local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local util = require 'utility' local version = require 'version' local function loadArgs() for _, v in ipairs(arg) do ---@type string local key, value = v:match '^%-%-([%w_]+)%=(.+)' if not key then goto CONTINUE end if value == 'true' then value = true elseif value == 'false' then value = false elseif tonumber(value) then value = tonumber(value) elseif value:sub(1, 1) == '"' and value:sub(-1, -1) == '"' then value = value:sub(2, -2) end _G[key:upper()] = value ::CONTINUE:: end end loadArgs() local rootPath = fs.exe_path():parent_path():parent_path():parent_path():string() ROOT = fs.path(util.expandPath(rootPath)) LOGPATH = LOGPATH and util.expandPath(LOGPATH) or (ROOT:string() .. '/log') METAPATH = METAPATH and util.expandPath(METAPATH) or (ROOT:string() .. '/meta') ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated debug.setcstacklimit(200) --collectgarbage('generational', 5, 25) collectgarbage('incremental', 120, 120, 0) ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: lowercase-global log = require 'log' log.init(ROOT, fs.path(LOGPATH) / 'service.log') log.info('Lua Lsp startup, root: ', ROOT) log.debug('ROOT:', ROOT:string()) log.debug('LOGPATH:', LOGPATH) log.debug('METAPATH:', METAPATH) log.debug('VERSION:', version.getVersion()) require 'tracy' xpcall(dofile, log.debug, rootPath .. '/debugger.lua') local service = require 'service' service.start()