local guide = require 'parser.guide' local lookback = require 'core.look-backward' local matchKey = require 'core.matchkey' local subString = require 'core.substring' local define = require 'proto.define' local markdown = require 'provider.markdown' local config = require 'config' local actions = {} local function register(key) return function (data) actions[#actions+1] = { key = key, data = data } end end local function hasNonFieldInNode(source) local block = guide.getParentBlock(source) while source ~= block do if source.type == 'call' or source.type == 'getindex' or source.type == 'getmethod' then return true end source = source.parent end return false end register 'function' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'local' then return end if hasNonFieldInNode(source) then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('function %s($1)\n\t$0\nend' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'method' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type == 'getfield' then if hasNonFieldInNode(source) then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('function %s:%s($1)\n\t$0\nend' , subber(source.start + 1, source.dot.start) , subber(source.dot .finish + 1, source.finish) )) end if source.type == 'getmethod' then if hasNonFieldInNode(source.parent) then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('function %s:%s($1)\n\t$0\nend' , subber(source.start + 1, source.colon.start) , subber(source.colon.finish + 1, source.finish) )) end end } register 'pcall' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' then return end local subber = subString(state) if source.type == 'call' then if source.args and #source.args > 0 then callback(string.format('pcall(%s, %s)' , subber(source.node.start + 1, source.node.finish) , subber(source.args[1].start + 1, source.args[#source.args].finish) )) else callback(string.format('pcall(%s)' , subber(source.node.start + 1, source.node.finish) )) end else callback(string.format('pcall(%s$1)$0' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end end } register 'xpcall' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' then return end local subber = subString(state) if source.type == 'call' then if source.args and #source.args > 0 then callback(string.format('xpcall(%s, ${1:debug.traceback}, %s)$0' , subber(source.node.start + 1, source.node.finish) , subber(source.args[1].start + 1, source.args[#source.args].finish) )) else callback(string.format('xpcall(%s, ${1:debug.traceback})$0' , subber(source.node.start + 1, source.node.finish) )) end else callback(string.format('xpcall(%s, ${1:debug.traceback}$2)$0' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end end } register 'local' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('local $1 = %s$0' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'ipairs' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('for ${1:i}, ${2:v} in ipairs(%s) do\n\t$0\nend' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'pairs' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('for ${1:k}, ${2:v} in pairs(%s) do\n\t$0\nend' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'insert' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('table.insert(%s, $0)' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'remove' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('table.remove(%s, $0)' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register 'concat' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getmethod' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' and source.type ~= 'call' and source.type ~= 'table' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('table.concat(%s, $0)' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register '++' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('%s = %s + 1' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } register '++?' { function (state, source, callback) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' and source.type ~= 'getfield' and source.type ~= 'getindex' and source.type ~= 'getlocal' then return end local subber = subString(state) callback(string.format('%s = (%s or 0) + 1' , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) , subber(source.start + 1, source.finish) )) end } local accepts = { ['local'] = true, ['getlocal'] = true, ['getglobal'] = true, ['getfield'] = true, ['getindex'] = true, ['getmethod'] = true, ['call'] = true, ['table'] = true, } local function checkPostFix(state, word, wordPosition, position, symbol, results) local source = guide.eachSourceContain(state.ast, wordPosition, function (source) if accepts[source.type] and source.finish == wordPosition then return source end end) if not source then return end for i, action in ipairs(actions) do if matchKey(word, action.key) then action.data[1](state, source, function (newText) results[#results+1] = { label = action.key, kind = define.CompletionItemKind.Event, description= markdown() : add('lua', newText) : string(), textEdit = { start = wordPosition + #symbol, finish = position, newText = newText, }, additionalTextEdits = { { start = source.start, finish = wordPosition + #symbol, newText = '', }, }, sortText = ('postfix-%04d'):format(i), } end) end end end return function (state, position, results) if guide.isInString(state.ast, position) then return false end local text = state.lua local offset = guide.positionToOffset(state, position) local word, newOffset = lookback.findWord(text, offset) if newOffset then offset = newOffset - 1 end local symbol = text:sub(offset, offset) if symbol == config.get(state.uri, 'Lua.completion.postfix') then local wordPosition = guide.offsetToPosition(state, offset - 1) checkPostFix(state, word or '', wordPosition, position, symbol, results) return symbol ~= '.' and symbol ~= ':' end if not word then if symbol == '+' then word = text:sub(offset - 1, offset) offset = offset - 2 end if symbol == '?' then word = text:sub(offset - 2, offset) offset = offset - 3 end if word then local wordPosition = guide.offsetToPosition(state, offset) checkPostFix(state, word or '', wordPosition, position, '', results) return true end end return false end