---@class cc.ParticleSystemQuad :cc.ParticleSystem
local ParticleSystemQuad={ }
---* Sets a new SpriteFrame as particle.
---* WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTextureWithRect instead.
---* param spriteFrame A given sprite frame as particle texture.
---* since v0.99.4
---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:setDisplayFrame (spriteFrame) end
---* Sets a new texture with a rect. The rect is in Points.
---* since v0.99.4
---* js NA
---* lua NA
---* param texture A given texture.
---* 8 @param rect A given rect, in points.
---@param texture cc.Texture2D
---@param rect rect_table
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:setTextureWithRect (texture,rect) end
---* Listen the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8.
---* js NA
---* lua NA
---* param event the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8.
---@param event cc.EventCustom
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:listenRendererRecreated (event) end
---@overload fun(map_table0:string):self
---@overload fun():self
---@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self
---@param dictionary map_table
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:create (dictionary) end
---* Creates a Particle Emitter with a number of particles.
---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
---* return An autoreleased ParticleSystemQuad object.
---@param numberOfParticles int
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end
---@return string
function ParticleSystemQuad:getDescription () end
---* js NA
---* lua NA
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:updateParticleQuads () end
---* js ctor
---@return self
function ParticleSystemQuad:ParticleSystemQuad () end