---@class cc.Application
local Application={ }
---* brief Get target platform
---@return int
function Application:getTargetPlatform () end
---* brief Get current language config
---* return Current language config
---@return int
function Application:getCurrentLanguage () end
---* brief Get current language iso 639-1 code
---* return Current language iso 639-1 code
---@return char
function Application:getCurrentLanguageCode () end
---* brief Open url in default browser
---* param String with url to open.
---* return true if the resource located by the URL was successfully opened; otherwise false.
---@param url string
---@return boolean
function Application:openURL (url) end
---* brief Get application version.
---@return string
function Application:getVersion () end
---* brief Callback by Director to limit FPS.
---* param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next.
---@param interval float
---@return self
function Application:setAnimationInterval (interval) end
---* brief Get current application instance.
---* return Current application instance pointer.
---@return self
function Application:getInstance () end