local util = require 'utility' local error = error local type = type local next = next local tostring = tostring local print = print local ipairs = ipairs local tableInsert = table.insert local tableUnpack = table.unpack local tableRemove = table.remove local tableMove = table.move local tableSort = table.sort local tableConcat = table.concat local mathType = math.type local pairs = pairs local setmetatable = setmetatable local assert = assert local select = select local osClock = os.clock local DEVELOP = _G.DEVELOP local log = log local _G = _G local function logWarn(...) log.warn(...) end _ENV = nil local m = {} local blockTypes = { ['while'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['loop'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, ['do'] = true, ['function'] = true, ['ifblock'] = true, ['elseblock'] = true, ['elseifblock'] = true, ['main'] = true, } local breakBlockTypes = { ['while'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['loop'] = true, ['repeat'] = true, } m.childMap = { ['main'] = {'#', 'docs'}, ['repeat'] = {'#', 'filter'}, ['while'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['in'] = {'keys', '#'}, ['loop'] = {'loc', 'max', 'step', '#'}, ['if'] = {'#'}, ['ifblock'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['elseifblock'] = {'filter', '#'}, ['elseblock'] = {'#'}, ['setfield'] = {'node', 'field', 'value'}, ['setglobal'] = {'value'}, ['local'] = {'attrs', 'value'}, ['setlocal'] = {'value'}, ['return'] = {'#'}, ['do'] = {'#'}, ['select'] = {'vararg'}, ['table'] = {'#'}, ['tableindex'] = {'index', 'value'}, ['tablefield'] = {'field', 'value'}, ['function'] = {'args', '#'}, ['funcargs'] = {'#'}, ['setmethod'] = {'node', 'method', 'value'}, ['getmethod'] = {'node', 'method'}, ['setindex'] = {'node', 'index', 'value'}, ['getindex'] = {'node', 'index'}, ['paren'] = {'exp'}, ['call'] = {'node', 'args'}, ['callargs'] = {'#'}, ['getfield'] = {'node', 'field'}, ['list'] = {'#'}, ['binary'] = {1, 2}, ['unary'] = {1}, ['doc'] = {'#'}, ['doc.class'] = {'class', 'extends'}, ['doc.type'] = {'#types', '#enums', 'name'}, ['doc.alias'] = {'alias', 'extends'}, ['doc.param'] = {'param', 'extends'}, ['doc.return'] = {'#returns'}, ['doc.field'] = {'field', 'extends'}, ['doc.generic'] = {'#generics'}, ['doc.generic.object'] = {'generic', 'extends'}, ['doc.vararg'] = {'vararg'}, ['doc.type.table'] = {'key', 'value'}, ['doc.type.function'] = {'#args', '#returns'}, ['doc.overload'] = {'overload'}, } m.actionMap = { ['main'] = {'#'}, ['repeat'] = {'#'}, ['while'] = {'#'}, ['in'] = {'#'}, ['loop'] = {'#'}, ['if'] = {'#'}, ['ifblock'] = {'#'}, ['elseifblock'] = {'#'}, ['elseblock'] = {'#'}, ['do'] = {'#'}, ['function'] = {'#'}, ['funcargs'] = {'#'}, } local TypeSort = { ['boolean'] = 1, ['string'] = 2, ['integer'] = 3, ['number'] = 4, ['table'] = 5, ['function'] = 6, ['nil'] = 999, } local NIL = setmetatable({''}, { __tostring = function () return 'nil' end }) --- 是否是字面量 function m.isLiteral(obj) local tp = obj.type return tp == 'nil' or tp == 'boolean' or tp == 'string' or tp == 'number' or tp == 'table' end --- 获取字面量 function m.getLiteral(obj) local tp = obj.type if tp == 'boolean' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'string' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'number' then return obj[1] end return nil end --- 寻找父函数 function m.getParentFunction(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then break end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'function' or tp == 'main' then return obj end end return nil end --- 寻找所在区块 function m.getBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if blockTypes[tp] then return obj end obj = obj.parent end error('guide.getBlock overstack') end --- 寻找所在父区块 function m.getParentBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if blockTypes[tp] then return obj end end error('guide.getParentBlock overstack') end --- 寻找所在可break的父区块 function m.getBreakBlock(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if breakBlockTypes[tp] then return obj end if tp == 'function' then return nil end end error('guide.getBreakBlock overstack') end --- 寻找doc的主体 function m.getDocState(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return obj end if parent.type == 'doc' then return obj end obj = parent end error('guide.getDocState overstack') end --- 寻找所在父类型 function m.getParentType(obj, want) for _ = 1, 1000 do obj = obj.parent if not obj then return nil end if want == obj.type then return obj end end error('guide.getParentType overstack') end --- 寻找根区块 function m.getRoot(obj) for _ = 1, 1000 do local parent = obj.parent if not parent then if obj.type == 'main' then return obj else return nil end end obj = parent end error('guide.getRoot overstack') end function m.getUri(obj) if obj.uri then return obj.uri end local root = m.getRoot(obj) if root then return root.uri end return '' end function m.getENV(source, start) if not start then start = 1 end return m.getLocal(source, '_ENV', start) or m.getLocal(source, '@fenv', start) end --- 寻找函数的不定参数,返回不定参在第几个参数上,以及该参数对象。 --- 如果函数是主函数,则返回`0, nil`。 ---@return table ---@return integer function m.getFunctionVarArgs(func) if func.type == 'main' then return 0, nil end if func.type ~= 'function' then return nil, nil end local args = func.args if not args then return nil, nil end for i = 1, #args do local arg = args[i] if arg.type == '...' then return i, arg end end return nil, nil end --- 获取指定区块中可见的局部变量 ---@param block table ---@param name string {comment = '变量名'} ---@param pos integer {comment = '可见位置'} function m.getLocal(block, name, pos) block = m.getBlock(block) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not block then return nil end local locals = block.locals local res if not locals then goto CONTINUE end for i = 1, #locals do local loc = locals[i] if loc.effect > pos then break end if loc[1] == name then if not res or res.effect < loc.effect then res = loc end end end if res then return res, res end ::CONTINUE:: block = m.getParentBlock(block) end error('guide.getLocal overstack') end --- 获取指定区块中所有的可见局部变量名称 function m.getVisibleLocals(block, pos) local result = {} m.eachSourceContain(m.getRoot(block), pos, function (source) local locals = source.locals if locals then for i = 1, #locals do local loc = locals[i] local name = loc[1] if loc.effect <= pos then result[name] = loc end end end end) return result end --- 获取指定区块中可见的标签 ---@param block table ---@param name string {comment = '标签名'} function m.getLabel(block, name) block = m.getBlock(block) for _ = 1, 1000 do if not block then return nil end local labels = block.labels if labels then local label = labels[name] if label then return label end end if block.type == 'function' then return nil end block = m.getParentBlock(block) end error('guide.getLocal overstack') end function m.getStartFinish(source) local start = source.start local finish = source.finish if not start then local first = source[1] if not first then return nil, nil end local last = source[#source] start = first.start finish = last.finish end return start, finish end function m.getRange(source) local start = source.vstart or source.start local finish = source.range or source.finish if not start then local first = source[1] if not first then return nil, nil end local last = source[#source] start = first.vstart or first.start finish = last.range or last.finish end return start, finish end --- 判断source是否包含offset function m.isContain(source, offset) local start, finish = m.getStartFinish(source) if not start then return false end return start <= offset and finish >= offset - 1 end --- 判断offset在source的影响范围内 --- --- 主要针对赋值等语句时,key包含value function m.isInRange(source, offset) local start, finish = m.getRange(source) if not start then return false end return start <= offset and finish >= offset - 1 end function m.isBetween(source, tStart, tFinish) local start, finish = m.getStartFinish(source) if not start then return false end return start <= tFinish and finish >= tStart - 1 end function m.isBetweenRange(source, tStart, tFinish) local start, finish = m.getRange(source) if not start then return false end return start <= tFinish and finish >= tStart - 1 end --- 添加child function m.addChilds(list, obj, map) local keys = map[obj.type] if keys then for i = 1, #keys do local key = keys[i] if key == '#' then for i = 1, #obj do list[#list+1] = obj[i] end elseif obj[key] then list[#list+1] = obj[key] elseif type(key) == 'string' and key:sub(1, 1) == '#' then key = key:sub(2) for i = 1, #obj[key] do list[#list+1] = obj[key][i] end end end end end --- 遍历所有包含offset的source function m.eachSourceContain(ast, offset, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} while true do local len = #list if len == 0 then return end local obj = list[len] list[len] = nil if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true if m.isInRange(obj, offset) then if m.isContain(obj, offset) then local res = callback(obj) if res ~= nil then return res end end m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end end --- 遍历所有在某个范围内的source function m.eachSourceBetween(ast, start, finish, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} while true do local len = #list if len == 0 then return end local obj = list[len] list[len] = nil if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true if m.isBetweenRange(obj, start, finish) then if m.isBetween(obj, start, finish) then local res = callback(obj) if res ~= nil then return res end end m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end end --- 遍历所有指定类型的source function m.eachSourceType(ast, type, callback) local cache = ast.typeCache if not cache then cache = {} ast.typeCache = cache m.eachSource(ast, function (source) local tp = source.type if not tp then return end local myCache = cache[tp] if not myCache then myCache = {} cache[tp] = myCache end myCache[#myCache+1] = source end) end local myCache = cache[type] if not myCache then return end for i = 1, #myCache do callback(myCache[i]) end end --- 遍历所有的source function m.eachSource(ast, callback) local list = { ast } local mark = {} local index = 1 while true do local obj = list[index] if not obj then return end list[index] = false index = index + 1 if not mark[obj] then mark[obj] = true callback(obj) m.addChilds(list, obj, m.childMap) end end end --- 获取指定的 special function m.eachSpecialOf(ast, name, callback) local root = m.getRoot(ast) if not root.specials then return end local specials = root.specials[name] if not specials then return end for i = 1, #specials do callback(specials[i]) end end --- 获取偏移对应的坐标 ---@param lines table ---@return integer {name = 'row'} ---@return integer {name = 'col'} function m.positionOf(lines, offset) if offset < 1 then return 0, 0 end local lastLine = lines[#lines] if offset > lastLine.finish then return #lines, lastLine.finish - lastLine.start + 1 end local min = 1 local max = #lines for _ = 1, 100 do if max <= min then local line = lines[min] return min, offset - line.start + 1 end local row = (max - min) // 2 + min local line = lines[row] if offset < line.start then max = row - 1 elseif offset > line.finish then min = row + 1 else return row, offset - line.start + 1 end end error('Stack overflow!') end --- 获取坐标对应的偏移 ---@param lines table ---@param row integer ---@param col integer ---@return integer {name = 'offset'} function m.offsetOf(lines, row, col) if row < 1 then return 0 end if row > #lines then local lastLine = lines[#lines] return lastLine.finish end local line = lines[row] local len = line.finish - line.start + 1 if col < 0 then return line.start elseif col > len then return line.finish else return line.start + col - 1 end end function m.lineContent(lines, text, row, ignoreNL) local line = lines[row] if not line then return '' end if ignoreNL then return text:sub(line.start, line.range) else return text:sub(line.start, line.finish) end end function m.lineRange(lines, row, ignoreNL) local line = lines[row] if not line then return 0, 0 end if ignoreNL then return line.start, line.range else return line.start, line.finish end end function m.getNameOfLiteral(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'string' then return obj[1] end return nil end function m.getName(obj) local tp = obj.type if tp == 'getglobal' or tp == 'setglobal' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'local' or tp == 'getlocal' or tp == 'setlocal' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'getfield' or tp == 'setfield' or tp == 'tablefield' then return obj.field and obj.field[1] elseif tp == 'getmethod' or tp == 'setmethod' then return obj.method and obj.method[1] elseif tp == 'getindex' or tp == 'setindex' or tp == 'tableindex' then return m.getNameOfLiteral(obj.index) elseif tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' then return obj[1] elseif tp == 'doc.class' then return obj.class[1] elseif tp == 'doc.alias' then return obj.alias[1] elseif tp == 'doc.field' then return obj.field[1] end return m.getNameOfLiteral(obj) end function m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' then return 's|' .. obj[1] elseif tp == 'string' then local s = obj[1] if s then return 's|' .. s else return 's' end elseif tp == 'number' then local n = obj[1] if n then return ('n|%s'):format(util.viewLiteral(obj[1])) else return 'n' end elseif tp == 'boolean' then local b = obj[1] if b then return 'b|' .. tostring(b) else return 'b' end end return nil end function m.getKeyName(obj) if not obj then return nil end local tp = obj.type if tp == 'getglobal' or tp == 'setglobal' then return 's|' .. obj[1] elseif tp == 'local' or tp == 'getlocal' or tp == 'setlocal' then return 'l|' .. obj[1] elseif tp == 'getfield' or tp == 'setfield' or tp == 'tablefield' then if obj.field then return 's|' .. obj.field[1] end elseif tp == 'getmethod' or tp == 'setmethod' then if obj.method then return 's|' .. obj.method[1] end elseif tp == 'getindex' or tp == 'setindex' or tp == 'tableindex' then return m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj.index) elseif tp == 'field' or tp == 'method' then return 's|' .. obj[1] elseif tp == 'doc.class' then return 's|' .. obj.class[1] elseif tp == 'doc.alias' then return 's|' .. obj.alias[1] elseif tp == 'doc.field' then return 's|' .. obj.field[1] end return m.getKeyNameOfLiteral(obj) end function m.getSimpleName(obj) if obj.type == 'call' then local key = obj.args[2] return m.getKeyName(key) elseif obj.type == 'table' then return ('t|%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'select' then return ('v|%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'string' then return ('z|%p'):format(obj) elseif obj.type == 'library' then return ('s|%s'):format(obj.name) end return m.getKeyName(obj) end --- 测试 a 到 b 的路径(不经过函数,不考虑 goto), --- 每个路径是一个 block 。 --- --- 如果 a 在 b 的前面,返回 `"before"` 加上 2个`list` --- --- 如果 a 在 b 的后面,返回 `"after"` 加上 2个`list` --- --- 否则返回 `false` --- --- 返回的2个 `list` 分别为基准block到达 a 与 b 的路径。 ---@param a table ---@param b table ---@return string|boolean mode ---@return table|nil pathA ---@return table|nil pathB function m.getPath(a, b, sameFunction) --- 首先测试双方在同一个函数内 if sameFunction and m.getParentFunction(a) ~= m.getParentFunction(b) then return false end local mode local objA local objB if a.finish < b.start then mode = 'before' objA = a objB = b elseif a.start > b.finish then mode = 'after' objA = b objB = a else return 'equal', {}, {} end local pathA = {} local pathB = {} for _ = 1, 1000 do objA = m.getParentBlock(objA) pathA[#pathA+1] = objA if (not sameFunction and objA.type == 'function') or objA.type == 'main' then break end end for _ = 1, 1000 do objB = m.getParentBlock(objB) pathB[#pathB+1] = objB if (not sameFunction and objA.type == 'function') or objB.type == 'main' then break end end -- pathA: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3} local top = #pathB local start for i = #pathA, 1, -1 do local currentBlock = pathA[i] if currentBlock == pathB[top] then start = i break end end if not start then return nil end -- pathA: { 1, 2, 3} -- pathB: {5, 6, 2, 3} local extra = 0 local align = top - start for i = start, 1, -1 do local currentA = pathA[i] local currentB = pathB[i+align] if currentA ~= currentB then extra = i break end end -- pathA: {1} local resultA = {} for i = extra, 1, -1 do resultA[#resultA+1] = pathA[i] end -- pathB: {5, 6} local resultB = {} for i = extra + align, 1, -1 do resultB[#resultB+1] = pathB[i] end return mode, resultA, resultB end -- 根据语法,单步搜索定义 local function stepRefOfLocal(loc, mode) local results = {} if loc.start ~= 0 then results[#results+1] = loc end local refs = loc.ref if not refs then return results end for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] if ref.start == 0 then goto CONTINUE end if mode == 'def' then if ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref end else if ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref end end ::CONTINUE:: end return results end local function stepRefOfLabel(label, mode) local results = { label } if not label or mode == 'def' then return results end local refs = label.ref for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] results[#results+1] = ref end return results end local function stepRefOfDocType(status, obj, mode) local results = {} if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.alias.name' or obj.type == 'doc.extends.name' then local name = obj[1] if not name or not status.interface.docType then return results end local docs = status.interface.docType(name) for i = 1, #docs do local doc = docs[i] if mode == 'def' then if doc.type == 'doc.class.name' or doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then results[#results+1] = doc end else results[#results+1] = doc end end else results[#results+1] = obj end return results end function m.getStepRef(status, obj, mode) if obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' then return stepRefOfLocal(obj.node, mode) end if obj.type == 'local' then return stepRefOfLocal(obj, mode) end if obj.type == 'label' then return stepRefOfLabel(obj, mode) end if obj.type == 'goto' then return stepRefOfLabel(obj.node, mode) end if obj.type == 'library' then return { obj } end if obj.type == 'doc.class.name' or obj.type == 'doc.type.name' or obj.type == 'doc.extends.name' or obj.type == 'doc.alias.name' then return stepRefOfDocType(status, obj, mode) end return nil end -- 根据语法,单步搜索field local function stepFieldOfLocal(loc) local results = {} local refs = loc.ref for i = 1, #refs do local ref = refs[i] if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'getlocal' then local nxt = ref.next if nxt then if nxt.type == 'setfield' or nxt.type == 'getfield' or nxt.type == 'setmethod' or nxt.type == 'getmethod' or nxt.type == 'setindex' or nxt.type == 'getindex' then results[#results+1] = nxt end end end end return results end local function stepFieldOfTable(tbl) local result = {} for i = 1, #tbl do result[i] = tbl[i] end return result end function m.getStepField(obj) if obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' then return stepFieldOfLocal(obj.node) end if obj.type == 'local' then return stepFieldOfLocal(obj) end if obj.type == 'table' then return stepFieldOfTable(obj) end end local function convertSimpleList(list) local simple = {} for i = #list, 1, -1 do local c = list[i] if c.type == 'getglobal' or c.type == 'setglobal' then if c.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' goto CONTINUE end local loc = c.node if loc.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' if not simple.node then simple.node = c end else simple.mode = 'local' simple[#simple+1] = m.getSimpleName(loc) if not simple.node then simple.node = loc end end elseif c.type == 'getlocal' or c.type == 'setlocal' then if c.special == '_G' then simple.mode = 'global' goto CONTINUE end simple.mode = 'local' if not simple.node then simple.node = c.node end elseif c.type == 'local' then simple.mode = 'local' if not simple.node then simple.node = c end else if not simple.node then simple.node = c end end simple[#simple+1] = m.getSimpleName(c) ::CONTINUE:: end return simple end -- 搜索 `a.b.c` 的等价表达式 local function buildSimpleList(obj, max) local list = {} local cur = obj local limit = max and (max + 1) or 11 for i = 1, max or limit do if i == limit then return nil end while cur.type == 'paren' do cur = cur.exp if not cur then return nil end end if cur.type == 'setfield' or cur.type == 'getfield' or cur.type == 'setmethod' or cur.type == 'getmethod' or cur.type == 'setindex' or cur.type == 'getindex' then list[i] = cur cur = cur.node elseif cur.type == 'tablefield' or cur.type == 'tableindex' then list[i] = cur cur = cur.parent.parent if cur.type == 'return' then list[i+1] = list[i].parent break end elseif cur.type == 'getlocal' or cur.type == 'setlocal' or cur.type == 'local' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'setglobal' or cur.type == 'getglobal' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'select' or cur.type == 'table' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'string' then list[i] = cur break elseif cur.type == 'function' or cur.type == 'main' then break else return nil end end return convertSimpleList(list) end function m.getSimple(obj, max) local simpleList if obj.type == 'getfield' or obj.type == 'setfield' or obj.type == 'getmethod' or obj.type == 'setmethod' or obj.type == 'getindex' or obj.type == 'setindex' or obj.type == 'local' or obj.type == 'getlocal' or obj.type == 'setlocal' or obj.type == 'setglobal' or obj.type == 'getglobal' or obj.type == 'tablefield' or obj.type == 'tableindex' or obj.type == 'select' or obj.type == 'table' then simpleList = buildSimpleList(obj, max) elseif obj.type == 'field' or obj.type == 'method' then simpleList = buildSimpleList(obj.parent, max) end return simpleList end function m.status(parentStatus, interface) local status = { cache = parentStatus and parentStatus.cache or { count = 0, }, depth = parentStatus and (parentStatus.depth + 1) or 1, interface = parentStatus and parentStatus.interface or {}, locks = parentStatus and parentStatus.locks or {}, deep = parentStatus and parentStatus.deep, results = {}, } status.lock = status.locks[status.depth] or {} status.locks[status.depth] = status.lock if interface then for k, v in pairs(interface) do status.interface[k] = v end end local searchDepth = status.interface.getSearchDepth and status.interface.getSearchDepth() or 0 if status.depth >= searchDepth then status.deep = false end return status end function m.copyStatusResults(a, b) local ra = a.results local rb = b.results for i = 1, #rb do ra[#ra+1] = rb[i] end end function m.isGlobal(source) if source.type == 'setglobal' or source.type == 'getglobal' then if source.node and source.node.tag == '_ENV' then return true end end if source.type == 'field' then local node = source.parent.node if node and node.special == '_G' then return true end end return false end function m.isDoc(source) return source.type:sub(1, 4) == 'doc.' end --- 根据函数的调用参数,获取:调用,参数索引 function m.getCallAndArgIndex(callarg) local callargs = callarg.parent if not callargs or callargs.type ~= 'callargs' then return nil end local index for i = 1, #callargs do if callargs[i] == callarg then index = i break end end local call = callargs.parent return call, index end --- 根据函数调用的返回值,获取:调用的函数,参数列表,自己是第几个返回值 function m.getCallValue(source) local value = m.getObjectValue(source) or source if not value then return end local call, index if value.type == 'call' then call = value index = 1 elseif value.type == 'select' then call = value.vararg index = value.index if call.type ~= 'call' then return end else return end return call.node, call.args, index end function m.getNextRef(ref) local nextRef = ref.next if nextRef then if nextRef.type == 'setfield' or nextRef.type == 'getfield' or nextRef.type == 'setmethod' or nextRef.type == 'getmethod' or nextRef.type == 'setindex' or nextRef.type == 'getindex' then return nextRef end else -- 穿透 rawget 与 rawset local call, index = m.getCallAndArgIndex(ref) if call then if call.node.special == 'rawset' and index == 1 then return call end if call.node.special == 'rawget' and index == 1 then return call end end end return nil end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfTable(status, value, start, queue) if value.type ~= 'table' then return end for i = 1, #value do local field = value[i] queue[#queue+1] = { obj = field, start = start + 1, } end end function m.searchFields(status, obj, key) local simple = m.getSimple(obj) if not simple then return end simple[#simple+1] = key and ('s|' .. key) or '*' m.searchSameFields(status, simple, 'field') m.cleanResults(status.results) end function m.getObjectValue(obj) while obj.type == 'paren' do obj = obj.exp if not obj then return nil end end if obj.library then return nil end if obj.type == 'boolean' or obj.type == 'number' or obj.type == 'integer' or obj.type == 'string' then return obj end if obj.value then return obj.value end if obj.type == 'field' or obj.type == 'method' then return obj.parent.value end if obj.type == 'call' then if obj.node.special == 'rawset' then return obj.args[3] end end if obj.type == 'select' then return obj end return nil end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, queue) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchFields(newStatus, mt, '__index') local refsStatus = m.status(status) for i = 1, #newStatus.results do local indexValue = m.getObjectValue(newStatus.results[i]) if indexValue then m.searchRefs(refsStatus, indexValue, 'ref') end end for i = 1, #refsStatus.results do local obj = refsStatus.results[i] queue[#queue+1] = { obj = obj, start = start, force = true, } end end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, func, start, queue) if not func or func.special ~= 'setmetatable' then return end local call = func.parent local args = call.args local obj = args[1] local mt = args[2] if obj then queue[#queue+1] = { obj = obj, start = start, force = true, } end if mt then m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, queue) end end function m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfCallMetaTable(status, call, start, queue) if call.type == 'call' then m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, call.node, start, queue) end end function m.checkSameSimpleInSpecialBranch(status, obj, start, queue) if not status.interface.index then return end local results = status.interface.index(obj) if not results then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start + 1, } end end function m.checkSameSimpleByBindDocs(status, obj, start, queue, mode) if not obj.bindDocs then return end if status.cache.searchingBindedDoc then return end local skipInfer = false local results = {} for _, doc in ipairs(obj.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.class' then results = stepRefOfDocType(status, doc.class, mode) elseif doc.type == 'doc.type' then for _, piece in ipairs(doc.types) do local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, piece, mode) for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do results[#results+1] = res end end elseif doc.type == 'doc.param' then -- function (x) 的情况 if obj.type == 'local' and m.getName(obj) == doc.param[1] then if obj.parent.type == 'funcargs' or obj.parent.type == 'in' or obj.parent.type == 'loop' then for _, piece in ipairs(doc.extends.types) do local pieceResult = stepRefOfDocType(status, piece, mode) for _, res in ipairs(pieceResult) do results[#results+1] = res end end end end elseif doc.type == 'doc.overload' then results[#results+1] = doc.overload elseif doc.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = doc end end local mark = {} local newStatus = m.status(status) newStatus.cache.searchingBindedDoc = true for _, res in ipairs(results) do local doc = m.getDocState(res) if doc.type == 'doc.class' or doc.type == 'doc.type' then local refs = doc.bindSources for _, ref in ipairs(refs) do if not mark[ref] then mark[ref] = true m.searchRefs(newStatus, ref, mode) end end skipInfer = true end if res.type == 'doc.type.function' then queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } elseif res.type == 'doc.field' then queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start + 1, } end end newStatus.cache.searchingBindedDoc = nil for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } end return skipInfer end function m.checkSameSimpleInArg1OfSetMetaTable(status, obj, start, queue) local args = obj.parent if not args or args.type ~= 'callargs' then return end if args[1] ~= obj then return end local mt = args[2] if mt then if m.checkValueMark(status, obj, mt) then return end m.checkSameSimpleInValueInMetaTable(status, mt, start, queue) end end function m.searchSameMethodCrossSelf(ref, mark) local selfNode if ref.tag == 'self' then selfNode = ref else if ref.type == 'getlocal' or ref.type == 'setlocal' then local node = ref.node if node.tag == 'self' then selfNode = node end end end if selfNode then if mark[selfNode] then return nil end mark[selfNode] = true return selfNode.method.node end end function m.searchSameMethod(ref, mark) if mark['method'] then return nil end local nxt = ref.next if not nxt then return nil end if nxt.type == 'setmethod' then mark['method'] = true return ref end return nil end function m.searchSameFieldsCrossMethod(status, ref, start, queue) local mark = status.cache.crossMethodMark if not mark then mark = {} status.cache.crossMethodMark = mark end local method = m.searchSameMethod(ref, mark) or m.searchSameMethodCrossSelf(ref, mark) if not method then return end local methodStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(methodStatus, method, 'ref') for _, md in ipairs(methodStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = md, start = start, force = true, } local nxt = md.next if not nxt then goto CONTINUE end if nxt.type == 'setmethod' then local func = nxt.value if not func then goto CONTINUE end local selfNode = func.locals and func.locals[1] if not selfNode or not selfNode.ref then goto CONTINUE end if mark[selfNode] then goto CONTINUE end mark[selfNode] = true for _, selfRef in ipairs(selfNode.ref) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = selfRef, start = start, force = true, } end end ::CONTINUE:: end end function m.checkSameSimpleInCallInSameFile(status, func, args, index) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, func, 'def') local results = {} for _, def in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local value = m.getObjectValue(def) or def if value.type == 'function' then local returns = value.returns if returns then for _, ret in ipairs(returns) do local exp = ret[index] if exp then results[#results+1] = exp end end end end end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleInCall(status, ref, start, queue, mode) local func, args, index = m.getCallValue(ref) if not func then return end if m.checkCallMark(status, func.parent, true) then return end status.cache.crossCallCount = status.cache.crossCallCount or 0 if status.cache.crossCallCount >= 5 then return end status.cache.crossCallCount = status.cache.crossCallCount + 1 -- 检查赋值是 semetatable() 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfSetMetaTable(status, func, start, queue) -- 检查赋值是 func() 的情况 local objs = m.checkSameSimpleInCallInSameFile(status, func, args, index) if status.interface.call then local cobjs = status.interface.call(func, args, index) if cobjs then for _, obj in ipairs(cobjs) do if not m.checkReturnMark(status, obj) then objs[#objs+1] = obj end end end end m.cleanResults(objs) local newStatus = m.status(status) for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, mode) queue[#queue+1] = { obj = obj, start = start, force = true, } end status.cache.crossCallCount = status.cache.crossCallCount - 1 for _, obj in ipairs(newStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = obj, start = start, force = true, } end end local function searchRawset(ref, results) if m.getKeyName(ref) ~= 's|rawset' then return end local call = ref.parent if call.type ~= 'call' or call.node ~= ref then return end if not call.args then return end local arg1 = call.args[1] if arg1.special ~= '_G' then -- 不会吧不会吧,不会真的有人写成 `rawset(_G._G._G, 'xxx', value)` 吧 return end results[#results+1] = call end local function searchG(ref, results) while ref and m.getKeyName(ref) == 's|_G' do results[#results+1] = ref ref = ref.next end if ref then results[#results+1] = ref searchRawset(ref, results) end end local function searchEnvRef(ref, results) if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref searchG(ref, results) elseif ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref.next searchG(ref.next, results) end end function m.findGlobals(ast) local results = {} local env = m.getENV(ast) if env.ref then for _, ref in ipairs(env.ref) do searchEnvRef(ref, results) end end return results end function m.checkSameSimpleInGlobal(status, name, source, start, queue) if not name then return end local objs if status.interface.global then objs = status.interface.global(name) else objs = m.findGlobals(m.getRoot(source)) end if objs then for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = obj, start = start, force = true, } end end end function m.checkValueMark(status, a, b) if not status.cache.valueMark then status.cache.valueMark = {} end if status.cache.valueMark[a] or status.cache.valueMark[b] then return true end status.cache.valueMark[a] = true status.cache.valueMark[b] = true return false end function m.checkCallMark(status, a, mark) if not status.cache.callMark then status.cache.callMark = {} end if mark then status.cache.callMark[a] = mark else return status.cache.callMark[a] end return false end function m.checkReturnMark(status, a, mark) if not status.cache.returnMark then status.cache.returnMark = {} end if mark then status.cache.returnMark[a] = mark else return status.cache.returnMark[a] end return false end function m.searchSameFieldsInValue(status, ref, start, queue, mode) local value = m.getObjectValue(ref) if not value then return end if m.checkValueMark(status, ref, value) then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, value, mode) for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } end queue[#queue+1] = { obj = value, start = start, force = true, } -- 检查形如 a = f() 的分支情况 m.checkSameSimpleInCall(status, value, start, queue, mode) end function m.checkSameSimpleAsTableField(status, ref, start, queue) if not status.deep then return end local parent = ref.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'tablefield' then return end if m.checkValueMark(status, parent, ref) then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, parent.field, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } end end function m.checkSearchLevel(status) status.cache.back = status.cache.back or 0 if status.cache.back >= (status.interface.searchLevel or 0) then -- TODO 限制向前搜索的次数 --return true end status.cache.back = status.cache.back + 1 return false end function m.checkSameSimpleAsReturn(status, ref, start, queue) if not status.deep then return end if not ref.parent or ref.parent.type ~= 'return' then return end if ref.parent.parent.type ~= 'main' then return end if m.checkSearchLevel(status) then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(newStatus, ref, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if not m.checkCallMark(status, res) then queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } end end end function m.checkSameSimpleAsSetValue(status, ref, start, queue) if ref.type == 'select' then return end local parent = ref.parent if not parent then return end if m.getObjectValue(parent) ~= ref then return end if m.checkValueMark(status, ref, parent) then return end if m.checkSearchLevel(status) then return end local obj if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setglobal' or parent.type == 'setlocal' then obj = parent elseif parent.type == 'setfield' then obj = parent.field elseif parent.type == 'setmethod' then obj = parent.method end if not obj then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, 'ref') for _, res in ipairs(newStatus.results) do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = res, start = start, force = true, } end end function m.pushResult(status, mode, ref, simple) local results = status.results if mode == 'def' then if ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'local' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'function' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'table' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'library' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type.function' or ref.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = ref end if ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'return' then if m.getParentFunction(ref) ~= m.getParentFunction(simple.node) then results[#results+1] = ref end end elseif mode == 'ref' then if ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'getfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' or ref.type == 'getmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'getindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' or ref.type == 'local' or ref.type == 'setlocal' or ref.type == 'getlocal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'function' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'table' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' or ref.node.special == 'rawget' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'library' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type.function' or ref.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = ref end if ref.parent and ref.parent.type == 'return' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif mode == 'field' then if ref.type == 'setfield' or ref.type == 'getfield' or ref.type == 'tablefield' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setmethod' or ref.type == 'getmethod' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setindex' or ref.type == 'getindex' or ref.type == 'tableindex' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'setglobal' or ref.type == 'getglobal' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'function' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'table' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'call' then if ref.node.special == 'rawset' or ref.node.special == 'rawget' then results[#results+1] = ref end elseif ref.type == 'library' then results[#results+1] = ref elseif ref.type == 'doc.type.function' or ref.type == 'doc.field' then results[#results+1] = ref end end end function m.checkSameSimple(status, simple, data, mode, queue) local ref = data.obj local start = data.start local force = data.force if start > #simple then return end for i = start, #simple do local sm = simple[i] if sm ~= '*' and not force and m.getSimpleName(ref) ~= sm then return end force = false local cmode = mode if i < #simple then cmode = 'ref' end -- 检查 doc local skipInfer = m.checkSameSimpleByBindDocs(status, ref, i, queue, cmode) if not skipInfer then -- 穿透 self:func 与 mt:func m.searchSameFieldsCrossMethod(status, ref, i, queue) -- 穿透赋值 m.searchSameFieldsInValue(status, ref, i, queue, cmode) -- 检查自己是字面量表的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfTable(status, ref, i, queue) -- 检查自己作为 setmetatable 第一个参数的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInArg1OfSetMetaTable(status, ref, i, queue) -- 检查自己作为 setmetatable 调用的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInValueOfCallMetaTable(status, ref, i, queue) -- 检查自己是特殊变量的分支的情况 m.checkSameSimpleInSpecialBranch(status, ref, i, queue) if cmode == 'ref' then -- 检查形如 { a = f } 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsTableField(status, ref, i, queue) -- 检查形如 return m 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsReturn(status, ref, i, queue) -- 检查形如 a = f 的情况 m.checkSameSimpleAsSetValue(status, ref, i, queue) end end if i == #simple then break end ref = m.getNextRef(ref) if not ref then return end end m.pushResult(status, mode, ref, simple) local value = m.getObjectValue(ref) if value then m.pushResult(status, mode, value, simple) end end function m.searchSameFields(status, simple, mode) local queue = {} if simple.mode == 'global' then -- 全局变量开头 m.checkSameSimpleInGlobal(status, simple[1], simple.node, 1, queue) elseif simple.mode == 'local' then -- 局部变量开头 queue[1] = { obj = simple.node, start = 1, } local refs = simple.node.ref if refs then for i = 1, #refs do queue[#queue+1] = { obj = refs[i], start = 1, } end end else queue[1] = { obj = simple.node, start = 1, } end local max = 0 for i = 1, 1e6 do local data = queue[i] if not data then return end if not status.lock[data.obj] then status.lock[data.obj] = true max = max + 1 status.cache.count = status.cache.count + 1 m.checkSameSimple(status, simple, data, mode, queue) if max >= 10000 then logWarn('Queue too large!') break end end end end function m.getCallerInSameFile(status, func) -- 搜索所有所在函数的调用者 local funcRefs = m.status(status) m.searchRefOfValue(funcRefs, func) local calls = {} if #funcRefs.results == 0 then return calls end for _, res in ipairs(funcRefs.results) do local call = res.parent if call.type == 'call' then calls[#calls+1] = call end end return calls end function m.getCallerCrossFiles(status, main) if status.interface.link then return status.interface.link(main.uri) end return {} end function m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(status, obj, mode) if mode == 'def' then return end if m.checkReturnMark(status, obj, true) then return end status.results[#status.results+1] = obj -- 搜索所在函数 local currentFunc = m.getParentFunction(obj) local rtn = obj.parent if rtn.type ~= 'return' then return end -- 看看他是第几个返回值 local index for i = 1, #rtn do if obj == rtn[i] then index = i break end end if not index then return end local calls if currentFunc.type == 'main' then calls = m.getCallerCrossFiles(status, currentFunc) else calls = m.getCallerInSameFile(status, currentFunc) end -- 搜索调用者的返回值 if #calls == 0 then return end local selects = {} for i = 1, #calls do local parent = calls[i].parent if parent.type == 'select' and parent.index == index then selects[#selects+1] = parent.parent end local extParent = calls[i].extParent if extParent then for j = 1, #extParent do local ext = extParent[j] if ext.type == 'select' and ext.index == index then selects[#selects+1] = ext.parent end end end end -- 搜索调用者的引用 for i = 1, #selects do m.searchRefs(status, selects[i], 'ref') end end function m.searchRefsAsFunctionSet(status, obj, mode) local parent = obj.parent if not parent then return end if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setlocal' or parent.type == 'setglobal' or parent.type == 'setfield' or parent.type == 'setmethod' or parent.type == 'tablefield' then m.searchRefs(status, parent, mode) elseif parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then if parent.index == obj then m.searchRefs(status, parent, mode) end end end function m.searchRefsAsFunction(status, obj, mode) if obj.type ~= 'function' and obj.type ~= 'table' then return end m.searchRefsAsFunctionSet(status, obj, mode) -- 检查自己作为返回函数时的引用 m.searchRefsAsFunctionReturn(status, obj, mode) end function m.cleanResults(results) local mark = {} for i = #results, 1, -1 do local res = results[i] if res.tag == 'self' or mark[res] then results[i] = results[#results] results[#results] = nil else mark[res] = true end end end --function m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) -- local cache = status.interface.cache and status.interface.cache() -- if not cache then -- return -- end -- if m.isGlobal(obj) then -- obj = m.getKeyName(obj) -- end -- if not cache[mode] then -- cache[mode] = {} -- end -- local sourceCache = cache[mode][obj] -- if sourceCache then -- return sourceCache -- end -- sourceCache = {} -- cache[mode][obj] = sourceCache -- return nil, function (results) -- for i = 1, #results do -- sourceCache[i] = results[i] -- end -- end --end function m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) local cache, globalCache if status.depth == 1 and status.deep then globalCache = status.interface.cache and status.interface.cache() or {} end cache = status.cache.refCache or {} status.cache.refCache = cache if m.isGlobal(obj) then obj = m.getKeyName(obj) end if not cache[mode] then cache[mode] = {} end if globalCache and not globalCache[mode] then globalCache[mode] = {} end local sourceCache = globalCache and globalCache[mode][obj] or cache[mode][obj] if sourceCache then return sourceCache end sourceCache = {} cache[mode][obj] = sourceCache if globalCache then globalCache[mode][obj] = sourceCache end return nil, function (results) for i = 1, #results do sourceCache[i] = results[i] end end end function m.searchRefs(status, obj, mode) local cache, makeCache = m.getRefCache(status, obj, mode) if cache then for i = 1, #cache do status.results[#status.results+1] = cache[i] end return end -- 检查单步引用 local res = m.getStepRef(status, obj, mode) if res then for i = 1, #res do status.results[#status.results+1] = res[i] end end -- 检查simple if status.depth <= 100 then local simple = m.getSimple(obj) if simple then m.searchSameFields(status, simple, mode) end else if m.debugMode then error('status.depth overflow') elseif DEVELOP then --log.warn(debug.traceback('status.depth overflow')) logWarn('status.depth overflow') end end m.cleanResults(status.results) if makeCache then makeCache(status.results) end end function m.searchRefOfValue(status, obj) local var = obj.parent if var.type == 'local' or var.type == 'set' then return m.searchRefs(status, var, 'ref') end end function m.allocInfer(o) if type(o.type) == 'table' then local infers = {} for i = 1, #o.type do infers[i] = { type = o.type[i], value = o.value, source = o.source, } end return infers else return { [1] = o, } end end function m.mergeTypes(types) local results = {} local mark = {} local hasAny -- 这里把 any 去掉 for i = 1, #types do local tp = types[i] if tp == 'any' then hasAny = true end if not mark[tp] and tp ~= 'any' then mark[tp] = true results[#results+1] = tp end end if #results == 0 then return 'any' end -- 只有显性的 nil 与 any 时,取 any if #results == 1 then if results[1] == 'nil' and hasAny then return 'any' else return results[1] end end -- 同时包含 number 与 integer 时,去掉 integer if mark['number'] and mark['integer'] then for i = 1, #results do if results[i] == 'integer' then tableRemove(results, i) break end end end tableSort(results, function (a, b) local sa = TypeSort[a] or 100 local sb = TypeSort[b] or 100 return sa < sb end) return tableConcat(results, '|') end function m.viewInferType(infers) if not infers then return 'any' end local mark = {} local types = {} for i = 1, #infers do local tp = infers[i].type or 'any' if not mark[tp] then types[#types+1] = tp end mark[tp] = true end return m.mergeTypes(types) end function m.checkTrue(status, source) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, source) -- 当前认为的结果 local current for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do -- 新的结果 local new if infer.type == 'nil' then new = false elseif infer.type == 'boolean' then if infer.value == true then new = true elseif infer.value == false then new = false end end if new ~= nil then if current == nil then current = new else -- 如果2个结果完全相反,则返回 nil 表示不确定 if new ~= current then return nil end end end end return current end --- 获取特定类型的字面量值 function m.getInferLiteral(status, source, type) local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, source) for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if infer.value ~= nil then if type == nil or infer.type == type then return infer.value end end end return nil end --- 是否包含某种类型 function m.hasType(status, source, type) m.searchInfer(status, source) for _, infer in ipairs(status.results) do if infer.type == type then return true end end return false end function m.isSameValue(status, a, b) local statusA = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(statusA, a) local statusB = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(statusB, b) local infers = {} for _, infer in ipairs(statusA.results) do local literal = infer.value if literal then infers[literal] = false end end for _, infer in ipairs(statusB.results) do local literal = infer.value if literal then if infers[literal] == nil then return false end infers[literal] = true end end for k, v in pairs(infers) do if v == false then return false end end return true end function m.inferCheckLiteralTableWithDocVararg(status, source) if #source ~= 1 then return end local vararg = source[1] if vararg.type ~= 'varargs' then return end local results = m.getVarargDocType(status, source) status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = m.viewInferType(results) .. '[]', source = source, } return true end function m.inferCheckLiteral(status, source) if source.type == 'string' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'string', value = source[1], source = source, } return true elseif source.type == 'nil' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'nil', value = NIL, source = source, } return true elseif source.type == 'boolean' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = source[1], source = source, } return true elseif source.type == 'number' then if mathType(source[1]) == 'integer' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = source[1], source = source, } return true else status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = source[1], source = source, } return true end elseif source.type == 'integer' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', source = source, } return true elseif source.type == 'table' then if m.inferCheckLiteralTableWithDocVararg(status, source) then return true end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'table', source = source, } return true elseif source.type == 'function' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'function', source = source, } return true elseif source.type == '...' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = '...', source = source, } return true end end function m.inferCheckLibrary(status, source) if source.type ~= 'library' then return end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = source.value.type, source = source, } return true end local function getDocAliasExtends(status, name) if not status.interface.docType then return nil end for _, doc in ipairs(status.interface.docType(name)) do if doc.type == 'doc.alias.name' then return m.viewInferType(m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc.parent.extends)) end end return nil end local function getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit, genericCallback) local typeName if unit.type == 'doc.type.name' then typeName = getDocAliasExtends(status, unit[1]) or unit[1] elseif unit.type == 'doc.type.function' then typeName = 'function' end if unit.typeGeneric then if genericCallback then typeName = genericCallback(typeName, unit) or ('<%s>'):format(typeName) else typeName = ('<%s>'):format(typeName) end end if unit.array then typeName = typeName .. '[]' elseif unit.generic then typeName = ('%s<%s, %s>'):format( typeName, m.viewInferType(m.getDocTypeNames(status, unit.key)), m.viewInferType(m.getDocTypeNames(status, unit.value)) ) end return typeName end function m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc, genericCallback) local results = {} if not doc then return results end for _, unit in ipairs(doc.types) do local typeName = getDocTypeUnitName(status, unit, genericCallback) results[#results+1] = { type = typeName, source = unit, } end for _, enum in ipairs(doc.enums) do results[#results+1] = { type = enum[1], source = enum, } end for _, resume in ipairs(doc.resumes) do results[#results+1] = { type = resume[1], source = resume, } end return results end function m.inferCheckDoc(status, source) if source.type == 'doc.class' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = source.class[1], source = source, } return true end if source.type == 'doc.type' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, source) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end if source.type == 'doc.field' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, source.extends) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end end function m.getVarargDocType(status, source) local func = m.getParentFunction(source) if not func then return end if not func.args then return end for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do if arg.type == '...' then if arg.bindDocs then for _, doc in ipairs(arg.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.vararg' then return m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc.vararg) end end end end end end function m.inferCheckUpDocOfVararg(status, source) if not source.vararg then return end local results = m.getVarargDocType(status, source) if not results then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end function m.inferCheckUpDoc(status, source) if m.inferCheckUpDocOfVararg(status, source) then return true end local parent = source.parent if parent then if parent.type == 'local' or parent.type == 'setlocal' or parent.type == 'setglobal' then source = parent end if parent.type == 'setfield' or parent.type == 'tablefield' then if parent.field == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end if parent.type == 'setmethod' then if parent.method == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end if parent.type == 'setindex' or parent.type == 'tableindex' then if parent.index == source or parent.value == source then source = parent end end end local binds = source.bindDocs if not binds then return end status.results = {} for _, doc in ipairs(binds) do if doc.type == 'doc.class' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = doc.class[1], source = doc, } -- ---@class Class -- local x = { field = 1 } -- 这种情况下,将字面量表接受为Class的定义 if source.value and source.value.type == 'table' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = source.value.type, source = source.value, } end return true elseif doc.type == 'doc.type' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true elseif doc.type == 'doc.param' then -- function (x) 的情况 if source.type == 'local' and m.getName(source) == doc.param[1] then if source.parent.type == 'funcargs' or source.parent.type == 'in' or source.parent.type == 'loop' then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, doc.extends) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end end elseif doc.type == 'doc.overload' then if source.value and source.value.type == 'function' then local typeName = getDocTypeUnitName(status, doc.overload) status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = typeName, source = doc.overload, } end end end end function m.inferCheckFieldDoc(status, source) -- 检查 string[] 的情况 if source.type == 'getindex' then local node = source.node if not node then return end local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, node) local ok for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local src = infer.source if src.array then ok = true status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = infer.type:gsub('%[%]$', ''), source = source, } end end return ok end end function m.inferCheckUnary(status, source) if source.type ~= 'unary' then return end local op = source.op if op.type == 'not' then local checkTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) local value = nil if checkTrue == true then value = false elseif checkTrue == false then value = true end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '#' then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '~' then local l = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = l and ~l or nil, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '-' then local v = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') if v then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = - v, source = source, } return true end v = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v and -v or nil, source = source, } return true end end local function mathCheck(status, a, b) local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, b, 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, a, 'number') local int = m.hasType(status, a, 'integer') and m.hasType(status, b, 'integer') and not m.hasType(status, a, 'number') and not m.hasType(status, b, 'number') return int and 'integer' or 'number', v1, v2 end function m.inferCheckBinary(status, source) if source.type ~= 'binary' then return end local op = source.op if op.type == 'and' then local isTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) if isTrue == true then m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true elseif isTrue == false then m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) return true else m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true end elseif op.type == 'or' then local isTrue = m.checkTrue(status, source[1]) if isTrue == true then m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) return true elseif isTrue == false then m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true else m.searchInfer(status, source[1]) m.searchInfer(status, source[2]) return true end elseif op.type == '==' then local value = m.isSameValue(status, source[1], source[2]) if value ~= nil then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, } return true end --local isSame = m.isSameDef(status, source[1], source[2]) --if isSame == true then -- value = true --else -- value = nil --end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '~=' then local value = m.isSameValue(status, source[1], source[2]) if value ~= nil then status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = not value, source = source, } return true end --local isSame = m.isSameDef(status, source[1], source[2]) --if isSame == true then -- value = false --else -- value = nil --end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = value, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '<=' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 <= v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '>=' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 >= v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '<' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 < v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '>' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 > v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'boolean', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '|' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 | v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '~' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 ~ v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '&' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 & v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '<<' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 << v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '>>' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 >> v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'integer', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '..' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'string') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'string') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 .. v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'string', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '^' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 ^ v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '/' then local v1 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[1], 'number') local v2 = m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'integer') or m.getInferLiteral(status, source[2], 'number') local v if v1 and v2 then v = v1 > v2 end status.results = m.allocInfer { type = 'number', value = v, source = source, } return true -- 其他数学运算根据2侧的值决定,当2侧的值均为整数时返回整数 elseif op.type == '+' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer{ type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 + v2) or nil, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '-' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer{ type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 - v2) or nil, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '*' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 * v2) or nil, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '%' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 % v2) or nil, source = source, } return true elseif op.type == '//' then local int, v1, v2 = mathCheck(status, source[1], source[2]) status.results = m.allocInfer { type = int, value = (v1 and v2) and (v1 // v2) or nil, source = source, } return true end end function m.inferByDef(status, obj) if not status.cache.inferedDef then status.cache.inferedDef = {} end if status.cache.inferedDef[obj] then return end status.cache.inferedDef[obj] = true local mark = {} local newStatus = m.status(status, status.interface) m.searchRefs(newStatus, obj, 'def') for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do local inferStatus = m.status(newStatus) m.searchInfer(inferStatus, src) for _, infer in ipairs(inferStatus.results) do if not mark[infer.source] then mark[infer.source] = true status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end end local function inferBySetOfLocal(status, source) if status.cache[source] then return end status.cache[source] = true if source.ref then local newStatus = m.status(status) for _, ref in ipairs(source.ref) do if ref.type == 'setlocal' then break end m.searchInfer(newStatus, ref) end for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end function m.inferBySet(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end if source.type == 'local' then inferBySetOfLocal(status, source) elseif source.type == 'setlocal' or source.type == 'getlocal' then inferBySetOfLocal(status, source.node) end end function m.inferByCall(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end if not source.parent then return end if source.parent.type ~= 'call' then return end if source.parent.node == source then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'function', source = source, } return end end function m.inferByGetTable(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end if source.type == 'field' or source.type == 'method' then source = source.parent end local next = source.next if not next then return end if next.type == 'getfield' or next.type == 'getindex' or next.type == 'getmethod' or next.type == 'setfield' or next.type == 'setindex' or next.type == 'setmethod' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'table', source = source, } end end function m.inferByUnary(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end local parent = source.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'unary' then return end local op = parent.op if op.type == '#' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'string', source = source } status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'table', source = source } elseif op.type == '~' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'integer', source = source } elseif op.type == '-' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'number', source = source } end end function m.inferByBinary(status, source) if #status.results ~= 0 then return end local parent = source.parent if not parent or parent.type ~= 'binary' then return end local op = parent.op if op.type == '<=' or op.type == '>=' or op.type == '<' or op.type == '>' or op.type == '^' or op.type == '/' or op.type == '+' or op.type == '-' or op.type == '*' or op.type == '%' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'number', source = source, } elseif op.type == '|' or op.type == '~' or op.type == '&' or op.type == '<<' or op.type == '>>' -- 整数的可能性比较高 or op.type == '//' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'integer', source = source, } elseif op.type == '..' then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'string', source = source, } end end local function mergeLibraryFunctionReturns(status, source, index) local returns = source.returns if not returns then return end local rtn = returns[index] if rtn then if type(rtn.type) == 'table' then for _, tp in ipairs(rtn.type) do status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = tp, source = rtn, } end else status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = rtn.type, source = rtn, } end end end local function mergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, source, index, call) if not source or source.type ~= 'function' then return end if not source.bindDocs then return end local returns = {} for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.return' then for _, rtn in ipairs(doc.returns) do returns[#returns+1] = rtn end end end local rtn = returns[index] if not rtn then return end local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, rtn, function (typeName, typeUnit) if not source.args or not call.args then return end local name = typeUnit[1] local generics = typeUnit.typeGeneric[name] if not generics then return end local first = generics[1] if not first or first == typeUnit then return end local docParam = m.getParentType(first, 'doc.param') local paramName = docParam.param[1] for i, arg in ipairs(source.args) do if arg[1] == paramName then local callArg = call.args[i] if not callArg then return end return m.viewInferType(m.searchInfer(status, callArg)) end end end) if #results == 0 then return end for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end return true end local function mergeFunctionReturns(status, source, index, call) local returns = source.returns if not returns then return end for i = 1, #returns do local rtn = returns[i] if rtn[index] then if rtn[index].type == 'call' then if not m.checkReturnMark(status, rtn[index]) then m.checkReturnMark(status, rtn[index], true) m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, rtn[index], index) end else local newStatus = m.status(status) m.searchInfer(newStatus, rtn[index]) if #newStatus.results == 0 then status.results[#status.results+1] = { type = 'any', source = rtn[index], } else for _, infer in ipairs(newStatus.results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = infer end end end end end end local function mergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, source, index) if not source.bindDocs then return end for _, doc in ipairs(source.bindDocs) do if doc.type == 'doc.type' then for _, typeUnit in ipairs(doc.types) do if typeUnit.type == 'doc.type.function' then local rtn = typeUnit.returns[index] if rtn then local results = m.getDocTypeNames(status, rtn) for _, res in ipairs(results) do status.results[#status.results+1] = res end end end end end end end function m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, call, index) local node = call.node local newStatus = m.status(nil, status.interface) m.searchRefs(newStatus, node, 'def') local hasDocReturn for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if mergeDocTypeFunctionReturns(status, src, index) then hasDocReturn = true elseif mergeFunctionReturnsByDoc(status, src.value, index, call) then hasDocReturn = true end end if not hasDocReturn then for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if src.value and src.value.type == 'function' then if src.type == 'library' then mergeLibraryFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index) else if not m.checkReturnMark(status, src.value, true) then mergeFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index, call) end end end end end end function m.inferByCallReturn(status, source) if source.type == 'call' then m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, source, 1) return end if source.type ~= 'select' then if source.value and source.value.type == 'select' then source = source.value else return end end if not source.vararg or source.vararg.type ~= 'call' then return end m.inferByCallReturnAndIndex(status, source.vararg, source.index) end function m.inferByPCallReturn(status, source) if source.type ~= 'select' then if source.value and source.value.type == 'select' then source = source.value else return end end local call = source.vararg if not call or call.type ~= 'call' then return end local node = call.node local specialName = node.special local func, index if specialName == 'pcall' then func = call.args[1] index = source.index - 1 elseif specialName == 'xpcall' then func = call.args[1] index = source.index - 2 else return end local newStatus = m.status(nil, status.interface) m.searchRefs(newStatus, func, 'def') for _, src in ipairs(newStatus.results) do if src.value and src.value.type == 'function' then if src.type == 'library' then mergeLibraryFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index) else mergeFunctionReturns(status, src.value, index) end end end end function m.cleanInfers(infers) local mark = {} for i = 1, #infers do local infer = infers[i] if not infer then return end local key = ('%s|%p'):format(infer.type, infer.source) if mark[key] then infers[i] = infers[#infers] infers[#infers] = nil else mark[key] = true end end end function m.searchInfer(status, obj) while obj.type == 'paren' do obj = obj.exp if not obj then return end end while true do local value = m.getObjectValue(obj) if not value or value == obj then break end obj = value end local cache, makeCache = m.getRefCache(status, obj, 'infer') if cache then for i = 1, #cache do status.results[#status.results+1] = cache[i] end return end if DEVELOP then status.cache.clock = status.cache.clock or osClock() end if not status.cache.lockInfer then status.cache.lockInfer = {} end if status.cache.lockInfer[obj] then return end status.cache.lockInfer[obj] = true local checked = m.inferCheckDoc(status, obj) or m.inferCheckUpDoc(status, obj) or m.inferCheckFieldDoc(status, obj) or m.inferCheckLibrary(status, obj) or m.inferCheckLiteral(status, obj) or m.inferCheckUnary(status, obj) or m.inferCheckBinary(status, obj) if checked then m.cleanInfers(status.results) if makeCache then makeCache(status.results) end return end if status.deep then m.inferByDef(status, obj) end m.inferBySet(status, obj) m.inferByCall(status, obj) m.inferByGetTable(status, obj) m.inferByUnary(status, obj) m.inferByBinary(status, obj) m.inferByCallReturn(status, obj) m.inferByPCallReturn(status, obj) m.cleanInfers(status.results) if makeCache then makeCache(status.results) end end --- 请求对象的引用,包括 `a.b.c` 形式 --- 与 `return function` 形式。 --- 不穿透 `setmetatable` ,考虑由 --- 业务层进行反向 def 搜索。 function m.requestReference(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface) status.deep = deep -- 根据 field 搜索引用 m.searchRefs(status, obj, 'ref') m.searchRefsAsFunction(status, obj, 'ref') if m.debugMode then print('count:', status.cache.count) end return status.results, status.cache.count end --- 请求对象的定义,包括 `a.b.c` 形式 --- 与 `return function` 形式。 --- 穿透 `setmetatable` 。 function m.requestDefinition(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface) status.deep = deep -- 根据 field 搜索定义 m.searchRefs(status, obj, 'def') return status.results, status.cache.count end --- 请求对象的域 function m.requestFields(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface) status.deep = deep m.searchFields(status, obj) return status.results, status.cache.count end --- 请求对象的类型推测 function m.requestInfer(obj, interface, deep) local status = m.status(nil, interface) status.deep = deep m.searchInfer(status, obj) return status.results, status.cache.count end return m