---@class cc.MenuItemLabel :cc.MenuItem local MenuItemLabel={ } cc.MenuItemLabel=MenuItemLabel ---* Sets the label that is rendered. ---@param node cc.Node ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:setLabel (node) end ---* Get the inner string of the inner label. ---@return string function MenuItemLabel:getString () end ---* Gets the color that will be used when the item is disabled. ---@return color3b_table function MenuItemLabel:getDisabledColor () end ---* Sets a new string to the inner label. ---@param label string ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:setString (label) end ---* Initializes a MenuItemLabel with a Label, target and selector. ---@param label cc.Node ---@param callback function ---@return boolean function MenuItemLabel:initWithLabel (label,callback) end ---* Sets the color that will be used when the item is disabled. ---@param color color3b_table ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:setDisabledColor (color) end ---* Gets the label that is rendered. ---@return cc.Node function MenuItemLabel:getLabel () end ---* ---@param enabled boolean ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:setEnabled (enabled) end ---* ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:activate () end ---* ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:unselected () end ---* ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:selected () end ---* js ctor ---@return self function MenuItemLabel:MenuItemLabel () end