local ckind = require 'define.CompletionItemKind' local files = require 'files' local guide = require 'parser.guide' local matchKey = require 'core.matchKey' local vm = require 'vm' local library = require 'library' local getLabel = require 'core.hover.label' local getName = require 'core.hover.name' local getArg = require 'core.hover.arg' local getDesc = require 'core.hover.description' local getHover = require 'core.hover' local config = require 'config' local util = require 'utility' local markdown = require 'provider.markdown' local findSource = require 'core.find-source' local stackID = 0 local stacks = {} local function stack(callback) stackID = stackID + 1 stacks[stackID] = callback return stackID end local function clearStack() stacks = {} end local function resolveStack(id) local callback = stacks[id] if not callback then return nil end return callback() end local function isSpace(char) if char == ' ' or char == '\n' or char == '\r' or char == '\t' then return true end return false end local function skipSpace(text, offset) for i = offset, 1, -1 do local char = text:sub(i, i) if not isSpace(char) then return i end end return 0 end local function findWord(text, offset) for i = offset, 1, -1 do if not text:sub(i, i):match '[%w_]' then if i == offset then return nil end return text:sub(i+1, offset), i+1 end end return text:sub(1, offset), 1 end local function findSymbol(text, offset) for i = offset, 1, -1 do local char = text:sub(i, i) if isSpace(char) then goto CONTINUE end if char == '.' or char == ':' or char == '#' then return char, i else return nil end ::CONTINUE:: end return nil end local function findAnyPos(text, offset) for i = offset, 1, -1 do if not isSpace(text:sub(i, i)) then return i end end return nil end local function findParent(ast, text, offset) for i = offset, 1, -1 do local char = text:sub(i, i) if isSpace(char) then goto CONTINUE end local oop if char == '.' then oop = false elseif char == ':' then oop = true else return nil, nil end local anyPos = findAnyPos(text, i-1) if not anyPos then return nil, nil end local parent = guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, anyPos, function (source) if source.finish == anyPos then return source end end) if parent then return parent, oop end ::CONTINUE:: end return nil, nil end local function buildFunctionSnip(source) local name = getName(source):gsub('^.-[$.:]', '') local args = vm.eachDef(source, function (src) if src.type == 'function' then local args = getArg(src) if args ~= '' then return args end end end) or '' local id = 0 args = args:gsub('[^,]+', function (arg) id = id + 1 return arg:gsub('^(%s*)(.+)', function (sp, word) return ('%s${%d:%s}'):format(sp, id, word) end) end) return ('%s(%s)'):format(name, args) end local function buildDetail(source) local types = vm.getType(source) return types end local function buildDesc(source) local hover = getHover.get(source) local md = markdown() md:add('lua', hover.label) md:add('md', hover.description) return md:string() end local function buildFunction(results, source, oop, data) local snipType = config.config.completion.callSnippet if snipType == 'Disable' or snipType == 'Both' then results[#results+1] = data end if snipType == 'Both' or snipType == 'Replace' then local snipData = util.deepCopy(data) snipData.kind = ckind.Snippet snipData.label = snipData.label .. '()' snipData.insertText = buildFunctionSnip(source) snipData.insertTextFormat = 2 snipData.id = stack(function () return { detail = buildDetail(source), description = buildDesc(source), } end) results[#results+1] = snipData end end local function isSameSource(source, pos) return source.start <= pos and source.finish >= pos end local function checkLocal(ast, word, offset, results) local locals = guide.getVisibleLocals(ast.ast, offset) for name, source in pairs(locals) do if isSameSource(source, offset) then goto CONTINUE end if not matchKey(word, name) then goto CONTINUE end if vm.hasType(source, 'function') then buildFunction(results, source, false, { label = name, kind = ckind.Function, id = stack(function () return { detail = buildDetail(source), description = buildDesc(source), } end), }) else results[#results+1] = { label = name, kind = ckind.Variable, id = stack(function () return { detail = buildDetail(source), description = buildDesc(source), } end), } end ::CONTINUE:: end end local function checkFieldThen(src, used, word, start, parent, oop, results) local key = vm.getKeyName(src) if not key or key:sub(1, 1) ~= 's' then return end if isSameSource(src, start) then return end local name = key:sub(3) if used[name] then return end if not matchKey(word, name) then used[name] = true return end local kind = ckind.Field if vm.hasType(src, 'function') then if oop then kind = ckind.Method else kind = ckind.Function end used[name] = true buildFunction(results, src, oop, { label = name, kind = kind, id = stack(function () return { detail = buildDetail(src), description = buildDesc(src), } end), }) else if oop then return end used[name] = true local literal = vm.getLiteral(src) if literal ~= nil then kind = ckind.Enum end results[#results+1] = { label = name, kind = kind, id = stack(function () return { detail = buildDetail(src), description = buildDesc(src), } end) } end end local function checkField(word, start, parent, oop, results) local used = {} if parent.ref then for _, src in ipairs(parent.ref) do checkFieldThen(src, used, word, start, parent, oop, results) end end vm.eachField(parent, function (src) checkFieldThen(src, used, word, start, parent, oop, results) end) return used end local function checkTableField(ast, word, start, results) local source = guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, start, function (source) if source.start == start and source.parent and source.parent.type == 'table' then return source end end) if not source then return end local used = {} guide.eachSourceType(ast.ast, 'tablefield', function (src) if not src.field then return end local key = src.field[1] if not used[key] and matchKey(word, key) and src ~= source then used[key] = true results[#results+1] = { label = key, kind = ckind.Property, } end end) end local function checkCommon(word, text, results) local used = {} for _, result in ipairs(results) do used[result.label] = true end for str in text:gmatch '[%a_][%w_]*' do if not used[str] and str ~= word then used[str] = true if matchKey(word, str) then results[#results+1] = { label = str, kind = ckind.Text, } end end end end local function isInString(ast, offset) return guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, offset, function (source) if source.type == 'string' then return true end end) end local keyWordMap = { {'do', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'do .. end', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[$0 end]], } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'do .. end', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ do $0 end]], } end return true end, function (ast, start) return guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, start, function (source) if source.type == 'while' or source.type == 'in' or source.type == 'loop' then for i = 1, #source.keyword do if start == source.keyword[i] then return true end end end end) end}, {'and'}, {'break'}, {'else'}, {'elseif', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'elseif .. then', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[$1 then]], } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'elseif .. then', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[elseif $1 then]], } end return true end}, {'end'}, {'false'}, {'for', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'for .. in', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ ${1:key, value} in ${2:pairs(${3:t})} do $0 end]] } results[#results+1] = { label = 'for i = ..', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ ${1:i} = ${2:1}, ${3:10, 1} do $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'for .. in', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ for ${1:key, value} in ${2:pairs(${3:t})} do $0 end]] } results[#results+1] = { label = 'for i = ..', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ for ${1:i} = ${2:1}, ${3:10, 1} do $0 end]] } end return true end}, {'function', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'function ()', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ $1($2) $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'function ()', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ function $1($2) $0 end]] } end return true end}, {'goto'}, {'if', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'if .. then', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ $1 then $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'if .. then', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ if $1 then $0 end]] } end return true end}, {'in', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'in ..', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ ${1:pairs(${2:t})} do $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'in ..', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ in ${1:pairs(${2:t})} do $0 end]] } end return true end}, {'local', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'local function', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ function $1($2) $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'local function', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ local function $1($2) $0 end]] } end return false end}, {'nil'}, {'not'}, {'or'}, {'repeat', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'repeat .. until', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[$0 until $1]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'repeat .. until', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ repeat $0 until $1]] } end return true end}, {'return', function (hasSpace, results) if not hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'do return end', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[do return $1end]] } end return false end}, {'then'}, {'true'}, {'until'}, {'while', function (hasSpace, results) if hasSpace then results[#results+1] = { label = 'while .. do', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ ${1:true} do $0 end]] } else results[#results+1] = { label = 'while .. do', kind = ckind.Snippet, insertTextFormat = 2, insertText = [[ while ${1:true} do $0 end]] } end return true end}, } local function checkKeyWord(ast, text, start, word, hasSpace, afterLocal, results) local snipType = config.config.completion.keywordSnippet for _, data in ipairs(keyWordMap) do local key = data[1] local eq if hasSpace then eq = word == key else eq = matchKey(word, key) end if afterLocal and key ~= 'function' then eq = false end if eq then local replaced local extra if snipType == 'Both' or snipType == 'Replace' then local func = data[2] if func then replaced = func(hasSpace, results) extra = true end end if snipType == 'Both' then replaced = false end if not replaced then if not hasSpace then local item = { label = key, kind = ckind.Keyword, } if extra then table.insert(results, #results, item) else results[#results+1] = item end end end local checkStop = data[3] if checkStop then local stop = checkStop(ast, start) if stop then return true end end end end end local function checkProvideLocal(ast, word, start, results) local block guide.eachSourceContain(ast.ast, start, function (source) if source.type == 'function' or source.type == 'main' then block = source end end) if not block then return end guide.eachSourceType(block, 'getglobal', function (source) if source.start > start and matchKey(word, source[1]) then results[#results+1] = { label = source[1], kind = ckind.Variable, } end end) end local function isAfterLocal(text, start) local pos = skipSpace(text, start-1) local word = findWord(text, pos) return word == 'local' end local function tryWord(ast, text, offset, results) local finish = skipSpace(text, offset) local word, start = findWord(text, finish) if not word then return nil end local hasSpace = finish ~= offset if not isInString(ast, offset) then local parent, oop = findParent(ast, text, start - 1) if parent then if not hasSpace then checkField(word, start, parent, oop, results) end else local afterLocal = isAfterLocal(text, start) local stop = checkKeyWord(ast, text, start, word, hasSpace, afterLocal, results) if stop then return end if not hasSpace then if afterLocal then checkProvideLocal(ast, word, start, results) else checkLocal(ast, word, start, results) checkTableField(ast, word, start, results) local env = guide.getLocal(ast.ast, '_ENV', start) checkField(word, start, env, false, results) end end end end if not hasSpace then checkCommon(word, text, results) end end local function trySymbol(ast, text, offset, results) local symbol, start = findSymbol(text, offset) if not symbol then return nil end if isInString(ast, offset) then return nil end if symbol == '.' or symbol == ':' then local parent, oop = findParent(ast, text, start) if parent then checkField('', start, parent, oop, results) end end end local function completion(uri, offset) local ast = files.getAst(uri) local text = files.getText(uri) local results = {} clearStack() if ast then tryWord(ast, text, offset, results) trySymbol(ast, text, offset, results) else local word = findWord(text, offset) if word then checkCommon(word, text, results) end end if #results == 0 then return nil end return results end local function resolve(id) return resolveStack(id) end return { completion = completion, resolve = resolve, }