---@class cc.Control :cc.Layer local Control={ } cc.Control=Control ---* Tells whether the control is enabled. ---@param bEnabled boolean ---@return self function Control:setEnabled (bEnabled) end ---* ---@return int function Control:getState () end ---* Sends action messages for the given control events.
---* param controlEvents A bitmask whose set flags specify the control events for
---* which action messages are sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants. ---@param controlEvents int ---@return self function Control:sendActionsForControlEvents (controlEvents) end ---* A Boolean value that determines the control selected state. ---@param bSelected boolean ---@return self function Control:setSelected (bSelected) end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:isEnabled () end ---* Updates the control layout using its current internal state. ---@return self function Control:needsLayout () end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:hasVisibleParents () end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:isSelected () end ---* Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a touch is inside the bounds
---* of the receiver. The given touch must be relative to the world.
---* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch.
---* return Whether a touch is inside the receiver's rect. ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@return boolean function Control:isTouchInside (touch) end ---* A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted. ---@param bHighlighted boolean ---@return self function Control:setHighlighted (bHighlighted) end ---* Returns a point corresponding to the touch location converted into the
---* control space coordinates.
---* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch. ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@return vec2_table function Control:getTouchLocation (touch) end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:isHighlighted () end ---* Creates a Control object ---@return self function Control:create () end ---* ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@param event cc.Event ---@return self function Control:onTouchMoved (touch,event) end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:isOpacityModifyRGB () end ---* ---@param bOpacityModifyRGB boolean ---@return self function Control:setOpacityModifyRGB (bOpacityModifyRGB) end ---* ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@param event cc.Event ---@return self function Control:onTouchCancelled (touch,event) end ---* ---@return boolean function Control:init () end ---* ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@param event cc.Event ---@return self function Control:onTouchEnded (touch,event) end ---* ---@param touch cc.Touch ---@param event cc.Event ---@return boolean function Control:onTouchBegan (touch,event) end ---* js ctor ---@return self function Control:Control () end