---@class cc.DrawNode :cc.Node
local DrawNode={ }
---* Draw an line from origin to destination with color.
---* param origin The line origin.
---* param destination The line destination.
---* param color The line color.
---* js NA
---@param origin vec2_table
---@param destination vec2_table
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawLine (origin,destination,color) end
---* When isolated is set, the position of the node is no longer affected by parent nodes.
---* Which means it will be drawn just like a root node.
---@param isolated boolean
---@return self
function DrawNode:setIsolated (isolated) end
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table2:color4f_table):self
---@param p1 vec2_table
---@param p2 vec2_table
---@param p3 vec2_table
---@param p4 vec2_table
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawRect (p1,p2,p3,p4,color) end
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float4:color4f_table):self
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
---@param center vec2_table
---@param radius float
---@param angle float
---@param segments unsigned_int
---@param scaleX float
---@param scaleY float
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawSolidCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,scaleX,scaleY,color) end
---@param lineWidth float
---@return self
function DrawNode:setLineWidth (lineWidth) end
---* draw a dot at a position, with a given radius and color.
---* param pos The dot center.
---* param radius The dot radius.
---* param color The dot color.
---@param pos vec2_table
---@param radius float
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawDot (pos,radius,color) end
---* draw a segment with a radius and color.
---* param from The segment origin.
---* param to The segment destination.
---* param radius The segment radius.
---* param color The segment color.
---@param from vec2_table
---@param to vec2_table
---@param radius float
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawSegment (from,to,radius,color) end
---* Get the color mixed mode.
---* lua NA
---@return cc.BlendFunc
function DrawNode:getBlendFunc () end
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float5:color4f_table):self
---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self
---@param center vec2_table
---@param radius float
---@param angle float
---@param segments unsigned_int
---@param drawLineToCenter boolean
---@param scaleX float
---@param scaleY float
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,drawLineToCenter,scaleX,scaleY,color) end
---* Draws a quad bezier path.
---* param origin The origin of the bezier path.
---* param control The control of the bezier path.
---* param destination The destination of the bezier path.
---* param segments The number of segments.
---* param color Set the quad bezier color.
---@param origin vec2_table
---@param control vec2_table
---@param destination vec2_table
---@param segments unsigned_int
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawQuadBezier (origin,control,destination,segments,color) end
---* draw a triangle with color.
---* param p1 The triangle vertex point.
---* param p2 The triangle vertex point.
---* param p3 The triangle vertex point.
---* param color The triangle color.
---* js NA
---@param p1 vec2_table
---@param p2 vec2_table
---@param p3 vec2_table
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawTriangle (p1,p2,p3,color) end
---* Set the color mixed mode.
---* code
---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
---* endcode
---* lua NA
---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc
---@return self
function DrawNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end
---* Clear the geometry in the node's buffer.
---@return self
function DrawNode:clear () end
---* Draws a solid rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points.
---* The origin and the destination can not have the same x and y coordinate.
---* param origin The rectangle origin.
---* param destination The rectangle destination.
---* param color The rectangle color.
---* js NA
---@param origin vec2_table
---@param destination vec2_table
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawSolidRect (origin,destination,color) end
---@return float
function DrawNode:getLineWidth () end
---* Draw a point.
---* param point A Vec2 used to point.
---* param pointSize The point size.
---* param color The point color.
---* js NA
---@param point vec2_table
---@param pointSize float
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawPoint (point,pointSize,color) end
---@return boolean
function DrawNode:isIsolated () end
---* Draw a cubic bezier curve with color and number of segments
---* param origin The origin of the bezier path.
---* param control1 The first control of the bezier path.
---* param control2 The second control of the bezier path.
---* param destination The destination of the bezier path.
---* param segments The number of segments.
---* param color Set the cubic bezier color.
---@param origin vec2_table
---@param control1 vec2_table
---@param control2 vec2_table
---@param destination vec2_table
---@param segments unsigned_int
---@param color color4f_table
---@return self
function DrawNode:drawCubicBezier (origin,control1,control2,destination,segments,color) end
---* creates and initialize a DrawNode node.
---* return Return an autorelease object.
---@return self
function DrawNode:create () end
---@param renderer cc.Renderer
---@param transform mat4_table
---@param flags unsigned_int
---@return self
function DrawNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end
---@param renderer cc.Renderer
---@param parentTransform mat4_table
---@param parentFlags unsigned_int
---@return self
function DrawNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end
---@return boolean
function DrawNode:init () end
---@return self
function DrawNode:DrawNode () end