---@class cc.AttachNode :cc.Node local AttachNode={ } cc.AttachNode=AttachNode ---* creates an AttachNode
---* param attachBone The bone to which the AttachNode is going to attach, the attacheBone must be a bone of the AttachNode's parent ---@param attachBone cc.Bone3D ---@return self function AttachNode:create (attachBone) end ---* ---@param renderer cc.Renderer ---@param parentTransform mat4_table ---@param parentFlags unsigned_int ---@return self function AttachNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end ---* ---@return mat4_table function AttachNode:getWorldToNodeTransform () end ---* ---@return mat4_table function AttachNode:getNodeToWorldTransform () end ---* ---@return mat4_table function AttachNode:getNodeToParentTransform () end ---* ---@return self function AttachNode:AttachNode () end