---HTML5 API documentation ---HTML5 platform specific functions. --- The following functions are only available on HTML5 builds, the html5.* Lua namespace will not be available on other platforms. ---@class html5 html5 = {} ---Executes the supplied string as JavaScript inside the browser. ---A call to this function is blocking, the result is returned as-is, as a string. ---(Internally this will execute the string using the eval() JavaScript function.) ---@param code string # Javascript code to run ---@return string # result as string function html5.run(code) end ---Set a JavaScript interaction listener callaback from lua that will be ---invoked when a user interacts with the web page by clicking, touching or typing. ---The callback can then call DOM restricted actions like requesting a pointer lock, ---or start playing sounds the first time the callback is invoked. ---@param callback fun(self: object) # The interaction callback. Pass an empty function or nil if you no longer wish to receive callbacks. function html5.set_interaction_listener(callback) end return html5