---@class cc.EventController :cc.Event
local EventController={ }
---* Gets the event type of the controller.
---* return The event type of the controller.
---@return int
function EventController:getControllerEventType () end
---* Sets the connect status.
---* param True if it's connected.
---@param isConnected boolean
---@return self
function EventController:setConnectStatus (isConnected) end
---* Gets the connect status.
---* return True if it's connected.
---@return boolean
function EventController:isConnected () end
---@param keyCode int
---@return self
function EventController:setKeyCode (keyCode) end
---@return cc.Controller
function EventController:getController () end
---* Gets the key code of the controller.
---* return The key code of the controller.
---@return int
function EventController:getKeyCode () end
---@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int2:boolean):self
---@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int:int):self
---@param type int
---@param controller cc.Controller
---@param keyCode int
---@return self
function EventController:EventController (type,controller,keyCode) end