local timer = require 'timer' local wkmt = { __mode = 'k' } ---@class await local m = {} m.type = 'await' m.coMap = setmetatable({}, wkmt) m.idMap = {} m.delayQueue = {} m.delayQueueIndex = 1 m.needClose = {} m._enable = true local function setID(id, co, callback) if not coroutine.isyieldable(co) then return end if not m.idMap[id] then m.idMap[id] = setmetatable({}, wkmt) end m.idMap[id][co] = callback or true end --- 设置错误处理器 ---@param errHandle function # 当有错误发生时,会以错误堆栈为参数调用该函数 function m.setErrorHandle(errHandle) m.errorHandle = errHandle end function m.checkResult(co, ...) local suc, err = ... if not suc and m.errorHandle then m.errorHandle(debug.traceback(co, err)) end return ... end --- 创建一个任务 ---@param callback async fun() function m.call(callback, ...) local co = coroutine.create(callback) local closers = {} m.coMap[co] = { closers = closers, priority = false, } for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local id = select(i, ...) if not id then break end setID(id, co) end local currentCo = coroutine.running() local current = m.coMap[currentCo] if current then for closer in pairs(current.closers) do closers[closer] = true closer(co) end end return m.checkResult(co, coroutine.resume(co)) end --- 创建一个任务,并挂起当前线程,当任务完成后再延续当前线程/若任务被关闭,则返回nil ---@async function m.await(callback, ...) if not coroutine.isyieldable() then return callback(...) end return m.wait(function (resume, ...) m.call(function () local returnNil <close> = resume resume(callback()) end, ...) end, ...) end --- 设置一个id,用于批量关闭任务 function m.setID(id, callback) local co = coroutine.running() setID(id, co, callback) end --- 根据id批量关闭任务 function m.close(id) local map = m.idMap[id] if not map then return end m.idMap[id] = nil for co, callback in pairs(map) do if coroutine.status(co) == 'suspended' then map[co] = nil if type(callback) == 'function' then xpcall(callback, log.error) end coroutine.close(co) end end end function m.hasID(id, co) co = co or coroutine.running() return m.idMap[id] and m.idMap[id][co] ~= nil end function m.unique(id, callback) m.close(id) m.setID(id, callback) end --- 休眠一段时间 ---@param time number ---@async function m.sleep(time) if not coroutine.isyieldable() then if m.errorHandle then m.errorHandle(debug.traceback('Cannot yield')) end return end local co = coroutine.running() timer.wait(time, function () if coroutine.status(co) ~= 'suspended' then return end return m.checkResult(co, coroutine.resume(co)) end) return coroutine.yield() end --- 等待直到唤醒 ---@param callback function ---@async function m.wait(callback, ...) local co = coroutine.running() local resumed callback(function (...) if resumed then return end resumed = true if coroutine.status(co) ~= 'suspended' then return end return m.checkResult(co, coroutine.resume(co, ...)) end, ...) return coroutine.yield() end --- 延迟 ---@async function m.delay() if not m._enable then return end if not coroutine.isyieldable() then return end local co = coroutine.running() local current = m.coMap[co] -- TODO if current.priority then return end m.delayQueue[#m.delayQueue+1] = function () if coroutine.status(co) ~= 'suspended' then return end return m.checkResult(co, coroutine.resume(co)) end return coroutine.yield() end --- stop then close ---@async function m.stop() if not coroutine.isyieldable() then return end m.needClose[#m.needClose+1] = coroutine.running() coroutine.yield() end local function warnStepTime(passed, waker) if passed < 2 then log.warn(('Await step takes [%.3f] sec.'):format(passed)) return end for i = 1, 100 do local name, v = debug.getupvalue(waker, i) if not name then return end if name == 'co' then log.warn(debug.traceback(v, ('[fire]Await step takes [%.3f] sec.'):format(passed))) return end end end --- 步进 function m.step() for i = #m.needClose, 1, -1 do coroutine.close(m.needClose[i]) m.needClose[i] = nil end local resume = m.delayQueue[m.delayQueueIndex] if resume then m.delayQueue[m.delayQueueIndex] = false m.delayQueueIndex = m.delayQueueIndex + 1 local clock = os.clock() resume() local passed = os.clock() - clock if passed > 0.5 then warnStepTime(passed, resume) end return true else for i = 1, #m.delayQueue do m.delayQueue[i] = nil end m.delayQueueIndex = 1 return false end end function m.setPriority(n) m.coMap[coroutine.running()].priority = true end function m.enable() m._enable = true end function m.disable() m._enable = false end return m