local lm = require 'luamake' local platform = require 'bee.platform' local exe = platform.OS == 'Windows' and ".exe" or "" lm.bindir = "bin" lm.EXE_DIR = "" if platform.OS == 'macOS' then if lm.platform == "darwin-arm64" then lm.target = "arm64-apple-macos11" else lm.target = "x86_64-apple-macos10.12" end end if platform.OS == 'Windows' then if lm.platform == "win32-ia32" then lm.arch = "x86" else lm.arch = "x86_64" end end lm:import "3rd/bee.lua/make.lua" lm:source_set 'lpeglabel' { rootdir = '3rd', includes = "bee.lua/3rd/lua", sources = "lpeglabel/*.c", defines = { 'MAXRECLEVEL=1000', }, } lm:executable "lua-language-server" { deps = {"lpeglabel", "source_bootstrap"}, includes = { "3rd/bee.lua", "3rd/bee.lua/3rd/lua", }, sources = "make/modules.cpp", windows = { sources = { "make/lua-language-server.rc", } }, linux = { crt = "static", } } lm:copy "copy_bootstrap" { input = "make/bootstrap.lua", output = lm.bindir.."/main.lua", } lm:build 'copy_vcrt' { '$luamake', 'lua', 'make/copy_vcrt.lua', lm.bindir, lm.arch, } lm:phony "all" { deps = { "lua-language-server", "copy_bootstrap", }, windows = { deps = { "copy_vcrt" } } } local function detectWindowsArch() if os.getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" == "ARM64" then return "arm64" end if os.getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" == "AMD64" or os.getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" == "AMD64" then return "x64" end return "ia32" end local function detectPosixArch() local f = assert(io.popen("uname -m", 'r')) return f:read 'l':lower() end local function detectArch() if platform.OS == 'Windows' then return detectWindowsArch() end return detectPosixArch() end local function targetPlatformArch() if lm.platform == nil then return detectArch() end return lm.platform:match "^[^-]*-(.*)$" end local notest = platform.OS == 'macOS' and targetPlatformArch() == "arm64" and detectArch() == "x64" if notest then lm:default { "all", } return end lm:build "bee-test" { lm.bindir.."/lua-language-server"..exe, "3rd/bee.lua/test/test.lua", pool = "console", deps = { "all", } } lm:build 'unit-test' { lm.bindir.."/lua-language-server"..exe, 'test.lua', pool = "console", deps = { "bee-test", } } lm:default { "bee-test", "unit-test", }