---@class cc.LayerMultiplex :cc.Layer
local LayerMultiplex={ }
---* initializes a MultiplexLayer with an array of layers
---* since v2.1
---@param arrayOfLayers array_table
---@return boolean
function LayerMultiplex:initWithArray (arrayOfLayers) end
---* release the current layer and switches to another layer indexed by n.
---* The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup=true'.
---* param n The layer indexed by n will display.
---@param n int
---@return self
function LayerMultiplex:switchToAndReleaseMe (n) end
---* Add a certain layer to LayerMultiplex.
---* param layer A layer need to be added to the LayerMultiplex.
---@param layer cc.Layer
---@return self
function LayerMultiplex:addLayer (layer) end
---@overload fun(int:int,boolean:boolean):self
---@overload fun(int:int):self
---@param n int
---@param cleanup boolean
---@return self
function LayerMultiplex:switchTo (n,cleanup) end
---@return boolean
function LayerMultiplex:init () end
---@return string
function LayerMultiplex:getDescription () end
---* js ctor
---@return self
function LayerMultiplex:LayerMultiplex () end