---@class cc.ActionInterval :cc.FiniteTimeAction
local ActionInterval={ }
---* Gets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction
---* return The amplitude rate.
---@return float
function ActionInterval:getAmplitudeRate () end
---* initializes the action
---@param d float
---@return boolean
function ActionInterval:initWithDuration (d) end
---* Sets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction
---* param amp The amplitude rate.
---@param amp float
---@return self
function ActionInterval:setAmplitudeRate (amp) end
---* How many seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run.
---* return The seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run.
---@return float
function ActionInterval:getElapsed () end
---@param target cc.Node
---@return self
function ActionInterval:startWithTarget (target) end
---* param dt in seconds
---@param dt float
---@return self
function ActionInterval:step (dt) end
---@return self
function ActionInterval:clone () end
---@return self
function ActionInterval:reverse () end
---@return boolean
function ActionInterval:isDone () end