---@class cc.AudioEngine
local AudioEngine={ }
---@return boolean
function AudioEngine:lazyInit () end
---* Sets the current playback position of an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* param sec The offset in seconds from the start to seek to.
---* return
---@param audioID int
---@param sec float
---@return boolean
function AudioEngine:setCurrentTime (audioID,sec) end
---* Gets the volume value of an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* return Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
---@param audioID int
---@return float
function AudioEngine:getVolume (audioID) end
---* Uncache the audio data from internal buffer.
---* AudioEngine cache audio data on ios,mac, and win32 platform.
---* warning This can lead to stop related audio first.
---* param filePath Audio file path.
---@param filePath string
---@return self
function AudioEngine:uncache (filePath) end
---* Resume all suspended audio instances.
---@return self
function AudioEngine:resumeAll () end
---* Stop all audio instances.
---@return self
function AudioEngine:stopAll () end
---* Pause an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---@param audioID int
---@return self
function AudioEngine:pause (audioID) end
---* Gets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance of AudioEngine.
---@return int
function AudioEngine:getMaxAudioInstance () end
---* Check whether AudioEngine is enabled.
---@return boolean
function AudioEngine:isEnabled () end
---* Gets the current playback position of an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* return The current playback position of an audio instance.
---@param audioID int
---@return float
function AudioEngine:getCurrentTime (audioID) end
---* Sets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance for AudioEngine.
---* param maxInstances The maximum number of simultaneous audio instance.
---@param maxInstances int
---@return boolean
function AudioEngine:setMaxAudioInstance (maxInstances) end
---* Checks whether an audio instance is loop.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* return Whether or not an audio instance is loop.
---@param audioID int
---@return boolean
function AudioEngine:isLoop (audioID) end
---* Pause all playing audio instances.
---@return self
function AudioEngine:pauseAll () end
---* Uncache all audio data from internal buffer.
---* warning All audio will be stopped first.
---@return self
function AudioEngine:uncacheAll () end
---* Sets volume for an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
---@param audioID int
---@param volume float
---@return self
function AudioEngine:setVolume (audioID,volume) end
---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self
---@overload fun(string:string):self
---@param filePath string
---@param callback function
---@return self
function AudioEngine:preload (filePath,callback) end
---* Whether to enable playing audios
---* note If it's disabled, current playing audios will be stopped and the later 'preload', 'play2d' methods will take no effects.
---@param isEnabled boolean
---@return self
function AudioEngine:setEnabled (isEnabled) end
---* Play 2d sound.
---* param filePath The path of an audio file.
---* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not.
---* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
---* param profile A profile for audio instance. When profile is not specified, default profile will be used.
---* return An audio ID. It allows you to dynamically change the behavior of an audio instance on the fly.
---* see `AudioProfile`
---@param filePath string
---@param loop boolean
---@param volume float
---@param profile cc.AudioProfile
---@return int
function AudioEngine:play2d (filePath,loop,volume,profile) end
---* Returns the state of an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* return The status of an audio instance.
---@param audioID int
---@return int
function AudioEngine:getState (audioID) end
---* Resume an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---@param audioID int
---@return self
function AudioEngine:resume (audioID) end
---* Stop an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---@param audioID int
---@return self
function AudioEngine:stop (audioID) end
---* Release objects relating to AudioEngine.
---* warning It must be called before the application exit.
---* lua endToLua
---@return self
function AudioEngine:endToLua () end
---* Gets the duration of an audio instance.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* return The duration of an audio instance.
---@param audioID int
---@return float
function AudioEngine:getDuration (audioID) end
---* Sets whether an audio instance loop or not.
---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
---* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not.
---@param audioID int
---@param loop boolean
---@return self
function AudioEngine:setLoop (audioID,loop) end
---* Gets the default profile of audio instances.
---* return The default profile of audio instances.
---@return cc.AudioProfile
function AudioEngine:getDefaultProfile () end
---@overload fun(int0:string):self
---@overload fun(int:int):self
---@param audioID int
---@return cc.AudioProfile
function AudioEngine:getProfile (audioID) end
---* Gets playing audio count.
---@return int
function AudioEngine:getPlayingAudioCount () end