---@class cc.Animation :cc.Ref local Animation={ } cc.Animation=Animation ---* Gets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ...
---* return The times the animation is going to loop. ---@return unsigned_int function Animation:getLoops () end ---* Adds a SpriteFrame to a Animation.
---* param frame The frame will be added with one "delay unit". ---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame ---@return self function Animation:addSpriteFrame (frame) end ---* Sets whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes.
---* param restoreOriginalFrame Whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes. ---@param restoreOriginalFrame boolean ---@return self function Animation:setRestoreOriginalFrame (restoreOriginalFrame) end ---* ---@return self function Animation:clone () end ---* Gets the duration in seconds of the whole animation. It is the result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit.
---* return Result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit. ---@return float function Animation:getDuration () end ---* Initializes a Animation with AnimationFrame.
---* since v2.0 ---@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table ---@param delayPerUnit float ---@param loops unsigned_int ---@return boolean function Animation:initWithAnimationFrames (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end ---* Initializes a Animation. ---@return boolean function Animation:init () end ---* Sets the array of AnimationFrames.
---* param frames The array of AnimationFrames. ---@param frames array_table ---@return self function Animation:setFrames (frames) end ---* Gets the array of AnimationFrames.
---* return The array of AnimationFrames. ---@return array_table function Animation:getFrames () end ---* Sets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ...
---* param loops The times the animation is going to loop. ---@param loops unsigned_int ---@return self function Animation:setLoops (loops) end ---* Sets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
---* param delayPerUnit The delay in seconds of the "delay unit". ---@param delayPerUnit float ---@return self function Animation:setDelayPerUnit (delayPerUnit) end ---* Adds a frame with an image filename. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.
---* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".
---* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.
---* param filename The path of SpriteFrame. ---@param filename string ---@return self function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithFile (filename) end ---* Gets the total Delay units of the Animation.
---* return The total Delay units of the Animation. ---@return float function Animation:getTotalDelayUnits () end ---* Gets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
---* return The delay in seconds of the "delay unit". ---@return float function Animation:getDelayPerUnit () end ---* Initializes a Animation with frames and a delay between frames.
---* since v0.99.5 ---@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table ---@param delay float ---@param loops unsigned_int ---@return boolean function Animation:initWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end ---* Checks whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes.
---* return Restore the original frame when animation finishes. ---@return boolean function Animation:getRestoreOriginalFrame () end ---* Adds a frame with a texture and a rect. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.
---* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".
---* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.
---* param pobTexture A frame with a texture.
---* param rect The Texture of rect. ---@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D ---@param rect rect_table ---@return self function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithTexture (pobTexture,rect) end ---@overload fun(array_table:array_table,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self ---@overload fun():self ---@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table ---@param delayPerUnit float ---@param loops unsigned_int ---@return self function Animation:create (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end ---* ---@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table ---@param delay float ---@param loops unsigned_int ---@return self function Animation:createWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end ---* ---@return self function Animation:Animation () end