---The `lovr.filesystem` module provides access to the filesystem.
---### NOTE:
---LÖVR programs can only write to a single directory, called the save directory.
---The location of the save directory is platform-specific:
--- Windows |
--- C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\LOVR\<identity> |
--- macOS |
--- /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/LOVR/<identity> |
---`` should be a unique identifier for your app.
---It can be set either in `lovr.conf` or by using `lovr.filesystem.setIdentity`.
---All filenames are relative to either the save directory or the directory containing the project source.
---Files in the save directory take precedence over files in the project.
---@class lovr.filesystem
lovr.filesystem = {}
---Appends content to the end of a file.
---### NOTE:
---If the file does not exist, it is created.
---@overload fun(filename: string, blob: lovr.Blob):number
---@param filename string # The file to append to.
---@param content string # A string to write to the end of the file.
---@return number bytes # The number of bytes actually appended to the file.
function lovr.filesystem.append(filename, content) end
---Creates a directory in the save directory.
---Any parent directories that don't exist will also be created.
---@param path string # The directory to create, recursively.
---@return boolean success # Whether the directory was created.
function lovr.filesystem.createDirectory(path) end
---Returns the application data directory.
---This will be something like:
---- `C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming` on Windows.
---- `/home/user/.config` on Linux.
---- `/Users/user/Library/Application Support` on macOS.
---@return string path # The absolute path to the appdata directory.
function lovr.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory() end
---Returns a sorted table containing all files and folders in a single directory.
---### NOTE:
---This function calls `table.sort` to sort the results, so if `table.sort` is not available in the global scope the results are not guaranteed to be sorted.
---@param path string # The directory.
---@return lovr.items table # A table with a string for each file and subfolder in the directory.
function lovr.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path) end
---Returns the absolute path of the LÖVR executable.
---@return string path # The absolute path of the LÖVR executable, or `nil` if it is unknown.
function lovr.filesystem.getExecutablePath() end
---Returns the identity of the game, which is used as the name of the save directory.
---The default is `default`.
---It can be changed using `t.identity` in `lovr.conf`.
---### NOTE:
---On Android, this is always the package id (like `org.lovr.app`).
---@return string identity # The name of the save directory, or `nil` if it isn't set.
function lovr.filesystem.getIdentity() end
---Returns when a file was last modified, since some arbitrary time in the past.
---@param path string # The file to check.
---@return number time # The modification time of the file, in seconds, or `nil` if it's unknown.
function lovr.filesystem.getLastModified(path) end
---Get the absolute path of the mounted archive containing a path in the virtual filesystem.
---This can be used to determine if a file is in the game's source directory or the save directory.
---@param path string # The path to check.
---@return string realpath # The absolute path of the mounted archive containing `path`.
function lovr.filesystem.getRealDirectory(path) end
---Returns the require path.
---The require path is a semicolon-separated list of patterns that LÖVR will use to search for files when they are `require`d.
---Any question marks in the pattern will be replaced with the module that is being required.
---It is similar to Lua\'s `package.path` variable, but the main difference is that the patterns are relative to the virtual filesystem.
---### NOTE:
---The default reqiure path is '?.lua;?/init.lua'.
---@return string path # The semicolon separated list of search patterns.
function lovr.filesystem.getRequirePath() end
---Returns the absolute path to the save directory.
---### NOTE:
---The save directory takes the following form:
---``` /LOVR/ ```
---Where `` is `lovr.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory` and `` is `lovr.filesystem.getIdentity` and can be customized using `lovr.conf`.
---@return string path # The absolute path to the save directory.
function lovr.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() end
---Returns the size of a file, in bytes.
---### NOTE:
---If the file does not exist, an error is thrown.
---@param file string # The file.
---@return number size # The size of the file, in bytes.
function lovr.filesystem.getSize(file) end
---Get the absolute path of the project's source directory or archive.
---@return string path # The absolute path of the project's source, or `nil` if it's unknown.
function lovr.filesystem.getSource() end
---Returns the absolute path of the user's home directory.
---@return string path # The absolute path of the user's home directory.
function lovr.filesystem.getUserDirectory() end
---Returns the absolute path of the working directory.
---Usually this is where the executable was started from.
---@return string path # The current working directory, or `nil` if it's unknown.
function lovr.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory() end
---Check if a path exists and is a directory.
---@param path string # The path to check.
---@return boolean isDirectory # Whether or not the path is a directory.
function lovr.filesystem.isDirectory(path) end
---Check if a path exists and is a file.
---@param path string # The path to check.
---@return boolean isFile # Whether or not the path is a file.
function lovr.filesystem.isFile(path) end
---Returns whether the current project source is fused to the executable.
---@return boolean fused # Whether or not the project is fused.
function lovr.filesystem.isFused() end
---Load a file containing Lua code, returning a Lua chunk that can be run.
---### NOTE:
---An error is thrown if the file contains syntax errors.
---@param filename string # The file to load.
---@return function chunk # The runnable chunk.
function lovr.filesystem.load(filename) end
---Mounts a directory or `.zip` archive, adding it to the virtual filesystem.
---This allows you to read files from it.
---### NOTE:
---The `append` option lets you control the priority of the archive's files in the event of naming collisions.
---This function is not thread safe.
---Mounting or unmounting an archive while other threads call lovr.filesystem functions is not supported.
---@param path string # The path to mount.
---@param mountpoint? string # The path in the virtual filesystem to mount to.
---@param append? boolean # Whether the archive will be added to the end or the beginning of the search path.
---@param root? string # A subdirectory inside the archive to use as the root. If `nil`, the actual root of the archive is used.
---@return boolean success # Whether the archive was successfully mounted.
function lovr.filesystem.mount(path, mountpoint, append, root) end
---Creates a new Blob that contains the contents of a file.
---@param filename string # The file to load.
---@return lovr.Blob blob # The new Blob.
function lovr.filesystem.newBlob(filename) end
---Read the contents of a file.
---### NOTE:
---If the file does not exist or cannot be read, nil is returned.
---@param filename string # The name of the file to read.
---@param bytes? number # The number of bytes to read (if -1, all bytes will be read).
---@return string contents # The contents of the file.
---@return number bytes # The number of bytes read from the file.
function lovr.filesystem.read(filename, bytes) end
---Remove a file or directory in the save directory.
---### NOTE:
---A directory can only be removed if it is empty.
---To recursively remove a folder, use this function with `lovr.filesystem.getDirectoryItems`.
---@param path string # The file or directory to remove.
---@return boolean success # Whether the path was removed.
function lovr.filesystem.remove(path) end
---Set the name of the save directory.
---@param identity string # The new name of the save directory.
function lovr.filesystem.setIdentity(identity) end
---Sets the require path.
---The require path is a semicolon-separated list of patterns that LÖVR will use to search for files when they are `require`d.
---Any question marks in the pattern will be replaced with the module that is being required.
---It is similar to Lua\'s `package.path` variable, but the main difference is that the patterns are relative to the save directory and the project directory.
---### NOTE:
---The default reqiure path is '?.lua;?/init.lua'.
---@param path? string # An optional semicolon separated list of search patterns.
function lovr.filesystem.setRequirePath(path) end
---Sets the location of the project's source.
---This can only be done once, and is usually done internally.
---@param identity string # The path containing the project's source.
function lovr.filesystem.setSource(identity) end
---Unmounts a directory or archive previously mounted with `lovr.filesystem.mount`.
---### NOTE:
---This function is not thread safe.
---Mounting or unmounting an archive while other threads call lovr.filesystem functions is not supported.
---@param path string # The path to unmount.
---@return boolean success # Whether the archive was unmounted.
function lovr.filesystem.unmount(path) end
---Write to a file.
---### NOTE:
---If the file does not exist, it is created.
---If the file already has data in it, it will be replaced with the new content.
---@overload fun(filename: string, blob: lovr.Blob):number
---@param filename string # The file to write to.
---@param content string # A string to write to the file.
---@return number bytes # The number of bytes written.
function lovr.filesystem.write(filename, content) end