---@class cc.SpriteFrameCache :cc.Ref
local SpriteFrameCache={ }
---@param plist string
---@return boolean
function SpriteFrameCache:reloadTexture (plist) end
---* Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames.
---* js NA
---* lua addSpriteFrames
---* param plist_content Plist file content string.
---* param texture Texture pointer.
---@param plist_content string
---@param texture cc.Texture2D
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFileContent (plist_content,texture) end
---* Adds an sprite frame with a given name.
---* If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.
---* param frame A certain sprite frame.
---* param frameName The name of the sprite frame.
---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame
---@param frameName string
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFrame (frame,frameName) end
---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self
---@overload fun(string:string):self
---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self
---@param plist string
---@param texture cc.Texture2D
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFile (plist,texture) end
---* Returns an Sprite Frame that was previously added.
---* If the name is not found it will return nil.
---* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.
---* js getSpriteFrame
---* lua getSpriteFrame
---* param name A certain sprite frame name.
---* return The sprite frame.
---@param name string
---@return cc.SpriteFrame
function SpriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrameByName (name) end
---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.
---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
---* since v0.99.5
---* param plist The name of the plist that needs to removed.
---@param plist string
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFile (plist) end
---* Initialize method.
---* return if success return true.
---@return boolean
function SpriteFrameCache:init () end
---* Purges the dictionary of loaded sprite frames.
---* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".
---* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.
---* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.
---* In the long term: it will be the same.
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrames () end
---* Removes unused sprite frames.
---* Sprite Frames that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.
---* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.
---* js NA
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeUnusedSpriteFrames () end
---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content.
---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.
---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
---* param plist_content The string of the plist content that needs to removed.
---* js NA
---@param plist_content string
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFileContent (plist_content) end
---* Deletes an sprite frame from the sprite frame cache.
---* param name The name of the sprite frame that needs to removed.
---@param name string
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrameByName (name) end
---* Check if multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file have been loaded.
---* js NA
---* lua NA
---* param plist Plist file name.
---* return True if the file is loaded.
---@param plist string
---@return boolean
function SpriteFrameCache:isSpriteFramesWithFileLoaded (plist) end
---* Removes all Sprite Frames associated with the specified textures.
---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
---* since v0.995.
---* param texture The texture that needs to removed.
---@param texture cc.Texture2D
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromTexture (texture) end
---* Destroys the cache. It releases all the Sprite Frames and the retained instance.
---* js NA
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:destroyInstance () end
---* Returns the shared instance of the Sprite Frame cache.
---* return The instance of the Sprite Frame Cache.
---* js NA
---@return self
function SpriteFrameCache:getInstance () end