---@class cc.EaseRateAction :cc.ActionEase
local EaseRateAction={ }
---* brief Set the rate value for the ease rate action.
---* param rate The value will be set.
---@param rate float
---@return self
function EaseRateAction:setRate (rate) end
---* brief Initializes the action with the inner action and the rate parameter.
---* param pAction The pointer of the inner action.
---* param fRate The value of the rate parameter.
---* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false.
---@param pAction cc.ActionInterval
---@param fRate float
---@return boolean
function EaseRateAction:initWithAction (pAction,fRate) end
---* brief Get the rate value of the ease rate action.
---* return Return the rate value of the ease rate action.
---@return float
function EaseRateAction:getRate () end
---@param action cc.ActionInterval
---@param rate float
---@return self
function EaseRateAction:create (action,rate) end