---@class cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundBrush local CameraBackgroundDepthBrush={ } cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush=CameraBackgroundDepthBrush ---* Set depth
---* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer ---@param depth float ---@return self function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:setDepth (depth) end ---* Create a depth brush
---* param depth Depth used to clear the depth buffer
---* return Created brush ---@param depth float ---@return self function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:create (depth) end ---* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::DEPTH
---* return brush type ---@return int function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:getBrushType () end ---* Draw background ---@param camera cc.Camera ---@return self function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:drawBackground (camera) end ---* ---@return boolean function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:init () end ---* ---@return self function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:CameraBackgroundDepthBrush () end