local files = require 'files' local lang = require 'language' local util = require 'utility' local sp = require 'bee.subprocess' local guide = require "parser.guide" local function checkDisableByLuaDocExits(uri, row, mode, code) local ast = files.getState(uri) local text = files.getOriginText(uri) local line = lines[row] if ast.ast.docs and line then for _, doc in ipairs(ast.ast.docs) do if doc.start >= line.start and doc.finish <= line.finish then if doc.type == 'doc.diagnostic' then if doc.mode == mode then if doc.names then return { start = doc.finish, finish = doc.finish, newText = text:sub(doc.finish, doc.finish) .. ', ' .. code } else return { start = doc.finish, finish = doc.finish, newText = text:sub(doc.finish, doc.finish) .. ': ' .. code } end end end end end end return nil end local function checkDisableByLuaDocInsert(uri, row, mode, code) local ast = files.getState(uri) local text = files.getOriginText(uri) -- 先看看上一行是不是已经有了 -- 没有的话就插入一行 local line = lines[row] return { start = line.start, finish = line.start, newText = '---@diagnostic ' .. mode .. ': ' .. code .. '\n' .. text:sub(line.start, line.start) } end local function disableDiagnostic(uri, code, start, results) local row = guide.rowColOf(start) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG', code), kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG, command = 'lua.setConfig:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { key = 'Lua.diagnostics.disable', action = 'add', value = code, uri = uri, } } } } local function pushEdit(title, edit) results[#results+1] = { title = title, kind = 'quickfix', edit = { changes = { [uri] = { edit } } } } end pushEdit(lang.script('ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE', code), checkDisableByLuaDocExits (uri, row - 1, 'disable-next-line', code) or checkDisableByLuaDocInsert(uri, row, 'disable-next-line', code)) pushEdit(lang.script('ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE', code), checkDisableByLuaDocExits (uri, 1, 'disable', code) or checkDisableByLuaDocInsert(uri, 1, 'disable', code)) end local function markGlobal(uri, name, results) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL', name), kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL, command = 'lua.setConfig:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { key = 'Lua.diagnostics.globals', action = 'add', value = name, uri = uri, } } } } end local function changeVersion(uri, version, results) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION', version), kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION, command = 'lua.setConfig:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { key = 'Lua.runtime.version', action = 'set', value = version, uri = uri, } } }, } end local function solveUndefinedGlobal(uri, diag, results) local ast = files.getState(uri) local offset = files.offsetOfWord(uri, diag.range.start) guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, offset, function (source) if source.type ~= 'getglobal' then return end local name = guide.getKeyName(source) markGlobal(uri, name, results) end) if diag.data and diag.data.versions then for _, version in ipairs(diag.data.versions) do changeVersion(uri, version, results) end end end local function solveLowercaseGlobal(uri, diag, results) local ast = files.getState(uri) local offset = files.offsetOfWord(uri, diag.range.start) guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, offset, function (source) if source.type ~= 'setglobal' then return end local name = guide.getKeyName(source) markGlobal(uri, name, results) end) end local function findSyntax(uri, diag) local ast = files.getState(uri) for _, err in ipairs(ast.errs) do if err.type:lower():gsub('_', '-') == diag.code then local range = files.range(uri, err.start, err.finish) if util.equal(range, diag.range) then return err end end end return nil end local function solveSyntaxByChangeVersion(uri, err, results) if type(err.version) == 'table' then for _, version in ipairs(err.version) do changeVersion(uri, version, results) end else changeVersion(uri, err.version, results) end end local function solveSyntaxByAddDoEnd(uri, err, results) local text = files.getText(uri) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script.ACTION_ADD_DO_END, kind = 'quickfix', edit = { changes = { [uri] = { { start = err.start, finish = err.finish, newText = ('do %s end'):format(text:sub(err.start, err.finish)), }, } } } } end local function solveSyntaxByFix(uri, err, results) local changes = {} for _, fix in ipairs(err.fix) do changes[#changes+1] = { start = fix.start, finish = fix.finish, newText = fix.text, } end results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_' .. err.fix.title, err.fix), kind = 'quickfix', edit = { changes = { [uri] = changes, } } } end local function solveSyntaxUnicodeName(uri, err, results) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME'), kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME, command = 'lua.setConfig:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { key = 'Lua.runtime.unicodeName', action = 'set', value = true, uri = uri, } } }, } end local function solveSyntax(uri, diag, results) local err = findSyntax(uri, diag) if not err then return end if err.version then solveSyntaxByChangeVersion(uri, err, results) end if err.type == 'ACTION_AFTER_BREAK' or err.type == 'ACTION_AFTER_RETURN' then solveSyntaxByAddDoEnd(uri, err, results) end if err.type == 'UNICODE_NAME' then solveSyntaxUnicodeName(uri, err, results) end if err.fix then solveSyntaxByFix(uri, err, results) end end local function solveNewlineCall(uri, diag, results) local start = files.unrange(uri, diag.range) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script.ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON, kind = 'quickfix', edit = { changes = { [uri] = { { start = start, finish = start, newText = ';', } } } } } end local function solveAmbiguity1(uri, diag, results) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script.ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS, kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS, command = 'lua.solve:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { name = 'ambiguity-1', uri = uri, range = diag.range, } } }, } end local function solveTrailingSpace(uri, diag, results) results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script.ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE, kind = 'quickfix', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE, command = 'lua.removeSpace:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { uri = uri, } } }, } end local function solveDiagnostic(uri, diag, start, results) if diag.source == lang.script.DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK then solveSyntax(uri, diag, results) return end if not diag.code then return end if diag.code == 'undefined-global' then solveUndefinedGlobal(uri, diag, results) elseif diag.code == 'lowercase-global' then solveLowercaseGlobal(uri, diag, results) elseif diag.code == 'newline-call' then solveNewlineCall(uri, diag, results) elseif diag.code == 'ambiguity-1' then solveAmbiguity1(uri, diag, results) elseif diag.code == 'trailing-space' then solveTrailingSpace(uri, diag, results) end disableDiagnostic(uri, diag.code, start, results) end local function checkQuickFix(results, uri, start, diagnostics) if not diagnostics then return end for _, diag in ipairs(diagnostics) do solveDiagnostic(uri, diag, start, results) end end local function checkSwapParams(results, uri, start, finish) local ast = files.getState(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) if not ast then return end local args = {} guide.eachSourceBetween(ast.ast, start, finish, function (source) if source.type == 'callargs' or source.type == 'funcargs' then local targetIndex for index, arg in ipairs(source) do if arg.start - 1 <= finish and arg.finish >= start then -- should select only one param if targetIndex then return end targetIndex = index end end if not targetIndex then return end local node if source.type == 'callargs' then node = text:sub(source.parent.node.start, source.parent.node.finish) elseif source.type == 'funcargs' then local var = source.parent.parent if guide.isSet(var) then node = text:sub(var.start, var.finish) else node = lang.script.SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS end end args[#args+1] = { source = source, index = targetIndex, node = node, } end end) if #args == 0 then return end table.sort(args, function (a, b) return a.source.start > b.source.start end) local target = args[1] local myArg = target.source[target.index] for i, targetArg in ipairs(target.source) do if i ~= target.index then results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script('ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS', { node = target.node, index = i, }), kind = 'refactor.rewrite', edit = { changes = { [uri] = { { start = myArg.start, finish = myArg.finish, newText = text:sub(targetArg.start, targetArg.finish), }, { start = targetArg.start, finish = targetArg.finish, newText = text:sub(myArg.start, myArg.finish), }, } } } } end end end --local function checkExtractAsFunction(results, uri, start, finish) -- local ast = files.getAst(uri) -- local text = files.getText(uri) -- local funcs = {} -- guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, start, function (source) -- if source.type == 'function' -- or source.type == 'main' then -- funcs[#funcs+1] = source -- end -- end) -- table.sort(funcs, function (a, b) -- return a.start > b.start -- end) -- local func = funcs[1] -- if not func then -- return -- end -- if #func == 0 then -- return -- end -- if func.finish < finish then -- return -- end -- local actions = {} -- for i = 1, #func do -- local action = func[i] -- if action.start < start -- and action.finish > start then -- return -- end -- if action.start < finish -- and action.finish > finish then -- return -- end -- if action.finish >= start -- and action.start <= finish then -- actions[#actions+1] = action -- end -- end -- if text:sub(start, actions[1].start - 1):find '[%C%S]' then -- return -- end -- if text:sub(actions[1].finish + 1, finish):find '[%C%S]' then -- return -- end -- while func do -- local funcName = getExtractFuncName(uri, actions[1].start) -- local funcParams = getExtractFuncParams(uri, actions[1].start) -- results[#results+1] = { -- title = lang.script('ACTION_EXTRACT'), -- kind = 'refactor.extract', -- edit = { -- changes = { -- [uri] = { -- { -- start = actions[1].start, -- finish = actions[1].start - 1, -- newText = text:sub(targetArg.start, targetArg.finish), -- }, -- { -- start = targetArg.start, -- finish = targetArg.finish, -- newText = text:sub(myArg.start, myArg.finish), -- }, -- } -- } -- } -- } -- func = guide.getParentFunction(func) -- end --end local function checkJsonToLua(results, uri, start, finish) local text = files.getText(uri) local jsonStart = text:match ('()[%{%[]', start) if not jsonStart then return end local jsonFinish for i = math.min(finish, #text), jsonStart + 1, -1 do local char = text:sub(i, i) if char == ']' or char == '}' then jsonFinish = i break end end if not jsonFinish then return end if not text:sub(jsonStart, jsonFinish):find '"%s*%:' then return end results[#results+1] = { title = lang.script.ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA, kind = 'refactor.rewrite', command = { title = lang.script.COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA, command = 'lua.jsonToLua:' .. sp:get_id(), arguments = { { uri = uri, start = jsonStart, finish = jsonFinish, } } }, } end return function (uri, start, finish, diagnostics) local ast = files.getState(uri) if not ast then return nil end local results = {} checkQuickFix(results, uri, start, diagnostics) checkSwapParams(results, uri, start, finish) --checkExtractAsFunction(results, uri, start, finish) checkJsonToLua(results, uri, start, finish) return results end