return function (me, other, fast) if me == other then return true end if me == '' then return true end if #me > #other then return false end local lMe = me:lower() local lOther = other:lower() if lMe == lOther:sub(1, #lMe) then return true end if fast and me:sub(1, 1) ~= other:sub(1, 1) then return false end local chars = {} for i = 1, #lOther do local c = lOther:sub(i, i) chars[c] = (chars[c] or 0) + 1 end for i = 1, #lMe do local c = lMe:sub(i, i) if chars[c] and chars[c] > 0 then chars[c] = chars[c] - 1 else return false end end return true end