---@meta _ ---#DES 'arg' ---@type string[] arg = {} ---#DES 'assert' ---@generic T ---@param v? T ---@param message? any ---@return T ---@return any ... function assert(v, message, ...) end ---@alias gcoptions ---|>"collect" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.collect' ---| "stop" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.stop' ---| "restart" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.restart' ---| "count" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.count' ---| "step" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.step' ---| "isrunning" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.isrunning' ---#if VERSION >= 5.4 then ---| "incremental" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.incremental' ---| "generational" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.generational' ---#else ---| "setpause" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.setpause' ---| "setstepmul" # ---#DESTAIL 'cgopt.setstepmul' ---#end ---#if VERSION >= 5.4 then ---#DES 'collectgarbage' ---@param opt? gcoptions ---@return any function collectgarbage(opt, ...) end ---#else ---#DES 'collectgarbage' ---@param opt? gcoptions ---@param arg? integer ---@return any function collectgarbage(opt, arg) end ---#end ---#DES 'dofile' ---@param filename? string ---@return any ... function dofile(filename) end ---#DES 'error' ---@param message any ---@param level? integer function error(message, level) end ---#DES '_G' ---@class _G _G = {} ---@version 5.1 ---#DES 'getfenv' ---@param f? integer|async fun(...):... ---@return table ---@nodiscard function getfenv(f) end ---#DES 'getmetatable' ---@param object any ---@return table metatable ---@nodiscard function getmetatable(object) end ---#DES 'ipairs' ---@generic T: table, V ---@param t T ---@return fun(table: V[], i?: integer):integer, V ---@return T ---@return integer i function ipairs(t) end ---@alias loadmode ---| "b" # ---#DESTAIL 'loadmode.b' ---| "t" # ---#DESTAIL 'loadmode.t' ---|>"bt" # ---#DESTAIL 'loadmode.bt' ---#if VERSION <= 5.1 and not JIT then ---#DES 'load<5.1' ---@param func function ---@param chunkname? string ---@return function? ---@return string? error_message ---@nodiscard function load(func, chunkname) end ---#else ---#DES 'load>5.2' ---@param chunk string|function ---@param chunkname? string ---@param mode? loadmode ---@param env? table ---@return function? ---@return string? error_message ---@nodiscard function load(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) end ---#end ---#if VERSION <= 5.1 and not JIT then ---#DES 'loadfile' ---@param filename? string ---@return function? ---@return string? error_message ---@nodiscard function loadfile(filename) end ---#else ---#DES 'loadfile' ---@param filename? string ---@param mode? loadmode ---@param env? table ---@return function? ---@return string? error_message ---@nodiscard function loadfile(filename, mode, env) end ---#end ---@version 5.1 ---#DES 'loadstring' ---@param text string ---@param chunkname? string ---@return function? ---@return string? error_message ---@nodiscard function loadstring(text, chunkname) end ---@version 5.1 ---@param proxy boolean|table|userdata ---@return userdata ---@nodiscard function newproxy(proxy) end ---@version 5.1 ---#DES 'module' ---@param name string function module(name, ...) end ---#DES 'next' ---@generic K, V ---@param table table ---@param index? K ---@return K? ---@return V? ---@nodiscard function next(table, index) end ---#DES 'pairs' ---@generic T: table, K, V ---@param t T ---@return fun(table: table, index?: K):K, V ---@return T function pairs(t) end ---#DES 'pcall' ---#if VERSION == 5.1 and not JIT then ---@param f function ---#else ---@param f async fun(...):... ---#end ---@param arg1? any ---@return boolean success ---@return any result ---@return any ... function pcall(f, arg1, ...) end ---#DES 'print' function print(...) end ---#DES 'rawequal' ---@param v1 any ---@param v2 any ---@return boolean ---@nodiscard function rawequal(v1, v2) end ---#DES 'rawget' ---@param table table ---@param index any ---@return any ---@nodiscard function rawget(table, index) end ---#DES 'rawlen' ---@param v table|string ---@return integer len ---@nodiscard function rawlen(v) end ---#DES 'rawset' ---@param table table ---@param index any ---@param value any ---@return table function rawset(table, index, value) end ---#DES 'select' ---@param index integer|"#" ---@return any ---@nodiscard function select(index, ...) end ---@version 5.1 ---#DES 'setfenv' ---@param f async fun(...):...|integer ---@param table table ---@return function function setfenv(f, table) end ---@class metatable : table ---@field __mode 'v'|'k'|'kv' ---@field __metatable any ---@field __tostring fun(t):string ---@field __gc fun(t) ---@field __add fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __sub fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __mul fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __div fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __mod fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __pow fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __unm fun(t):any ---#if VERSION >= 5.3 then ---@field __idiv fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __band fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __bor fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __bxor fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __bnot fun(t):any ---@field __shl fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __shr fun(t1,t2):any ---#end ---@field __concat fun(t1,t2):any ---@field __len fun(t):integer ---@field __eq fun(t1,t2):boolean ---@field __lt fun(t1,t2):boolean ---@field __le fun(t1,t2):boolean ---@field __newindex table|fun(t,k,v) ---@field __call fun(t,...) ---#if VERSION > 5.1 or VERSION == JIT then ---@field __pairs fun(t):fun(t,k,v) ---#end ---#if VERSION == JIT or VERSION == 5.2 then ---@field __ipairs fun(t):fun(t,k,v) ---#end ---#DES 'setmetatable' ---@param table table ---@param metatable? metatable ---@return table function setmetatable(table, metatable) end ---#DES 'tonumber' ---@overload fun(e: string, base: integer):integer ---@param e any ---@return number? ---@nodiscard function tonumber(e) end ---#DES 'tostring' ---@param v any ---@return string ---@nodiscard function tostring(v) end ---@alias type ---| "nil" ---| "number" ---| "string" ---| "boolean" ---| "table" ---| "function" ---| "thread" ---| "userdata" ---#if VERSION == JIT then ---| "cdata" ---#end ---#DES 'type' ---@param v any ---@return type type ---@nodiscard function type(v) end ---#DES '_VERSION' ---#if VERSION == 5.1 then _VERSION = "Lua 5.1" ---#elseif VERSION == 5.2 then _VERSION = "Lua 5.2" ---#elseif VERSION == 5.3 then _VERSION = "Lua 5.3" ---#elseif VERSION == 5.4 then _VERSION = "Lua 5.4" ---#end ---@version >5.4 ---#DES 'warn' ---@param message string function warn(message, ...) end ---#if VERSION == 5.1 and not JIT then ---#DES 'xpcall=5.1' ---@param f function ---@param err function ---@return boolean success ---@return any result ---@return any ... function xpcall(f, err) end ---#else ---#DES 'xpcall>5.2' ---@param f async fun(...):... ---@param msgh function ---@param arg1? any ---@return boolean success ---@return any result ---@return any ... function xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...) end ---#end ---@version 5.1 ---#DES 'unpack' ---@generic T ---@param list T[] ---@param i? integer ---@param j? integer ---@return T ... ---@nodiscard function unpack(list, i, j) end