local util = require 'utility' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local collector = require 'core.collector' local files = require 'files' local SPLIT_CHAR = '\x1F' local LAST_REGEX = SPLIT_CHAR .. '[^' .. SPLIT_CHAR .. ']*$' local FIRST_REGEX = '^[^' .. SPLIT_CHAR .. ']*' local HEAD_REGEX = '^' .. SPLIT_CHAR .. '?[^' .. SPLIT_CHAR .. ']*' local ANY_FIELD_CHAR = '*' local INDEX_CHAR = '[' local RETURN_INDEX = SPLIT_CHAR .. '#' local PARAM_INDEX = SPLIT_CHAR .. '&' local TABLE_KEY = SPLIT_CHAR .. '<' local WEAK_TABLE_KEY = SPLIT_CHAR .. '<<' local INDEX_FIELD = SPLIT_CHAR .. INDEX_CHAR local ANY_FIELD = SPLIT_CHAR .. ANY_FIELD_CHAR local WEAK_ANY_FIELD = SPLIT_CHAR .. ANY_FIELD_CHAR .. ANY_FIELD_CHAR local URI_CHAR = '@' local URI_REGEX = URI_CHAR .. '([^' .. URI_CHAR .. ']*)' .. URI_CHAR .. '(.*)' ---@class node -- 当前节点的id ---@field id string -- 使用该ID的单元 ---@field source parser.guide.object -- 使用该ID的单元 ---@field sources parser.guide.object[] -- 前进的关联ID ---@field forward string -- 第一个前进关联的tag ---@field finfo? node.info -- 前进的关联ID ---@field forwards string[] -- 后退的关联ID ---@field backward string -- 第一个后退关联的tag ---@field binfo? node.info -- 后退的关联ID ---@field backwards string[] -- 函数调用参数信息(用于泛型) ---@field call parser.guide.object ---@field skip boolean ---@alias noders table ---@alias node.filter fun(id: string, field?: string):boolean ---@class node.info ---@field reject? string ---@field deep? boolean ---@field filter? node.filter ---@field filterValid? node.filter ---@field dontCross? boolean ---创建source的链接信息 ---@param noders noders ---@param id string ---@return node local function getNode(noders, id) if not noders[id] then noders[id] = { id = id, } end return noders[id] end ---如果对象是 arg self, 则认为 id 是 method 的 node ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return nil local function getMethodNode(source) if source.type ~= 'local' or source[1] ~= 'self' then return nil end if source._mnode ~= nil then return source._mnode or nil end source._mnode = false local func = guide.getParentFunction(source) if func.isGeneric then return end if source.parent.type ~= 'funcargs' then return end local setmethod = func.parent if setmethod and ( setmethod.type == 'setmethod' or setmethod.type == 'setfield' or setmethod.type == 'setindex') then source._mnode = setmethod.node return setmethod.node end end ---获取语法树单元的key ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return string? key ---@return parser.guide.object? node local function getKey(source) if source.type == 'local' then if source.parent.type == 'funcargs' then return 'p:' .. source.start, nil end return 'l:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'setlocal' or source.type == 'getlocal' then return getKey(source.node) elseif source.type == 'setglobal' or source.type == 'getglobal' then local node = source.node if node.tag == '_ENV' then return ('%q'):format(source[1] or ''), nil else return ('%q'):format(source[1] or ''), node end elseif source.type == 'getfield' or source.type == 'setfield' then return ('%q'):format(source.field and source.field[1] or ''), source.node elseif source.type == 'tablefield' then return ('%q'):format(source.field and source.field[1] or ''), source.parent elseif source.type == 'getmethod' or source.type == 'setmethod' then return ('%q'):format(source.method and source.method[1] or ''), source.node elseif source.type == 'setindex' or source.type == 'getindex' then local index = source.index if not index then return INDEX_CHAR, source.node end if index.type == 'string' or index.type == 'boolean' or index.type == 'integer' or index.type == 'number' then return ('%q'):format(index[1] or ''), source.node else return INDEX_CHAR, source.node end elseif source.type == 'tableindex' then local index = source.index if not index then return ANY_FIELD_CHAR, source.parent end if index.type == 'string' or index.type == 'boolean' or index.type == 'integer' or index.type == 'number' then return ('%q'):format(index[1] or ''), source.parent elseif index.type ~= 'function' and index.type ~= 'table' then return ANY_FIELD_CHAR, source.parent end elseif source.type == 'tableexp' then return tostring(source.tindex), source.parent elseif source.type == 'table' then return 't:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'label' then return 'l:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'goto' then if source.node then return 'l:' .. source.node.start, nil end return nil, nil elseif source.type == 'function' then return 'f:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'string' then return 'str:', nil elseif source.type == 'integer' then return 'int:' elseif source.type == 'number' then return 'num:' elseif source.type == 'boolean' then return 'bool:' elseif source.type == 'nil' then return 'nil:', nil elseif source.type == '...' then return 'va:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'varargs' then if source.node then return 'va:' .. source.node.start, nil end elseif source.type == 'select' then return ('s:%d%s%d'):format(source.start, RETURN_INDEX, source.sindex) elseif source.type == 'call' then local node = source.node if node.special == 'rawget' or node.special == 'rawset' then if not source.args then return nil, nil end local tbl, key = source.args[1], source.args[2] if not tbl or not key then return nil, nil end if key.type == 'string' then return ('%q'):format(key[1] or ''), tbl else return '', tbl end end return 'c:' .. source.finish, nil elseif source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' or source.type == 'doc.extends.name' then local name = source[1] return 'dn:' .. name, nil elseif source.type == 'doc.type.name' then local name = source[1] if source.typeGeneric then return 'dg:' .. source.typeGeneric[name][1].start, nil else return 'dn:' .. name, nil end elseif source.type == 'doc.see.name' then local name = source[1] return 'dsn:' .. name, nil elseif source.type == 'doc.class' then return 'dc:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type' then return 'dt:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.param' then return 'dp:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.vararg' then return 'dv:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.field.name' then return 'dfn:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type.enum' or source.type == 'doc.resume' then return 'de:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type.table' then return 'dtable:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type.ltable' then return 'dltable:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type.field' then return 'dfield:' .. source.start elseif source.type == 'doc.type.array' then return 'darray:' .. source.finish elseif source.type == 'doc.type.function' then return 'dfun:' .. source.start, nil elseif source.type == 'doc.see.field' then return ('%q'):format(source[1]), source.parent.name elseif source.type == 'generic.closure' then return 'gc:' .. source.call.start, nil elseif source.type == 'generic.value' then local tail = '' if guide.getUri(source.closure.call) ~= guide.getUri(source.proto) then tail = URI_CHAR .. guide.getUri(source.closure.call) end return ('gv:%s|%s%s'):format( source.closure.call.start, getKey(source.proto), tail ) end return nil, nil end local function getNodeKey(source) if source.type == 'getlocal' or source.type == 'setlocal' then source = source.node end local methodNode = getMethodNode(source) if methodNode then return getNodeKey(methodNode) end local key, node = getKey(source) if guide.isGlobal(source) then return 'g:' .. key, nil end return key, node end local IDList = {} ---获取语法树单元的字符串ID ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return string? id local function getID(source) if not source then return nil end if source._id ~= nil then return source._id or nil end if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' then source._id = false return nil end local current = source local index = 0 while true do if current.type == 'paren' then current = current.exp if not current then return nil end goto CONTINUE end local id, node = getNodeKey(current) if not id then break end index = index + 1 IDList[index] = id if not node then break end current = node ::CONTINUE:: end if index == 0 then source._id = false return nil end for i = index + 1, #IDList do IDList[i] = nil end util.revertTable(IDList) local id = table.concat(IDList, SPLIT_CHAR) source._id = id return id end ---添加关联的前进ID ---@param noders noders ---@param id string ---@param forwardID string ---@param info? node.info local function pushForward(noders, id, forwardID, info) if not id or not forwardID or forwardID == '' or id == forwardID then return end local node = getNode(noders, id) if not node.forward then node.forward = forwardID node.finfo = info return end if node.forward == forwardID then return end if not node.forwards then node.forwards = {} end if node.forwards[forwardID] ~= nil then return end node.forwards[forwardID] = info or false node.forwards[#node.forwards+1] = forwardID end ---添加关联的后退ID ---@param noders noders ---@param id string ---@param backwardID string ---@param info? node.info local function pushBackward(noders, id, backwardID, info) if not id or not backwardID or backwardID == '' or id == backwardID then return end local node = getNode(noders, id) if not node.backward then node.backward = backwardID node.binfo = info return end if node.backward == backwardID then return end if not node.backwards then node.backwards = {} end if node.backwards[backwardID] ~= nil then return end node.backwards[backwardID] = info or false node.backwards[#node.backwards+1] = backwardID end ---@class noder local m = {} m.SPLIT_CHAR = SPLIT_CHAR m.RETURN_INDEX = RETURN_INDEX m.PARAM_INDEX = PARAM_INDEX m.TABLE_KEY = TABLE_KEY m.ANY_FIELD = ANY_FIELD m.URI_CHAR = URI_CHAR m.INDEX_FIELD = INDEX_FIELD m.WEAK_TABLE_KEY = WEAK_TABLE_KEY m.WEAK_ANY_FIELD = WEAK_ANY_FIELD --- 寻找doc的主体 ---@param obj parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object local function getDocStateWithoutCrossFunction(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return obj end if parent.type == 'doc' then return obj end if parent.type == 'doc.type.function' then return nil end obj = parent end error('guide.getDocState overstack') end ---添加关联单元 ---@param noders noders ---@param source parser.guide.object function m.pushSource(noders, source, id) id = id or m.getID(source) if not id then return end if id == 'str:' or id == 'nil:' or id == 'num:' or id == 'int:' or id == 'bool:' then return end local node = getNode(noders, id) if not node.source then node.source = source return end if not node.sources then node.sources = {} end node.sources[#node.sources+1] = source end local DUMMY_FUNCTION = function () end ---遍历关联单元 ---@param node node ---@return fun():parser.guide.object function m.eachSource(node) if not node.source then return DUMMY_FUNCTION end local index local sources = node.sources return function () if not index then index = 0 return node.source end if not sources then return nil end index = index + 1 return sources[index] end end ---遍历forward ---@param node node ---@return fun():string, string function m.eachForward(node) if not node.forward then return DUMMY_FUNCTION end local index local forwards = node.forwards return function () if not index then index = 0 return node.forward, node.finfo end if not forwards then return nil end index = index + 1 local id = forwards[index] local tag = forwards[id] return id, tag end end ---遍历backward ---@param node node ---@return fun():string, node.info function m.eachBackward(node) if not node.backward then return DUMMY_FUNCTION end local index local backwards = node.backwards return function () if not index then index = 0 return node.backward, node.binfo end if not backwards then return nil end index = index + 1 local id = backwards[index] local tag = backwards[id] return id, tag end end local function bindValue(noders, source, id) local value = source.value if not value then return end local valueID = getID(value) if not valueID then return end if source.type == 'getlocal' or source.type == 'setlocal' then source = source.node end if source.bindDocs and value.type ~= 'table' then for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.class' or doc.type == 'doc.type' then return end end end -- x = y : x -> y pushForward(noders, id, valueID, { reject = 'set', }) -- 参数/call禁止反向查找赋值 local valueType = valueID:match '^(.-:).' if not valueType then return end if valueType ~= 'p:' and valueType ~= 's:' and valueType ~= 'c:' then pushBackward(noders, valueID, id, { reject = 'set', }) else pushBackward(noders, valueID, id, { reject = 'set', deep = true, }) end end local function compileCallParam(noders, call, sourceID) if not sourceID then return end if not call.args then return end local node = call.node local fixIndex = 0 if call.node.special == 'pcall' then fixIndex = 1 node = call.args[1] elseif call.node.special == 'xpcall' then fixIndex = 2 node = call.args[1] end local nodeID = getID(node) if not nodeID then return end for firstIndex, callArg in ipairs(call.args) do firstIndex = firstIndex - fixIndex if firstIndex > 0 and callArg.type == 'function' then if callArg.args then for secondIndex, funcParam in ipairs(callArg.args) do local paramID = ('%s%s%s%s%s'):format( nodeID, PARAM_INDEX, firstIndex, PARAM_INDEX, secondIndex ) pushForward(noders, getID(funcParam), paramID) end end end end end local function compileCallReturn(noders, call, sourceID, returnIndex) if not sourceID then return end local node = call.node local nodeID = getID(node) if not nodeID then return end local callID = getID(call) if not callID then return end -- 将setmetatable映射到 param1 以及 param2.__index 上 if node.special == 'setmetatable' then local tblID = getID(call.args and call.args[1]) local metaID = getID(call.args and call.args[2]) local indexID if metaID then indexID = ('%s%s%q'):format( metaID, SPLIT_CHAR, '__index' ) end pushForward(noders, sourceID, tblID) pushForward(noders, sourceID, indexID, { filter = function (id, field) if field then return true end return id:sub(1, 2) ~= 'f:' end, filterValid = function (id, field) return not field end }) pushBackward(noders, tblID, sourceID) --pushBackward(noders, indexID, callID) return end if node.special == 'require' then local arg1 = call.args and call.args[1] if arg1 and arg1.type == 'string' then getNode(noders, sourceID).require = arg1[1] end pushBackward(noders, callID, sourceID, { deep = true, }) return end if node.special == 'pcall' or node.special == 'xpcall' then local index = returnIndex - 1 if index <= 0 then return end local funcID = call.args and getID(call.args[1]) if not funcID then return end local pfuncXID = ('%s%s%s'):format( funcID, RETURN_INDEX, index ) pushForward(noders, sourceID, pfuncXID) pushBackward(noders, pfuncXID, sourceID, { deep = true, }) return end local funcXID = ('%s%s%s'):format( nodeID, RETURN_INDEX, returnIndex ) getNode(noders, sourceID).call = call pushForward(noders, sourceID, funcXID) pushBackward(noders, funcXID, sourceID, { deep = true, }) end function m.compileDocValue(noders, tp, id, source) if tp == 'doc.type' then if source.bindSources then for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do pushForward(noders, getID(src), id) pushForward(noders, id, getID(src)) end end for _, enumUnit in ipairs(source.enums) do pushForward(noders, id, getID(enumUnit)) end for _, resumeUnit in ipairs(source.resumes) do pushForward(noders, id, getID(resumeUnit)) end for _, typeUnit in ipairs(source.types) do local unitID = getID(typeUnit) pushForward(noders, id, unitID) if source.bindSources then for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do pushBackward(noders, unitID, getID(src)) end end end end if tp == 'doc.type.table' then if source.tkey then local keyID = ('%s%s'):format( id, TABLE_KEY ) pushForward(noders, keyID, getID(source.tkey)) end if source.tvalue then local valueID = ('%s%s'):format( id, ANY_FIELD ) pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(source.tvalue)) end end if tp == 'doc.type.ltable' then local firstField = source.fields[1] if not firstField then return end local keyID = ('%s%s'):format( id, WEAK_TABLE_KEY ) local valueID = ('%s%s'):format( id, WEAK_ANY_FIELD ) pushForward(noders, keyID, 'dn:string') pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(firstField.extends)) for _, field in ipairs(source.fields) do local extendsID = ('%s%s%q'):format( id, SPLIT_CHAR, field.name[1] ) pushForward(noders, extendsID, getID(field)) pushForward(noders, extendsID, getID(field.extends)) end end if tp == 'doc.type.array' then if source.node then local nodeID = ('%s%s'):format( id, ANY_FIELD ) pushForward(noders, nodeID, getID(source.node)) end local keyID = ('%s%s'):format( id, TABLE_KEY ) pushForward(noders, keyID, 'dn:integer') end end ---@param noders noders ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return parser.guide.object[] function m.compileNode(noders, source) local id = getID(source) bindValue(noders, source, id) if source.special == 'setmetatable' or source.special == 'require' or source.special == 'dofile' or source.special == 'loadfile' or source.special == 'rawset' or source.special == 'rawget' then local node = getNode(noders, id) node.skip = true end if source.type == 'string' then pushForward(noders, id, 'str:') end if source.type == 'boolean' then pushForward(noders, id, 'dn:boolean') end if source.type == 'number' then pushForward(noders, id, 'dn:number') end if source.type == 'integer' then pushForward(noders, id, 'dn:integer') end if source.type == 'nil' then pushForward(noders, id, 'dn:nil') end -- self -> mt:xx if source.type == 'local' and source[1] == 'self' then local func = guide.getParentFunction(source) if func.isGeneric then return end if source.parent.type ~= 'funcargs' then return end local setmethod = func.parent -- guess `self` if setmethod and ( setmethod.type == 'setmethod' or setmethod.type == 'setfield' or setmethod.type == 'setindex') then pushForward(noders, id, getID(setmethod.node)) pushBackward(noders, getID(setmethod.node), id, { deep = true, }) end end -- 分解 @type --if source.type == 'doc.type' then -- if source.bindSources then -- for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do -- pushForward(noders, getID(src), id) -- pushForward(noders, id, getID(src)) -- end -- end -- for _, enumUnit in ipairs(source.enums) do -- pushForward(noders, id, getID(enumUnit)) -- end -- for _, resumeUnit in ipairs(source.resumes) do -- pushForward(noders, id, getID(resumeUnit)) -- end -- for _, typeUnit in ipairs(source.types) do -- local unitID = getID(typeUnit) -- pushForward(noders, id, unitID) -- if source.bindSources then -- for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do -- pushBackward(noders, unitID, getID(src)) -- end -- end -- end --end -- 分解 @alias if source.type == 'doc.alias' then pushForward(noders, getID(source.alias), getID(source.extends)) end -- 分解 @class if source.type == 'doc.class' then pushForward(noders, id, getID(source.class)) pushForward(noders, getID(source.class), id) if source.extends then for _, ext in ipairs(source.extends) do pushBackward(noders, id, getID(ext)) end end if source.bindSources then for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do pushForward(noders, getID(src), id) pushForward(noders, id, getID(src)) end end for _, field in ipairs(source.fields) do local key = field.field[1] if key then local keyID = ('%s%s%q'):format( id, SPLIT_CHAR, key ) pushForward(noders, keyID, getID(field.field)) pushForward(noders, getID(field.field), keyID) pushForward(noders, keyID, getID(field.extends)) pushBackward(noders, getID(field.extends), keyID) end end end if source.type == 'doc.param' then pushForward(noders, id, getID(source.extends)) for _, src in ipairs(source.bindSources) do if src.type == 'local' and src.parent.type == 'in' then pushForward(noders, getID(src), id) end end end if source.type == 'doc.vararg' then pushForward(noders, getID(source), getID(source.vararg)) end if source.type == 'doc.see' then local nameID = getID(source.name) local classID = nameID:gsub('^dsn:', 'dn:') pushForward(noders, nameID, classID) if source.field then local fieldID = getID(source.field) local fieldClassID = fieldID:gsub('^dsn:', 'dn:') pushForward(noders, fieldID, fieldClassID) end end m.compileDocValue(noders, source.type, id, source) if source.type == 'call' then if source.parent.type ~= 'select' then compileCallReturn(noders, source, id, 1) end compileCallParam(noders, source, id) end if source.type == 'select' then if source.vararg.type == 'call' then local call = source.vararg compileCallReturn(noders, call, id, source.sindex) end if source.vararg.type == 'varargs' then pushForward(noders, id, getID(source.vararg)) end end if source.type == 'doc.type.function' then if source.returns then for index, rtn in ipairs(source.returns) do local returnID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, RETURN_INDEX, index ) pushForward(noders, returnID, getID(rtn)) end for index, param in ipairs(source.args) do local paramID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, PARAM_INDEX, index ) pushForward(noders, paramID, getID(param.extends)) end end -- @type fun(x: T):T 的情况 local docType = getDocStateWithoutCrossFunction(source) if docType and docType.type == 'doc.type' then guide.eachSourceType(source, 'doc.type.name', function (typeName) if typeName.typeGeneric then source.isGeneric = true return false end end) end end if source.type == 'doc.type.name' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) collector.subscribe(uri, id, getNode(noders, id)) end if source.type == 'doc.class.name' or source.type == 'doc.alias.name' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) collector.subscribe(uri, id, getNode(noders, id)) local defID = 'def:' .. id collector.subscribe(uri, defID, getNode(noders, defID)) m.pushSource(noders, source, defID) local defAnyID = 'def:dn:' collector.subscribe(uri, defAnyID, getNode(noders, defAnyID)) m.pushSource(noders, source, defAnyID) end if id and id:sub(1, 2) == 'g:' then local uri = guide.getUri(source) collector.subscribe(uri, id, getNode(noders, id)) if guide.isSet(source) then local defID = 'def:' .. id collector.subscribe(uri, defID, getNode(noders, defID)) m.pushSource(noders, source, defID) if guide.isGlobal(source) then local defAnyID = 'def:g:' collector.subscribe(uri, defAnyID, getNode(noders, defAnyID)) m.pushSource(noders, source, defAnyID) end end end -- 将函数的返回值映射到具体的返回值上 if source.type == 'function' then local hasDocReturn = {} -- 检查 luadoc if source.bindDocs then for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.return' then for _, rtn in ipairs(doc.returns) do local fullID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, RETURN_INDEX, rtn.returnIndex ) pushForward(noders, fullID, getID(rtn)) for _, typeUnit in ipairs(rtn.types) do pushBackward(noders, getID(typeUnit), fullID, { deep = true, dontCross = true, }) end hasDocReturn[rtn.returnIndex] = true end end if doc.type == 'doc.param' then local paramName = doc.param[1] if source.docParamMap then local paramIndex = source.docParamMap[paramName] local param = source.args[paramIndex] if param then pushForward(noders, getID(param), getID(doc)) param.docParam = doc local paramID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, PARAM_INDEX, paramIndex ) pushForward(noders, paramID, getID(doc.extends)) end end end if doc.type == 'doc.vararg' then if source.args then for _, param in ipairs(source.args) do if param.type == '...' then pushForward(noders, getID(param), getID(doc)) end end end end if doc.type == 'doc.generic' then source.isGeneric = true end if doc.type == 'doc.overload' then pushForward(noders, id, getID(doc.overload)) end end end -- 检查实体返回值 if source.returns then local returns = {} for _, rtn in ipairs(source.returns) do for index, rtnObj in ipairs(rtn) do if not hasDocReturn[index] then if not returns[index] then returns[index] = {} end returns[index][#returns[index]+1] = rtnObj end end end for index, rtnObjs in ipairs(returns) do local returnID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, RETURN_INDEX, index ) for _, rtnObj in ipairs(rtnObjs) do pushForward(noders, returnID, getID(rtnObj)) pushBackward(noders, getID(rtnObj), returnID, { deep = true, dontCross = true, }) end end end end if source.type == 'table' then local firstField = source[1] if firstField then if firstField.type == 'varargs' then local keyID = ('%s%s'):format( id, TABLE_KEY ) local valueID = ('%s%s'):format( id, ANY_FIELD ) source.array = firstField pushForward(noders, keyID, 'dn:integer') pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(firstField)) else local keyID = ('%s%s'):format( id, WEAK_TABLE_KEY ) local valueID = ('%s%s'):format( id, WEAK_ANY_FIELD ) if firstField.type == 'tablefield' then pushForward(noders, keyID, 'dn:string') pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(firstField.value)) elseif firstField.type == 'tableindex' then pushForward(noders, keyID, getID(firstField.index)) pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(firstField.value)) elseif firstField.type == 'tableexp' then pushForward(noders, keyID, 'dn:integer') pushForward(noders, valueID, getID(firstField)) end end end end if source.type == 'main' then if source.returns then for _, rtn in ipairs(source.returns) do local rtnObj = rtn[1] if rtnObj then pushForward(noders, 'mainreturn', getID(rtnObj)) pushBackward(noders, getID(rtnObj), 'mainreturn', { deep = true, }) end end end end if source.type == 'generic.closure' then for i, rtn in ipairs(source.returns) do local closureID = ('%s%s%s'):format( id, RETURN_INDEX, i ) local returnID = getID(rtn) pushForward(noders, closureID, returnID) end end if source.type == 'generic.value' then local proto = source.proto local closure = source.closure local upvalues = closure.upvalues if proto.type == 'doc.type.name' then local key = proto[1] if upvalues[key] then for _, paramID in ipairs(upvalues[key]) do pushForward(noders, id, paramID) pushBackward(noders, paramID, id) end end end --if proto.type == 'doc.type' then -- for _, tp in ipairs(source.types) do -- pushForward(noders, id, getID(tp)) -- pushBackward(noders, getID(tp), id) -- end --end m.compileDocValue(noders, proto.type, id, source) end end ---根据ID来获取所有的node ---@param root parser.guide.object ---@param id string ---@return node? function m.getNodeByID(root, id) root = guide.getRoot(root) local noders = root._noders if not noders then return nil end return noders[id] end ---根据ID来获取第一个节点的ID ---@param id string ---@return string function m.getFirstID(id) local firstID, count = id:match(FIRST_REGEX) if count == 0 then return nil end if firstID == '' then return nil end return firstID end ---根据ID来获取第一个节点的ID或field ---@param id string ---@return string function m.getHeadID(id) local headID, count = id:match(HEAD_REGEX) if count == 0 then return nil end if headID == '' then return nil end return headID end ---根据ID来获取上个节点的ID ---@param id string ---@return string function m.getLastID(id) local lastID, count = id:gsub(LAST_REGEX, '') if count == 0 then return nil end if lastID == '' then return nil end return lastID end ---获取ID的长度 ---@param id string ---@return integer function m.getIDLength(id) if not id then return 0 end local _, count = id:gsub(SPLIT_CHAR, SPLIT_CHAR) return count + 1 end ---测试id是否包含field,如果遇到函数调用则中断 ---@param id string ---@return boolean function m.hasField(id) local firstID = m.getFirstID(id) if firstID == id or not firstID then return false end local nextChar = id:sub(#firstID + 1, #firstID + 1) if nextChar ~= SPLIT_CHAR then return false end local next2Char = id:sub(#firstID + 2, #firstID + 2) if next2Char == RETURN_INDEX or next2Char == PARAM_INDEX then return false end return true end ---把形如 `@file:\\\XXXXX@gv:1|1`拆分成uri与id ---@param id string ---@return uri? string ---@return string id function m.getUriAndID(id) local uri, newID = id:match(URI_REGEX) return uri, newID end ---是否是普通的field,例如数字或字符串,而不是函数返回值等 ---@param field any function m.isCommonField(field) if not field then return false end if field:sub(1, #RETURN_INDEX) == RETURN_INDEX then return false end if field:sub(1, #PARAM_INDEX) == PARAM_INDEX then return false end return true end ---获取source的ID ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return string function m.getID(source) return getID(source) end ---获取source的key ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return string function m.getKey(source) return getKey(source) end ---清除临时id(用于泛型的临时对象) ---@param root parser.guide.object ---@param id string function m.removeID(root, id) if not id then return end root = guide.getRoot(root) local noders = root._noders noders[id] = nil end ---寻找doc的主体 ---@param doc parser.guide.object function m.getDocState(doc) return getDocStateWithoutCrossFunction(doc) end ---获取对象的noders ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return noders function m.getNoders(source) local root = guide.getRoot(source) if not root._noders then root._noders = {} end return root._noders end ---编译整个文件的node ---@param source parser.guide.object ---@return table function m.compileNodes(source) local root = guide.getRoot(source) local noders = m.getNoders(source) if next(noders) then return noders end log.debug('compileNodes:', guide.getUri(root)) collector.dropUri(guide.getUri(root)) guide.eachSource(root, function (src) m.pushSource(noders, src) m.compileNode(noders, src) end) log.debug('compileNodes finish:', guide.getUri(root)) return noders end files.watch(function (ev, uri) uri = files.asKey(uri) if ev == 'update' then local state = files.getState(uri) if state then m.compileNodes(state.ast) end end if ev == 'remove' then collector.dropUri(uri) end end) return m