---@class cc.PhysicsJoint
local PhysicsJoint={ }
---* Get physics body a connected to this joint.
---@return cc.PhysicsBody
function PhysicsJoint:getBodyA () end
---* Get physics body b connected to this joint.
---@return cc.PhysicsBody
function PhysicsJoint:getBodyB () end
---* Get the max force setting.
---@return float
function PhysicsJoint:getMaxForce () end
---* Set the max force between two bodies.
---@param force float
---@return self
function PhysicsJoint:setMaxForce (force) end
---* Determines if the joint is enable.
---@return boolean
function PhysicsJoint:isEnabled () end
---* Enable/Disable the joint.
---@param enable boolean
---@return self
function PhysicsJoint:setEnable (enable) end
---* Enable/disable the collision between two bodies.
---@param enable boolean
---@return self
function PhysicsJoint:setCollisionEnable (enable) end
---* Get the physics world.
---@return cc.PhysicsWorld
function PhysicsJoint:getWorld () end
---* Set this joint's tag.
---* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsJoint.
---@param tag int
---@return self
function PhysicsJoint:setTag (tag) end
---* Remove the joint from the world.
---@return self
function PhysicsJoint:removeFormWorld () end
---* Determines if the collision is enable.
---@return boolean
function PhysicsJoint:isCollisionEnabled () end
---* Get this joint's tag.
---* return An integer number.
---@return int
function PhysicsJoint:getTag () end