local util = require 'utility' local define = require 'proto.define' local timer = require 'timer' local scope = require 'workspace.scope' ---@alias config.source '"client"'|'"path"'|'"local"' ---@class config.unit ---@field caller function local mt = {} mt.__index = mt function mt:__call(...) self:caller(...) return self end function mt:__shr(default) self.default = default return self end local units = {} local function register(name, default, checker, loader, caller) units[name] = { default = default, checker = checker, loader = loader, caller = caller, } end local Type = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (_, name) local unit = {} for k, v in pairs(units[name]) do unit[k] = v end return setmetatable(unit, mt) end }) register('Boolean', false, function (self, v) return type(v) == 'boolean' end, function (self, v) return v end) register('Integer', 0, function (self, v) return type(v) == 'number' end,function (self, v) return math.floor(v) end) register('String', '', function (self, v) return type(v) == 'string' end, function (self, v) return tostring(v) end) register('Nil', nil, function (self, v) return type(v) == 'nil' end, function (self, v) return nil end) register('Array', {}, function (self, value) return type(value) == 'table' end, function (self, value) local t = {} for _, v in ipairs(value) do if self.sub:checker(v) then t[#t+1] = self.sub:loader(v) end end return t end, function (self, sub) self.sub = sub end) register('Hash', {}, function (self, value) if type(value) == 'table' then if #value == 0 then for k, v in pairs(value) do if not self.subkey:checker(k) or not self.subvalue:checker(v) then return false end end else if not self.subvalue:checker(true) then return false end for _, v in ipairs(value) do if not self.subkey:checker(v) then return false end end end return true end if type(value) == 'string' then return self.subkey:checker('') and self.subvalue:checker(true) end end, function (self, value) if type(value) == 'table' then local t = {} if #value == 0 then for k, v in pairs(value) do t[k] = v end else for _, k in pairs(value) do t[k] = true end end return t end if type(value) == 'string' then local t = {} for s in value:gmatch('[^'..self.sep..']+') do t[s] = true end return t end end, function (self, subkey, subvalue, sep) self.subkey = subkey self.subvalue = subvalue self.sep = sep end) register('Or', {}, function (self, value) for _, sub in ipairs(self.subs) do if sub:checker(value) then return true end end return false end, function (self, value) for _, sub in ipairs(self.subs) do if sub:checker(value) then return sub:loader(value) end end end, function (self, ...) self.subs = {...} end) local Template = { ['Lua.runtime.version'] = Type.String >> 'Lua 5.4', ['Lua.runtime.path'] = Type.Array(Type.String) >> { "?.lua", "?/init.lua", }, ['Lua.runtime.pathStrict'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.runtime.special'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.String), ['Lua.runtime.meta'] = Type.String >> '${version} ${language} ${encoding}', ['Lua.runtime.unicodeName'] = Type.Boolean, ['Lua.runtime.nonstandardSymbol'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.Boolean, ';'), ['Lua.runtime.plugin'] = Type.String, ['Lua.runtime.fileEncoding'] = Type.String >> 'utf8', ['Lua.runtime.builtin'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.String), ['Lua.diagnostics.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.diagnostics.globals'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.Boolean, ';'), ['Lua.diagnostics.disable'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.Boolean, ';'), ['Lua.diagnostics.severity'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.String) >> util.deepCopy(define.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity), ['Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.String) >> util.deepCopy(define.DiagnosticDefaultNeededFileStatus), ['Lua.diagnostics.workspaceDelay'] = Type.Integer >> 0, ['Lua.diagnostics.workspaceRate'] = Type.Integer >> 100, ['Lua.diagnostics.libraryFiles'] = Type.String >> 'Opened', ['Lua.diagnostics.ignoredFiles'] = Type.String >> 'Opened', ['Lua.workspace.ignoreDir'] = Type.Array(Type.String), ['Lua.workspace.ignoreSubmodules'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.workspace.useGitIgnore'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.workspace.maxPreload'] = Type.Integer >> 1000, ['Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize'] = Type.Integer >> 100, ['Lua.workspace.library'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.Boolean, ';'), ['Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.workspace.userThirdParty'] = Type.Array(Type.String), ['Lua.completion.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.completion.callSnippet'] = Type.String >> 'Disable', ['Lua.completion.keywordSnippet'] = Type.String >> 'Replace', ['Lua.completion.displayContext'] = Type.Integer >> 0, ['Lua.completion.workspaceWord'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.completion.showWord'] = Type.String >> 'Fallback', ['Lua.completion.autoRequire'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.completion.showParams'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.completion.requireSeparator'] = Type.String >> '.', ['Lua.completion.postfix'] = Type.String >> '@', ['Lua.signatureHelp.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hover.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hover.viewString'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hover.viewStringMax'] = Type.Integer >> 1000, ['Lua.hover.viewNumber'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hover.previewFields'] = Type.Integer >> 20, ['Lua.hover.enumsLimit'] = Type.Integer >> 5, ['Lua.semantic.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.semantic.variable'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.semantic.annotation'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.semantic.keyword'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.hint.enable'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.hint.paramType'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hint.setType'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.hint.paramName'] = Type.String >> 'All', ['Lua.hint.await'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.hint.arrayIndex'] = Type.Boolean >> 'Auto', ['Lua.window.statusBar'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.window.progressBar'] = Type.Boolean >> true, ['Lua.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.IntelliSense.traceReturn'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject'] = Type.Boolean >> false, ['Lua.telemetry.enable'] = Type.Or(Type.Boolean >> false, Type.Nil), ['files.associations'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.String), ['files.exclude'] = Type.Hash(Type.String, Type.Boolean), ['editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled'] = Type.Or(Type.Boolean, Type.String), ['editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter'] = Type.String >> 'on', } ---@class config.api local m = {} m.watchList = {} m.NULL = {} m.nullSymbols = { [m.NULL] = true, } ---@param scp scope ---@param key string ---@param nowValue any ---@param rawValue any local function update(scp, key, nowValue, rawValue) local now = scp:get 'config.now' local raw = scp:get 'config.raw' now[key] = nowValue raw[key] = rawValue end ---@param uri uri ---@param key? string ---@return scope local function getScope(uri, key) local raw = scope.override:get 'config.raw' if raw then if not key or raw[key] ~= nil then return scope.override end end if uri then ---@type scope local scp = scope.getFolder(uri) or scope.getLinkedScope(uri) if scp then if not key or (scp:get 'config.raw' and scp:get 'config.raw' [key] ~= nil) then return scp end end end return scope.fallback end ---@param scp scope ---@param key string ---@param value any function m.setByScope(scp, key, value) local unit = Template[key] if not unit then return false end local raw = scp:get 'config.raw' if util.equal(raw[key], value) then return false end if unit:checker(value) then update(scp, key, unit:loader(value), value) else update(scp, key, unit.default, unit.default) end return true end ---@param uri uri ---@param key string ---@param value any function m.set(uri, key, value) local scp = getScope(uri) local oldValue = m.get(uri, key) m.setByScope(scp, key, value) local newValue = m.get(uri, key) if not util.equal(oldValue, newValue) then m.event(uri, key, newValue, oldValue) return true end return false end function m.add(uri, key, value) local unit = Template[key] if not unit then return false end local list = m.getRaw(uri, key) if type(list) ~= 'table' then return false end local copyed = {} for i, v in ipairs(list) do if util.equal(v, value) then return false end copyed[i] = v end copyed[#copyed+1] = value local oldValue = m.get(uri, key) m.set(uri, key, copyed) local newValue = m.get(uri, key) if not util.equal(oldValue, newValue) then m.event(uri, key, newValue, oldValue) return true end return false end function m.prop(uri, key, prop, value) local unit = Template[key] if not unit then return false end local map = m.getRaw(uri, key) if type(map) ~= 'table' then return false end if util.equal(map[prop], value) then return false end local copyed = {} for k, v in pairs(map) do copyed[k] = v end copyed[prop] = value local oldValue = m.get(uri, key) m.set(uri, key, copyed) local newValue = m.get(uri, key) if not util.equal(oldValue, newValue) then m.event(uri, key, newValue, oldValue) return true end return false end ---@param uri uri ---@param key string ---@return any function m.get(uri, key) local scp = getScope(uri, key) local value = scp:get 'config.now' [key] if value == nil then value = Template[key].default end if value == m.NULL then value = nil end return value end ---@param uri uri ---@param key string ---@return any function m.getRaw(uri, key) local scp = getScope(uri, key) local value = scp:get 'config.raw' [key] if value == nil then value = Template[key].default end if value == m.NULL then value = nil end return value end ---@param scp scope ---@param ... table function m.update(scp, ...) local oldConfig = scp:get 'config.now' local newConfig = {} scp:set('config.now', newConfig) scp:set('config.raw', {}) local function expand(t, left) for key, value in pairs(t) do local fullKey = key if left then fullKey = left .. '.' .. key end if m.nullSymbols[value] then value = m.NULL end if Template[fullKey] then m.setByScope(scp, fullKey, value) elseif Template['Lua.' .. fullKey] then m.setByScope(scp, 'Lua.' .. fullKey, value) elseif type(value) == 'table' then expand(value, fullKey) end end end local news = table.pack(...) for i = 1, news.n do if news[i] then expand(news[i]) end end -- compare then fire event if oldConfig then for key, oldValue in pairs(oldConfig) do local newValue = newConfig[key] if not util.equal(oldValue, newValue) then m.event(scp.uri, key, newValue, oldValue) end end end m.event(scp.uri, '') end ---@param callback fun(uri: uri, key: string, value: any, oldValue: any) function m.watch(callback) m.watchList[#m.watchList+1] = callback end function m.event(uri, key, value, oldValue) if not m.changes then m.changes = {} timer.wait(0, function () local delay = m.changes m.changes = nil for _, info in ipairs(delay) do for _, callback in ipairs(m.watchList) do callback(info.uri, info.key, info.value, info.oldValue) end end end) end m.changes[#m.changes+1] = { uri = uri, key = key, value = value, oldValue = oldValue, } end function m.addNullSymbol(null) m.nullSymbols[null] = true end m.update(scope.fallback, {}) return m