local platform = ... local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local sp = require 'bee.subprocess' local pf = require 'bee.platform' local CWD = fs.current_path() local output = CWD / 'bin' / pf.OS local bindir = CWD / 'build' / platform / 'bin' local exe = platform == 'msvc' and ".exe" or "" local dll = platform == 'msvc' and ".dll" or ".so" fs.create_directories(output) fs.copy_file(bindir / 'lpeglabel'..dll, output / 'lpeglabel'..dll, true) fs.copy_file(bindir / 'bee'..dll, output / 'bee'..dll, true) fs.copy_file(bindir / 'lua'..exe, output / 'lua-language-server'..exe, true) if platform == 'msvc' then fs.copy_file(bindir / 'lua54'..dll, output / 'lua54'..dll, true) require 'msvc'.copy_crtdll('x64', output) end