local files = require 'files' local lang = require 'language' local guide = require 'parser.guide' return function (uri, callback) local state = files.getState(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) if not state or not text then return end local lines = state.lines for i = 0, #lines do local startOffset = lines[i] local finishOffset = text:find('[\r\n]', startOffset) or (#text + 1) local lastOffset = finishOffset - 1 local lastChar = text:sub(lastOffset, lastOffset) if lastChar ~= ' ' and lastChar ~= '\t' then goto NEXT_LINE end local lastPos = guide.offsetToPosition(state, lastOffset) if guide.isInString(state.ast, lastPos) or guide.isInComment(state.ast, lastPos) then goto NEXT_LINE end local firstOffset = startOffset for n = lastOffset - 1, startOffset, -1 do local char = text:sub(n, n) if char ~= ' ' and char ~= '\t' then firstOffset = n + 1 break end end local firstPos = guide.offsetToPosition(state, firstOffset) - 1 if firstOffset == startOffset then callback { start = firstPos, finish = lastPos, message = lang.script.DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE, } else callback { start = firstPos, finish = lastPos, message = lang.script.DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE, } end ::NEXT_LINE:: end end