---@class cc.TextureCube :cc.Ref
local TextureCube={ }
---* reload texture cube after GLESContext reconstructed.
---@return boolean
function TextureCube:reloadTexture () end
---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend
function TextureCube:getBackendTexture () end
---* Sets the min filter, mag filter, wrap s and wrap t texture parameters.
---* If the texture size is NPOT (non power of 2), then in can only use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_{S,T}.
---@param r cc.backend.SamplerDescripto
---@return self
function TextureCube:setTexParameters (r) end
---* create cube texture from 6 textures.
---* param positive_x texture for the right side of the texture cube face.
---* param negative_x texture for the up side of the texture cube face.
---* param positive_y texture for the top side of the texture cube face
---* param negative_y texture for the bottom side of the texture cube face
---* param positive_z texture for the forward side of the texture cube face.
---* param negative_z texture for the rear side of the texture cube face.
---* return A new texture cube inited with given parameters.
---@param positive_x string
---@param negative_x string
---@param positive_y string
---@param negative_y string
---@param positive_z string
---@param negative_z string
---@return self
function TextureCube:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end
---* Constructor.
---@return self
function TextureCube:TextureCube () end