---@class cc.Physics3DShape :cc.Ref
local Physics3DShape={ }
---@return btCollisionShape
function Physics3DShape:getbtShape () end
---@param radius float
---@return boolean
function Physics3DShape:initSphere (radius) end
---@param ext vec3_table
---@return boolean
function Physics3DShape:initBox (ext) end
---@param radius float
---@param height float
---@return boolean
function Physics3DShape:initCapsule (radius,height) end
---@param radius float
---@param height float
---@return boolean
function Physics3DShape:initCylinder (radius,height) end
---* get shape type
---@return int
function Physics3DShape:getShapeType () end
---* create box shape
---* param extent The extent of sphere.
---@param extent vec3_table
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:createBox (extent) end
---* create cylinder shape
---* param radius The radius of cylinder.
---* param height The height.
---@param radius float
---@param height float
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:createCylinder (radius,height) end
---* create convex hull
---* param points The vertices of convex hull
---* param numPoints The number of vertices.
---@param points vec3_table
---@param numPoints int
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:createConvexHull (points,numPoints) end
---* create capsule shape
---* param radius The radius of capsule.
---* param height The height (cylinder part).
---@param radius float
---@param height float
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:createCapsule (radius,height) end
---* create sphere shape
---* param radius The radius of sphere.
---@param radius float
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:createSphere (radius) end
---@return self
function Physics3DShape:Physics3DShape () end