---@class cc.ParticleBatchNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol local ParticleBatchNode={ } cc.ParticleBatchNode=ParticleBatchNode ---* ---@param texture cc.Texture2D ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:setTexture (texture) end ---* initializes the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles ---@param tex cc.Texture2D ---@param capacity int ---@return boolean function ParticleBatchNode:initWithTexture (tex,capacity) end ---* Disables a particle by inserting a 0'd quad into the texture atlas.
---* param particleIndex The index of the particle. ---@param particleIndex int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:disableParticle (particleIndex) end ---* ---@return cc.Texture2D function ParticleBatchNode:getTexture () end ---* Sets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
---* param atlas The texture atlas used for drawing the quads. ---@param atlas cc.TextureAtlas ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:setTextureAtlas (atlas) end ---* initializes the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles ---@param fileImage string ---@param capacity int ---@return boolean function ParticleBatchNode:initWithFile (fileImage,capacity) end ---* code
---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
---* endcode
---* lua NA ---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end ---* ---@param doCleanup boolean ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (doCleanup) end ---* Gets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
---* return The texture atlas used for drawing the quads. ---@return cc.TextureAtlas function ParticleBatchNode:getTextureAtlas () end ---* js NA
---* lua NA ---@return cc.BlendFunc function ParticleBatchNode:getBlendFunc () end ---* Inserts a child into the ParticleBatchNode.
---* param system A given particle system.
---* param index The insert index. ---@param system cc.ParticleSystem ---@param index int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:insertChild (system,index) end ---* Remove a child of the ParticleBatchNode.
---* param index The index of the child.
---* param doCleanup True if all actions and callbacks on this node should be removed, false otherwise. ---@param index int ---@param doCleanup boolean ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:removeChildAtIndex (index,doCleanup) end ---* Create the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles.
---* param fileImage A given file name.
---* param capacity A capacity of particles.
---* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object. ---@param fileImage string ---@param capacity int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:create (fileImage,capacity) end ---* Create the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles, which particle system to use.
---* param tex A given texture.
---* param capacity A capacity of particles.
---* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object.
---* js NA ---@param tex cc.Texture2D ---@param capacity int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:createWithTexture (tex,capacity) end ---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self ---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self ---@param child cc.Node ---@param zOrder int ---@param tag int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end ---* ---@param renderer cc.Renderer ---@param transform mat4_table ---@param flags unsigned_int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end ---* ---@param renderer cc.Renderer ---@param parentTransform mat4_table ---@param parentFlags unsigned_int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end ---* ---@param child cc.Node ---@param zOrder int ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end ---* ---@param child cc.Node ---@param cleanup boolean ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end ---* js ctor ---@return self function ParticleBatchNode:ParticleBatchNode () end