local files = require 'files' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local lang = require 'language' local define = require 'proto.define' local vm = require 'vm' return function (uri, callback) local ast = files.getAst(uri) if not ast then return end guide.eachSource(ast.ast, function (source) if source.type ~= 'local' and source.type ~= 'setlocal' and source.type ~= 'setglobal' and source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'setfield' and source.type ~= 'setindex' and source.type ~= 'tablefield' and source.type ~= 'tableindex' then return end if vm.getInferType(source, 0) == 'any' then callback { start = source.start, finish = source.finish, message = lang.script('DIAG_IMPLICIT_ANY'), } end end) end