, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'setlocal' or source.type == 'getlocal' then return ofLocal(source.node, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' or source.type == 'index' then return ofField(source.parent, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'setglobal' or source.type == 'getglobal' then return ofGlobal(source, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.type.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' then return ofDocTypeName(source, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'doc.param.name' then return ofDocParamName(source, newname, callback) elseif source.type == 'string' or source.type == 'number' or source.type == 'boolean' then local parent = source.parent if not parent then return end if parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'getindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then return ofField(parent, newname, callback) end end return end local function prepareRename(source) if source.type == 'label' or source.type == 'goto' or source.type == 'local' or source.type == 'setlocal' or source.type == 'getlocal' or source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' or source.type == 'tablefield' or source.type == 'setglobal' or source.type == 'getglobal' or source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.type.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' or source.type == 'doc.param.name' then return source, source[1] elseif source.type == 'string' or source.type == 'number' or source.type == 'boolean' then local parent = source.parent if not parent then return nil end if parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'getindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then return source, source[1] end return nil end return nil end local accept = { ['label'] = true, ['goto'] = true, ['local'] = true, ['setlocal'] = true, ['getlocal'] = true, ['field'] = true, ['method'] = true, ['tablefield'] = true, ['setglobal'] = true, ['getglobal'] = true, ['string'] = true, ['boolean'] = true, ['number'] = true, ['doc.class.name'] = true, ['doc.type.name'] = true, ['doc.alias.name'] = true, ['doc.param.name'] = true, } local m = {} function m.rename(uri, pos, newname) if not newname then return nil end local ast = files.getAst(uri) if not ast then return nil end local source = findSource(ast, pos, accept) if not source then return nil end local results = {} local mark = {} rename(source, newname, function (target, start, finish, text) local turi = files.getOriginUri(guide.getUri(target)) if not turi then return end local uid = turi .. start if mark[uid] then return end mark[uid] = true if files.isLibrary(turi) then return end results[#results+1] = { start = start, finish = finish, text = text, uri = turi, } end) if Forcing == false then Forcing = nil return nil end if #results == 0 then return nil end if not askForMultiChange(results, newname) then return nil end return results end function m.prepareRename(uri, pos) local ast = files.getAst(uri) if not ast then return nil end local source = findSource(ast, pos, accept) if not source then return end local res, text = prepareRename(source) if not res then return nil end return { start = source.start, finish = source.finish, text = text, } end return m