---@class cc.Image :cc.Ref
local Image={ }
---@return boolean
function Image:hasPremultipliedAlpha () end
---@return self
function Image:reversePremultipliedAlpha () end
---@return boolean
function Image:isCompressed () end
---@return boolean
function Image:hasAlpha () end
---@return int
function Image:getPixelFormat () end
---@return int
function Image:getHeight () end
---@return self
function Image:premultiplyAlpha () end
---* brief Load the image from the specified path.
---* param path the absolute file path.
---* return true if loaded correctly.
---@param path string
---@return boolean
function Image:initWithImageFile (path) end
---@return int
function Image:getWidth () end
---@return int
function Image:getBitPerPixel () end
---@return int
function Image:getFileType () end
---@return string
function Image:getFilePath () end
---@return int
function Image:getNumberOfMipmaps () end
---* brief Save Image data to the specified file, with specified format.
---* param filePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix.
---* param isToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format.
---@param filename string
---@param isToRGB boolean
---@return boolean
function Image:saveToFile (filename,isToRGB) end
---* treats (or not) PVR files as if they have alpha premultiplied.
---* Since it is impossible to know at runtime if the PVR images have the alpha channel premultiplied, it is
---* possible load them as if they have (or not) the alpha channel premultiplied.
---* By default it is disabled.
---@param haveAlphaPremultiplied boolean
---@return self
function Image:setPVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha (haveAlphaPremultiplied) end
---* Enables or disables premultiplied alpha for PNG files.
---* param enabled (default: true)
---@param enabled boolean
---@return self
function Image:setPNGPremultipliedAlphaEnabled (enabled) end
---* js ctor
---@return self
function Image:Image () end