local lm = require 'luamake' local platform = require "bee.platform" lm:import '3rd/bee.lua/make.lua' lm.arch = 'x64' lm.rootdir = '3rd/' local lua = 'lua54' local includes = nil local lpeglabel_ldflags = '/EXPORT:luaopen_lpeglabel' if lm.plat == 'macos' then lua = 'lua' includes = {'bee.lua/3rd/lua/src'} lpeglabel_ldflags = nil elseif lm.plat == 'linux' then lua = 'lua' includes = {'bee.lua/3rd/lua/src'} lpeglabel_ldflags = nil end lm:shared_library 'lni' { deps = lua, sources = { 'lni/src/main.cpp', }, includes = includes, links = { platform.OS == "Linux" and "stdc++", }, } lm:shared_library 'lpeglabel' { deps = lua, sources = 'lpeglabel/*.c', ldflags = lpeglabel_ldflags, includes = includes } local rcedit = nil if lm.plat ~= 'macos' and lm.plat ~= 'linux' then rcedit = 'rcedit' lm:executable 'rcedit' { sources = 'rcedit/src/*.cc', defines = { '_SILENCE_CXX17_CODECVT_HEADER_DEPRECATION_WARNING' }, flags = { '/wd4477', '/wd4244', '/wd4267', } } end lm:build 'install' { '$luamake', 'lua', 'make/install.lua', deps = { 'lua', 'lni', 'lpeglabel', 'bee', rcedit } } lm:default { 'install' }