local await = require 'await' local proto = require 'proto.proto' local define = require 'proto.define' local lang = require 'language' local files = require 'files' local config = require 'config' local core = require 'core.diagnostics' local util = require 'utility' local ws = require 'workspace' local m = {} m._start = false m.cache = {} m.sleepRest = 0.0 local function concat(t, sep) if type(t) ~= 'table' then return t end return table.concat(t, sep) end local function buildSyntaxError(uri, err) local lines = files.getLines(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) local message = lang.script('PARSER_'..err.type, err.info) if err.version then local version = err.info and err.info.version or config.config.runtime.version message = message .. ('(%s)'):format(lang.script('DIAG_NEED_VERSION' , concat(err.version, '/') , version )) end local related = err.info and err.info.related local relatedInformation if related then relatedInformation = {} for _, rel in ipairs(related) do local rmessage if rel.message then rmessage = lang.script('PARSER_'..rel.message) else rmessage = text:sub(rel.start, rel.finish) end relatedInformation[#relatedInformation+1] = { message = rmessage, location = define.location(uri, define.range(lines, text, rel.start, rel.finish)), } end end return { code = err.type:lower():gsub('_', '-'), range = define.range(lines, text, err.start, err.finish), severity = define.DiagnosticSeverity.Error, source = lang.script.DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK, message = message, relatedInformation = relatedInformation, } end local function buildDiagnostic(uri, diag) local lines = files.getLines(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) local relatedInformation if diag.related then relatedInformation = {} for _, rel in ipairs(diag.related) do local rtext = files.getText(rel.uri) local rlines = files.getLines(rel.uri) relatedInformation[#relatedInformation+1] = { message = rel.message or rtext:sub(rel.start, rel.finish), location = define.location(rel.uri, define.range(rlines, rtext, rel.start, rel.finish)) } end end return { range = define.range(lines, text, diag.start, diag.finish), source = lang.script.DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS, severity = diag.level, message = diag.message, code = diag.code, tags = diag.tags, relatedInformation = relatedInformation, } end local function merge(a, b) if not a and not b then return nil end local t = {} if a then for i = 1, #a do t[#t+1] = a[i] end end if b then for i = 1, #b do t[#t+1] = b[i] end end return t end function m.clear(uri) local luri = uri:lower() if not m.cache[luri] then return end m.cache[luri] = nil proto.notify('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', { uri = files.getOriginUri(luri) or uri, diagnostics = {}, }) end function m.syntaxErrors(uri, ast) if #ast.errs == 0 then return nil end local results = {} for _, err in ipairs(ast.errs) do results[#results+1] = buildSyntaxError(uri, err) end return results end function m.diagnostics(uri, diags) if not m._start then return end core(uri, function (results) if #results == 0 then return end for i = 1, #results do diags[#diags+1] = buildDiagnostic(uri, results[i]) end end) end function m.doDiagnostic(uri) uri = uri:lower() if files.isLibrary(uri) then return end local ast = files.getAst(uri) if not ast then m.clear(uri) return end local syntax = m.syntaxErrors(uri, ast) local diags = {} local function pushResult() local full = merge(syntax, diags) if not full then m.clear(uri) return end if util.equal(m.cache, full) then return end m.cache[uri] = full proto.notify('textDocument/publishDiagnostics', { uri = files.getOriginUri(uri), diagnostics = full, }) end if await.hasID 'diagnosticsAll' then m.checkStepResult = nil else local clock = os.clock() m.checkStepResult = function () if os.clock() - clock >= 0.2 then pushResult() clock = os.clock() end end end m.diagnostics(uri, diags) pushResult() end function m.refresh(uri) if not m._start then return end await.call(function () if uri then m.doDiagnostic(uri) end m.diagnosticsAll() end, 'files.version') end function m.diagnosticsAll() if not m._start then return end local delay = config.config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay / 1000 if delay < 0 then return end await.close 'diagnosticsAll' await.call(function () await.sleep(delay) m.diagnosticsAllClock = os.clock() local clock = os.clock() for uri in files.eachFile() do m.doDiagnostic(uri) await.delay() end log.debug('全文诊断耗时:', os.clock() - clock) end, 'files.version', 'diagnosticsAll') end function m.start() m._start = true m.diagnosticsAll() end function m.checkStepResult() if await.hasID 'diagnosticsAll' then return end end function m.checkWorkspaceDiag() if not await.hasID 'diagnosticsAll' then return end local speedRate = config.config.diagnostics.workspaceRate if speedRate <= 0 or speedRate >= 100 then return end local currentClock = os.clock() local passed = currentClock - m.diagnosticsAllClock local sleepTime = passed * (100 - speedRate) / speedRate + m.sleepRest m.sleepRest = 0.0 if sleepTime < 0.001 then m.sleepRest = m.sleepRest + sleepTime return end if sleepTime > 0.1 then m.sleepRest = sleepTime - 0.1 sleepTime = 0.1 end await.sleep(sleepTime) m.diagnosticsAllClock = os.clock() return false end files.watch(function (ev, uri) if ev == 'remove' then m.clear(uri) elseif ev == 'update' then m.refresh(uri) elseif ev == 'open' then m.doDiagnostic(uri) end end) await.watch(function (ev, co) if ev == 'delay' then if m.checkStepResult then m.checkStepResult() end return m.checkWorkspaceDiag() end end) return m