local lclient = require 'lclient'() local furi = require 'file-uri' local ws = require 'workspace' local files = require 'files' local diag = require 'provider.diagnostic' local util = require 'utility' local jsonb = require 'json-beautify' local lang = require 'language' local define = require 'proto.define' local protoDiag = require 'proto.diagnostic' local config = require 'config.config' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local provider = require 'provider' require 'plugin' require 'vm' lang(LOCALE) local numThreads = tonumber(NUM_THREADS or 1) local threadId = tonumber(THREAD_ID or 1) if type(CHECK_WORKER) ~= 'string' then print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE', type(CHECK_WORKER))) return end local rootPath = fs.absolute(fs.path(CHECK_WORKER)):string() local rootUri = furi.encode(rootPath) if not rootUri then print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI', rootPath)) return end rootUri = rootUri:gsub("/$", "") if CHECKLEVEL then if not define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] then print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL', 'Error, Warning, Information, Hint')) return end end local checkLevel = define.DiagnosticSeverity[CHECKLEVEL] or define.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning util.enableCloseFunction() -- Hash function used to distribute work. local function hashString(str) local hash = 0 for i = 1, #str do hash = (hash * 37 & 0xFFFFFFFF) + str:byte(i, i) end return hash end local lastClock = os.clock() local results = {} local function errorhandler(err) print(err) print(debug.traceback()) end ---@async xpcall(lclient.start, errorhandler, lclient, function (client) client:registerFakers() client:initialize { rootUri = rootUri, } client:register('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', function (params) results[params.uri] = params.diagnostics end) if not QUIET then io.write(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_INITING')) end provider.updateConfig(rootUri) ws.awaitReady(rootUri) local disables = util.arrayToHash(config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable')) for name, serverity in pairs(define.DiagnosticDefaultSeverity) do serverity = config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.severity')[name] or 'Warning' if serverity:sub(-1) == '!' then serverity = serverity:sub(1, -2) end if define.DiagnosticSeverity[serverity] > checkLevel then disables[name] = true end end config.set(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.disable', util.getTableKeys(disables, true)) -- Downgrade file opened status to Opened for everything to avoid reporting during compilation on files that do not belong to this thread local diagStatus = config.get(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus') for diag, status in pairs(diagStatus) do if status == 'Any' or status == 'Any!' then diagStatus[diag] = 'Opened!' end end for diag, status in pairs(protoDiag.getDefaultStatus()) do if status == 'Any' or status == 'Any!' then diagStatus[diag] = 'Opened!' end end config.set(rootUri, 'Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus', diagStatus) local uris = files.getChildFiles(rootUri) local max = #uris for i, uri in ipairs(uris) do local hash = hashString(uri) % numThreads + 1 if hash == threadId then files.open(uri) diag.doDiagnostic(uri, true) -- Print regularly but always print the last entry to ensure that logs written to files don't look incomplete. if (os.clock() - lastClock > 0.2 or i == #uris) and not QUIET then lastClock = os.clock() client:update() local output = '\x0D' .. ('>'):rep(math.ceil(i / max * 20)) .. ('='):rep(20 - math.ceil(i / max * 20)) .. ' ' .. ('0'):rep(#tostring(max) - #tostring(i)) .. tostring(i) .. '/' .. tostring(max) io.write(output) local filesWithErrors = 0 local errors = 0 for _, diags in pairs(results) do filesWithErrors = filesWithErrors + 1 errors = errors + #diags end if errors > 0 then local errorDetails = ' [' .. lang.script('CLI_CHECK_PROGRESS', errors, filesWithErrors) .. ']' io.write(errorDetails) end io.flush() end end end if not QUIET then io.write('\x0D') end end) local count = 0 for uri, result in pairs(results) do count = count + #result if #result == 0 then results[uri] = nil end end local outpath = CHECK_OUT_PATH if outpath == nil then outpath = LOGPATH .. '/check.json' end -- Always write result, even if it's empty to make sure no one accidentally looks at an old output after a successful run. util.saveFile(outpath, jsonb.beautify(results)) if not QUIET then if count == 0 then print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS')) else print(lang.script('CLI_CHECK_RESULTS', count, outpath)) end end