local pub = require 'pub' local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local furi = require 'file-uri' local files = require 'files' local config = require 'config' local glob = require 'glob' local platform = require 'bee.platform' local await = require 'await' local rpath = require 'workspace.require-path' local proto = require 'proto.proto' local lang = require 'language' local library = require 'library' local sp = require 'bee.subprocess' local m = {} m.type = 'workspace' m.nativeVersion = -1 m.libraryVersion = -1 m.nativeMatcher = nil m.requireCache = {} m.matchOption = { ignoreCase = platform.OS == 'Windows', } --- 初始化工作区 function m.init(uri) log.info('Workspace inited: ', uri) if not uri then return end m.uri = uri m.path = m.normalize(furi.decode(uri)) local logPath = ROOT / 'log' / (uri:gsub('[/:]+', '_') .. '.log') log.info('Log path: ', logPath) log.init(ROOT, logPath) end local function interfaceFactory(root) return { type = function (path) if fs.is_directory(fs.path(root .. '/' .. path)) then return 'directory' else return 'file' end end, list = function (path) local fullPath = fs.path(root .. '/' .. path) if not fs.exists(fullPath) then return nil end local paths = {} pcall(function () for fullpath in fullPath:list_directory() do paths[#paths+1] = fullpath:string() end end) return paths end } end --- 创建排除文件匹配器 function m.getNativeMatcher() if not m.path then return nil end if m.nativeVersion == config.version then return m.nativeMatcher end local interface = interfaceFactory(m.path) local pattern = {} -- config.workspace.ignoreDir for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.ignoreDir) do log.info('Ignore directory:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end -- config.files.exclude for path, ignore in pairs(config.other.exclude) do if ignore then log.info('Ignore by exclude:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end end -- config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules if config.config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules then local buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.gitmodules')) if buf then for path in buf:gmatch('path = ([^\r\n]+)') do log.info('Ignore by .gitmodules:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end end end -- config.workspace.useGitIgnore if config.config.workspace.useGitIgnore then local buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.gitignore')) if buf then for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do log.info('Ignore by .gitignore:', line) pattern[#pattern+1] = line end end buf = pub.awaitTask('loadFile', furi.encode(m.path .. '/.git/info/exclude')) if buf then for line in buf:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do log.info('Ignore by .git/info/exclude:', line) pattern[#pattern+1] = line end end end -- config.workspace.library for path in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do log.info('Ignore by library:', path) pattern[#pattern+1] = path end m.nativeMatcher = glob.gitignore(pattern, m.matchOption, interface) m.nativeVersion = config.version return m.nativeMatcher end --- 创建代码库筛选器 function m.getLibraryMatchers() if m.libraryVersion == config.version then return m.libraryMatchers end local librarys = {} for path, pattern in pairs(config.config.workspace.library) do librarys[path] = pattern end if library.metaPath then librarys[library.metaPath] = true end m.libraryMatchers = {} for path, pattern in pairs(librarys) do local nPath = fs.absolute(fs.path(path)):string() local matcher = glob.gitignore(pattern, m.matchOption) if platform.OS == 'Windows' then matcher:setOption 'ignoreCase' end log.debug('getLibraryMatchers', path, nPath) m.libraryMatchers[#m.libraryMatchers+1] = { path = nPath, matcher = matcher } end m.libraryVersion = config.version return m.libraryMatchers end --- 文件是否被忽略 function m.isIgnored(uri) local path = furi.decode(uri) local ignore = m.getNativeMatcher() if not ignore then return false end return ignore(path) end local function loadFileFactory(root, progress, isLibrary) return function (path) local uri = furi.encode(root .. '/' .. path) if not files.isLua(uri) then return end if progress.preload >= config.config.workspace.maxPreload then if not m.hasHitMaxPreload then m.hasHitMaxPreload = true proto.notify('window/showMessage', { type = 3, message = lang.script('MWS_MAX_PRELOAD', config.config.workspace.maxPreload), }) end return end if not isLibrary then progress.preload = progress.preload + 1 end progress.max = progress.max + 1 pub.task('loadFile', uri, function (text) progress.read = progress.read + 1 --log.info(('Preload file at: %s , size = %.3f KB'):format(uri, #text / 1000.0)) if isLibrary then files.setLibraryPath(uri, root) end files.setText(uri, text) end) end end --- 预读工作区内所有文件 function m.awaitPreload() await.close 'preload' await.setID 'preload' local progress = { max = 0, read = 0, preload = 0, } log.info('Preload start.') local nativeLoader = loadFileFactory(m.path, progress) local native = m.getNativeMatcher() local librarys = m.getLibraryMatchers() if native then native:scan(nativeLoader) end for _, library in ipairs(librarys) do local libraryInterface = interfaceFactory(library.path) local libraryLoader = loadFileFactory(library.path, progress, true) for k, v in pairs(libraryInterface) do library.matcher:setInterface(k, v) end library.matcher:scan(libraryLoader) end log.info(('Found %d files.'):format(progress.max)) while true do log.info(('Loaded %d/%d files'):format(progress.read, progress.max)) if progress.read >= progress.max then break end await.sleep(0.1) end --for i = 1, 100 do -- await.sleep(0.1) -- log.info('sleep', i) --end log.info('Preload finish.') local diagnostic = require 'provider.diagnostic' diagnostic.start() end --- 查找符合指定file path的所有uri ---@param path string function m.findUrisByFilePath(path) if type(path) ~= 'string' then return {} end local results = {} local posts = {} for uri in files.eachFile() do local pathLen = #path local uriLen = #uri local seg = uri:sub(uriLen - pathLen, uriLen - pathLen) if seg == '/' or seg == '\\' or seg == '' then local see = uri:sub(uriLen - pathLen + 1, uriLen) if files.eq(see, path) then results[#results+1] = uri posts[uri] = files.getOriginUri(uri):sub(1, uriLen - pathLen) end end end return results, posts end --- 查找符合指定require path的所有uri ---@param path string function m.findUrisByRequirePath(path) if type(path) ~= 'string' then return {} end local results = {} local mark = {} local searchers = {} local input = path:gsub('%.', '/') :gsub('%%', '%%%%') for _, luapath in ipairs(config.config.runtime.path) do local part = luapath:gsub('%?', input) local uris, posts = m.findUrisByFilePath(part) for _, uri in ipairs(uris) do if not mark[uri] then mark[uri] = true results[#results+1] = uri searchers[uri] = posts[uri] .. luapath end end end return results, searchers end function m.normalize(path) if platform.OS == 'Windows' then path = path:gsub('[/\\]+', '\\') :gsub('^%a+%:', function (str) return str:upper() end) else path = path:gsub('[/\\]+', '/') end return path:gsub('^[/\\]+', '') end function m.getRelativePath(uri) local path = furi.decode(uri) if not m.path then return m.normalize(path) end local _, pos = m.normalize(path):lower():find(m.path:lower(), 1, true) if pos then return m.normalize(path:sub(pos + 1)) else return m.normalize(path) end end function m.reload() files.flushAllLibrary() files.removeAllClosed() rpath.flush() await.call(m.awaitPreload) end files.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'close' and m.isIgnored(uri) and not files.isLibrary(uri) then files.remove(uri) end end) return m