---@meta --- ---Provides an interface to the user's clock. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer) --- ---@class love.timer love.timer = {} --- ---Returns the average delta time (seconds per frame) over the last second. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getAverageDelta) --- ---@return number delta # The average delta time over the last second. function love.timer.getAverageDelta() end --- ---Returns the time between the last two frames. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getDelta) --- ---@return number dt # The time passed (in seconds). function love.timer.getDelta() end --- ---Returns the current frames per second. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getFPS) --- ---@return number fps # The current FPS. function love.timer.getFPS() end --- ---Returns the value of a timer with an unspecified starting time. --- ---This function should only be used to calculate differences between points in time, as the starting time of the timer is unknown. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getTime) --- ---@return number time # The time in seconds. Given as a decimal, accurate to the microsecond. function love.timer.getTime() end --- ---Pauses the current thread for the specified amount of time. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.sleep) --- ---@param s number # Seconds to sleep for. function love.timer.sleep(s) end --- ---Measures the time between two frames. --- ---Calling this changes the return value of love.timer.getDelta. --- --- ---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.step) --- ---@return number dt # The time passed (in seconds). function love.timer.step() end