local nonil = require 'without-check-nil' local util = require 'utility' local lang = require 'language' local proto = require 'proto' local define = require 'proto.define' local config = require 'config' local converter = require 'proto.converter' local json = require 'json-beautify' local m = {} function m.client(newClient) if newClient then m._client = newClient else return m._client end end function m.isVSCode() if not m._client then return false end if m._isvscode == nil then local lname = m._client:lower() if lname:find 'vscode' or lname:find 'visual studio code' then m._isvscode = true else m._isvscode = false end end return m._isvscode end function m.getOption(name) nonil.enable() local option = m.info.initializationOptions[name] nonil.disable() return option end function m.getAbility(name) local current = m.info.capabilities while true do local parent, nextPos = name:match '^([^%.]+)()' if not parent then break end current = current[parent] if not current then return nil end if nextPos > #name then break else name = name:sub(nextPos + 1) end end return current end function m.getOffsetEncoding() if m._offsetEncoding then return m._offsetEncoding end local clientEncodings = m.getAbility 'offsetEncoding' if type(clientEncodings) == 'table' then for _, encoding in ipairs(clientEncodings) do if encoding == 'utf-8' then m._offsetEncoding = 'utf-8' return m._offsetEncoding end end end m._offsetEncoding = 'utf-16' return m._offsetEncoding end local function packMessage(...) local strs = table.pack(...) for i = 1, strs.n do strs[i] = tostring(strs[i]) end return table.concat(strs, '\t') end ---@alias message.type '"Error"'|'"Warning"'|'"Info"'|'"Log"' ---show message to client ---@param type message.type function m.showMessage(type, ...) local message = packMessage(...) proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = define.MessageType[type] or 3, message = message, }) proto.notify('window/logMessage', { type = define.MessageType[type] or 3, message = message, }) end ---@param type message.type ---@param message string ---@param titles string[] ---@return string action ---@return integer index ---@async function m.awaitRequestMessage(type, message, titles) proto.notify('window/logMessage', { type = define.MessageType[type] or 3, message = message, }) local map = {} local actions = {} for i, title in ipairs(titles) do actions[i] = { title = title, } map[title] = i end local item = proto.awaitRequest('window/showMessageRequest', { type = define.MessageType[type] or 3, message = message, actions = actions, }) if not item then return nil end return item.title, map[item.title] end ---@param type message.type function m.logMessage(type, ...) local message = packMessage(...) proto.notify('window/logMessage', { type = define.MessageType[type] or 4, message = message, }) end function m.watchFiles(path) path = path:gsub('\\', '/') :gsub('[%[%]%{%}%*%?]', '\\%1') local registration = { id = path, method = 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles', registerOptions = { watchers = { { globPattern = path .. '/**', kind = 1 | 2 | 4, }, }, }, } proto.request('client/registerCapability', { registrations = { registration, } }) return function () local unregisteration = { id = path, method = 'workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles', } proto.request('client/registerCapability', { unregisterations = { unregisteration, } }) end end ---@class config.change ---@field key string ---@field prop? string ---@field value any ---@field action '"add"'|'"set"'|'"prop"' ---@field isGlobal? boolean ---@field uri? uri ---@param cfg table ---@param changes config.change[] local function applyConfig(cfg, changes) for _, change in ipairs(changes) do cfg[change.key] = config.getRaw(change.key) end end local function tryModifySpecifiedConfig(finalChanges) if #finalChanges == 0 then return false end local workspace = require 'workspace' local loader = require 'config.loader' if loader.lastLocalType ~= 'json' then return false end applyConfig(loader.lastLocalConfig, finalChanges) local path = workspace.getAbsolutePath(CONFIGPATH) util.saveFile(path, json.beautify(loader.lastLocalConfig, { indent = ' ' })) return true end local function tryModifyRC(finalChanges, create) if #finalChanges == 0 then return false end local workspace = require 'workspace' local loader = require 'config.loader' local path = workspace.getAbsolutePath '.luarc.json' if not path then return false end local buf = util.loadFile(path) if not buf and not create then return false end local rc = loader.lastRCConfig or { ['$schema'] = lang.id == 'zh-cn' and [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sumneko/vscode-lua/master/setting/schema-zh-cn.json]] or [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sumneko/vscode-lua/master/setting/schema.json]] } applyConfig(rc, finalChanges) util.saveFile(path, json.beautify(rc, { indent = ' ' })) return true end local function tryModifyClient(finalChanges) if #finalChanges == 0 then return false end if not m.getOption 'changeConfiguration' then return false end proto.notify('$/command', { command = 'lua.config', data = finalChanges, }) return true end ---@param finalChanges config.change[] local function tryModifyClientGlobal(finalChanges) if #finalChanges == 0 then return end if not m.getOption 'changeConfiguration' then return end local changes = {} for i = #finalChanges, 1, -1 do local change = finalChanges[i] if change.isGlobal then changes[#changes+1] = change finalChanges[i] = finalChanges[#finalChanges] finalChanges[#finalChanges] = nil end end proto.notify('$/command', { command = 'lua.config', data = changes, }) end ---@param changes config.change[] ---@param onlyMemory boolean function m.setConfig(changes, onlyMemory) local finalChanges = {} for _, change in ipairs(changes) do if change.action == 'add' then local suc = config.add(change.key, change.value) if suc then finalChanges[#finalChanges+1] = change end elseif change.action == 'set' then local suc = config.set(change.key, change.value) if suc then finalChanges[#finalChanges+1] = change end elseif change.action == 'prop' then local suc = config.prop(change.key, change.prop, change.value) if suc then finalChanges[#finalChanges+1] = change end end change.uri = m.info.rootUri end if onlyMemory then return end if #finalChanges == 0 then return end xpcall(function () tryModifyClientGlobal(finalChanges) if tryModifySpecifiedConfig(finalChanges) then return end if tryModifyRC(finalChanges) then return end if tryModifyClient(finalChanges) then return end tryModifyRC(finalChanges, true) end, log.error) end ---@alias textEditor {start: integer, finish: integer, text: string} ---@param uri uri ---@param edits textEditor[] function m.editText(uri, edits) local files = require 'files' local textEdits = {} for i, edit in ipairs(edits) do textEdits[i] = converter.textEdit(converter.packRange(uri, edit.start, edit.finish), edit.text) end proto.request('workspace/applyEdit', { edit = { changes = { [uri] = textEdits, } } }) end local function hookPrint() if TEST then return end print = function (...) m.logMessage('Log', ...) end end function m.init(t) log.debug('Client init', util.dump(t)) m.info = t nonil.enable() m.client(t.clientInfo.name) nonil.disable() lang(LOCALE or t.locale) converter.setOffsetEncoding(m.getOffsetEncoding()) hookPrint() end return m