---@meta --- ---The `lovr.event` module handles events from the operating system. --- ---Due to its low-level nature, it's rare to use `lovr.event` in simple projects. --- ---@class lovr.event lovr.event = {} --- ---Clears the event queue, removing any unprocessed events. --- function lovr.event.clear() end --- ---This function returns a Lua iterator for all of the unprocessed items in the event queue. Each event consists of a name as a string, followed by event-specific arguments. This function is called in the default implementation of `lovr.run`, so it is normally not necessary to poll for events yourself. --- ---@return function iterator # The iterator function, usable in a for loop. function lovr.event.poll() end --- ---Fills the event queue with unprocessed events from the operating system. This function should be called often, otherwise the operating system will consider the application unresponsive. This function is called in the default implementation of `lovr.run`. --- function lovr.event.pump() end --- ---Pushes an event onto the event queue. It will be processed the next time `lovr.event.poll` is called. For an event to be processed properly, there needs to be a function in the `lovr.handlers` table with a key that's the same as the event name. --- ---@param name string # The name of the event. function lovr.event.push(name) end --- ---Pushes an event to quit. An optional number can be passed to set the exit code for the application. An exit code of zero indicates normal termination, whereas a nonzero exit code indicates that an error occurred. --- ---@param code? number # The exit code of the program. function lovr.event.quit(code) end --- ---Pushes an event to restart the framework. --- function lovr.event.restart() end --- ---Keys that can be pressed on a keyboard. Notably, numpad keys are missing right now. --- ---@alias lovr.KeyCode --- ---The A key. --- ---| '"a"' --- ---The B key. --- ---| '"b"' --- ---The C key. --- ---| '"c"' --- ---The D key. --- ---| '"d"' --- ---The E key. --- ---| '"e"' --- ---The F key. --- ---| '"f"' --- ---The G key. --- ---| '"g"' --- ---The H key. --- ---| '"h"' --- ---The I key. --- ---| '"i"' --- ---The J key. --- ---| '"j"' --- ---The K key. --- ---| '"k"' --- ---The L key. --- ---| '"l"' --- ---The M key. --- ---| '"m"' --- ---The N key. --- ---| '"n"' --- ---The O key. --- ---| '"o"' --- ---The P key. --- ---| '"p"' --- ---The Q key. --- ---| '"q"' --- ---The R key. --- ---| '"r"' --- ---The S key. --- ---| '"s"' --- ---The T key. --- ---| '"t"' --- ---The U key. --- ---| '"u"' --- ---The V key. --- ---| '"v"' --- ---The W key. --- ---| '"w"' --- ---The X key. --- ---| '"x"' --- ---The Y key. --- ---| '"y"' --- ---The Z key. --- ---| '"z"' --- ---The 0 key. --- ---| '"0"' --- ---The 1 key. --- ---| '"1"' --- ---The 2 key. --- ---| '"2"' --- ---The 3 key. --- ---| '"3"' --- ---The 4 key. --- ---| '"4"' --- ---The 5 key. --- ---| '"5"' --- ---The 6 key. --- ---| '"6"' --- ---The 7 key. --- ---| '"7"' --- ---The 8 key. --- ---| '"8"' --- ---The 9 key. --- ---| '"9"' --- ---The space bar. --- ---| '"space"' --- ---The enter key. --- ---| '"return"' --- ---The tab key. --- ---| '"tab"' --- ---The escape key. --- ---| '"escape"' --- ---The backspace key. --- ---| '"backspace"' --- ---The up arrow key. --- ---| '"up"' --- ---The down arrow key. --- ---| '"down"' --- ---The left arrow key. --- ---| '"left"' --- ---The right arrow key. --- ---| '"right"' --- ---The home key. --- ---| '"home"' --- ---The end key. --- ---| '"end"' --- ---The page up key. --- ---| '"pageup"' --- ---The page down key. --- ---| '"pagedown"' --- ---The insert key. --- ---| '"insert"' --- ---The delete key. --- ---| '"delete"' --- ---The F1 key. --- ---| '"f1"' --- ---The F2 key. --- ---| '"f2"' --- ---The F3 key. --- ---| '"f3"' --- ---The F4 key. --- ---| '"f4"' --- ---The F5 key. --- ---| '"f5"' --- ---The F6 key. --- ---| '"f6"' --- ---The F7 key. --- ---| '"f7"' --- ---The F8 key. --- ---| '"f8"' --- ---The F9 key. --- ---| '"f9"' --- ---The F10 key. --- ---| '"f10"' --- ---The F11 key. --- ---| '"f11"' --- ---The F12 key. --- ---| '"f12"' --- ---The backtick/backquote/grave accent key. --- ---| '"`"' --- ---The dash/hyphen/minus key. --- ---| '"-"' --- ---The equal sign key. --- ---| '"="' --- ---The left bracket key. --- ---| '"["' --- ---The right bracket key. --- ---| '"]"' --- ---The backslash key. --- ---| '"\\"' --- ---The semicolon key. --- ---| '";"' --- ---The single quote key. --- ---| '"\'"' --- ---The comma key. --- ---| '","' --- ---The period key. --- ---| '"."' --- ---The slash key. --- ---| '"/"' --- ---The left control key. --- ---| '"lctrl"' --- ---The left shift key. --- ---| '"lshift"' --- ---The left alt key. --- ---| '"lalt"' --- ---The left OS key (windows, command, super). --- ---| '"lgui"' --- ---The right control key. --- ---| '"rctrl"' --- ---The right shift key. --- ---| '"rshift"' --- ---The right alt key. --- ---| '"ralt"' --- ---The right OS key (windows, command, super). --- ---| '"rgui"' --- ---The caps lock key. --- ---| '"capslock"' --- ---The scroll lock key. --- ---| '"scrolllock"' --- ---The numlock key. --- ---| '"numlock"'