DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = 'Line with spaces only.' DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = 'Line with postspace.' DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = 'Unused local `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = 'Undefined global `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEF_FIELD = 'Undefined field `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = 'Undefined variable `{}` (overloaded `_ENV` ).' DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = 'Undefined variable `{}` (inside module).' DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_ENV = 'Invalid global (`_ENV` is `nil`).' DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_FENV = 'Invalid global (module environment is `nil`).' DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = 'Unused label `{}`.' DIAG_UNUSED_FUNCTION = 'Unused functions.' DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG = 'Unused vararg.' DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = 'Redefined local `{}`.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = 'Duplicate index `{}`.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD = 'Duplicate method `{}`.' DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = 'Will be interpreted as `{}{}`. It may be necessary to add a `,`.' DIAG_PREFIELD_CALL = 'Will be interpreted as `{}{}`. It may be necessary to add a `,` or `;`.' DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = 'This function expects a maximum of {:d} argument(s) but instead it is receiving {:d}.' DIAG_MISS_ARGS = 'This function requires {:d} argument(s) but instead it is receiving {:d}.' DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES = 'Only has {} variables, but you set {} values.' DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = 'Compute `{}` first. You may need to add brackets.' DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = 'Global variable in lowercase initial, Did you miss `local` or misspell it?' DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = 'Empty block.' DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = 'Lua Diagnostics.' DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = 'Lua Syntax Check.' DIAG_NEED_VERSION = 'Supported in {}, current is {}.' DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = 'Defined in {}, current is {}.' DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = 'Defined in {}.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = 'Duplicate Class `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = 'Undefined Class `{}`.' DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = 'Cyclic extends.' DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = 'Inexistent param.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = 'Duplicate param.' DIAG_NEED_CLASS = 'Class needs to be defined first.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_SET_FIELD= 'Duplicate field `{}`.' DIAG_SET_CONST = 'Assignment to const variable.' DIAG_SET_FOR_STATE = 'Assignment to for-state variable.' DIAG_CODE_AFTER_BREAK = 'Unable to execute code after `break`.' DIAG_UNBALANCED_ASSIGNMENTS = 'The value is assigned as `nil` because the number of values is not enough. In Lua, `x, y = 1 ` is equivalent to `x, y = 1, nil` .' DIAG_REQUIRE_LIKE = 'You can treat `{}` as `require` by setting.' DIAG_COSE_NON_OBJECT = 'Cannot close a value of this type. (Unless set `__close` meta method)' DIAG_COUNT_DOWN_LOOP = 'Do you mean `{}` ?' DIAG_UNKNOWN = 'Can not infer type.' DIAG_DEPRECATED = 'Deprecated.' DIAG_DIFFERENT_REQUIRES = 'The same file is required with different names.' DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN = 'Redundant return.' DIAG_AWAIT_IN_SYNC = 'Async function can only be called in async function.' DIAG_NOT_YIELDABLE = 'The {}th parameter of this function was not marked as yieldable, but an async function was passed in. (Use `---@param name async fun()` to mark as yieldable)' DIAG_DISCARD_RETURNS = 'The return values of this function cannot be discarded.' DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL = 'Need check nil.' DIAG_CIRCLE_DOC_CLASS = 'Circularly inherited classes.' DIAG_DOC_FIELD_NO_CLASS = 'The field must be defined after the class.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_ALIAS = 'Duplicate defined alias `{}`.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_FIELD = 'Duplicate defined fields `{}`.' DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_PARAM = 'Duplicate params `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_CLASS = 'Undefined class `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_NAME = 'Undefined type or alias `{}`.' DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_PARAM = 'Undefined param `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_COMMENT = 'Missing comment for global function `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_PARAM = 'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in global function `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_RETURN = 'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in global function `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_COMMENT = 'Missing comment for exported local function `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_PARAM = 'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_RETURN = 'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_PARAM = 'Incomplete signature. Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in function `{}`.' DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_RETURN = 'Incomplete signature. Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in function `{}`.' DIAG_UNKNOWN_DIAG_CODE = 'Unknown diagnostic code `{}`.' DIAG_CAST_LOCAL_TYPE = 'This variable is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' DIAG_CAST_FIELD_TYPE = 'This field is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' DIAG_ASSIGN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 'Cannot assign `{ref}` to `{def}`.' DIAG_PARAM_TYPE_MISMATCH = 'Cannot assign `{ref}` to parameter `{def}`.' DIAG_UNKNOWN_CAST_VARIABLE = 'Unknown type conversion variable `{}`.' DIAG_CAST_TYPE_MISMATCH = 'Cannot convert `{def}` to `{ref}`。' DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE = 'Annotations specify that at least {min} return value(s) are required, found {rmax} returned here instead.' DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = 'Annotations specify that at least {min} return value(s) are required, found {rmin} to {rmax} returned here instead.' DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE = 'Annotations specify that at most {max} return value(s) are required, found {rmax} returned here instead.' DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = 'Annotations specify that at most {max} return value(s) are required, found {rmin} to {rmax} returned here instead.' DIAG_MISSING_RETURN = 'Annotations specify that a return value is required here.' DIAG_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 'Annotations specify that return value #{index} has a type of `{def}`, returning value of type `{ref}` here instead.' DIAG_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR = 'Unknown operator `{}`.' DIAG_UNREACHABLE_CODE = 'Unreachable code.' DIAG_INVISIBLE_PRIVATE = 'Field `{field}` is private, it can only be accessed in class `{class}`.' DIAG_INVISIBLE_PROTECTED = 'Field `{field}` is protected, it can only be accessed in class `{class}` and its subclasses.' DIAG_INVISIBLE_PACKAGE = 'Field `{field}` can only be accessed in same file `{uri}`.' DIAG_GLOBAL_ELEMENT = 'Element is global.' MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = '{} does not support multi workspace for now, I may need to restart to support the new workspace ...' MWS_RESTART = 'Restart' MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = 'Workspace is not complete yet. You may try again later...' MWS_COMPLETE = 'Workspace is complete now. You may try again...' MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = 'Preloaded files has reached the upper limit ({}), you need to manually open the files that need to be loaded.' MWS_UCONFIG_FAILED = 'Saving user setting failed.' MWS_UCONFIG_UPDATED = 'User setting updated.' MWS_WCONFIG_UPDATED = 'Workspace setting updated.' WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE = 'Too large file: {} skipped. The currently set size limit is: {} KB, and the file size is: {} KB.' WORKSPACE_LOADING = 'Loading workspace' WORKSPACE_DIAGNOSTIC = 'Diagnosing workspace' WORKSPACE_SKIP_HUGE_FILE = 'For performance reasons, the parsing of this file has been stopped: {}' WORKSPACE_NOT_ALLOWED = 'Your workspace is set to `{}`. Lua language server refused to load this directory. Please check your configuration.[learn more here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder)' WORKSPACE_SCAN_TOO_MUCH = 'More than {} files have been scanned. The current scanned directory is `{}`. Please see the [FAQ](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-improve-startup-speeds) to see how you can include fewer files. It is also possible that your [configuration is incorrect](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder).' PARSER_CRASH = 'Parser crashed! Last words:{}' PARSER_UNKNOWN = 'Unknown syntax error...' PARSER_MISS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = 'Unexpected symbol `{symbol}`.' PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = 'Missed symbol `{symbol}`.' PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = 'Should be 2 hexadecimal digits.' PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = 'At least 1 hexadecimal digit.' PARSER_UTF8_MAX = 'Should be between {min} and {max} .' PARSER_ERR_ESC = 'Invalid escape sequence.' PARSER_MUST_X16 = 'Should be hexadecimal digits.' PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = 'Missed digits for the exponent.' PARSER_MISS_EXP = ' expected.' PARSER_MISS_FIELD = ' expected.' PARSER_MISS_METHOD = ' expected.' PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = '`...` should be the last arg.' PARSER_KEYWORD = ' cannot be used as name.' PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = 'Unexpected .' PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = ' not inside a loop.' PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = 'Malformed number.' PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = ' expected after `return`.' PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = ' expected after `break`.' PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = 'No visible label `{label}` .' PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = 'Label `{label}` already defined.' PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = '{version} does not support this grammar.' PARSER_UNEXPECT_DOTS = 'Cannot use `...` outside a vararg function.' PARSER_UNEXPECT_SYMBOL = 'Unexpected symbol `{symbol}` .' PARSER_UNKNOWN_TAG = 'Unknown attribute.' PARSER_MULTI_TAG = 'Does not support multi attributes.' PARSER_UNEXPECT_LFUNC_NAME = 'Local function can only use identifiers as name.' PARSER_UNEXPECT_EFUNC_NAME = 'Function as expression cannot be named.' PARSER_ERR_LCOMMENT_END = 'Multi-line annotations should be closed by `{symbol}` .' PARSER_ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT = 'Lua should use `--[[ ]]` for multi-line annotations.' PARSER_ERR_LSTRING_END = 'Long string should be closed by `{symbol}` .' PARSER_ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = 'Should use `=` for assignment.' PARSER_ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = 'Should use `==` for equal.' PARSER_ERR_UEQ = 'Should use `~=` for not equal.' PARSER_ERR_THEN_AS_DO = 'Should use `then` .' PARSER_ERR_DO_AS_THEN = 'Should use `do` .' PARSER_MISS_END = 'Miss corresponding `end` .' PARSER_ERR_COMMENT_PREFIX = 'Lua should use `--` for annotations.' PARSER_MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE = 'Miss symbol `,` or `;` .' PARSER_SET_CONST = 'Assignment to const variable.' PARSER_UNICODE_NAME = 'Contains Unicode characters.' PARSER_ERR_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = 'Lua should use `{symbol}` .' PARSER_MISS_SPACE_BETWEEN = 'Spaces must be left between symbols.' PARSER_INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME = 'The `[name]` form cannot be used in the name of a named function.' PARSER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = 'Local attribute should be `const` or `close`' PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_SYNTAX = -- TODO: need translate! 'In Lua 5.1, the left brackets called by the function must be in the same line as the function.' PARSER_NEED_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! 'Need to add a pair of parentheses.' PARSER_NESTING_LONG_MARK = 'Nesting of `[[...]]` is not allowed in Lua 5.1 .' PARSER_LOCAL_LIMIT = 'Only 200 active local variables and upvalues can be existed at the same time.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_EXTENDS_SYMBOL = '`:` expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_EXTENDS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_SYMBOL = '`{symbol}` expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ARG_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_TYPE_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_EXTENDS = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_EXTENDS = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_EXTENDS = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_EXTENDS_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_VARARG_TYPE = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FUN_AFTER_OVERLOAD = '`fun` expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CATE_NAME = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_DIAG_MODE = ' expected.' PARSER_LUADOC_ERROR_DIAG_MODE = ' incorrect.' PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_LOCAL_NAME = ' expected.' SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = '' HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS = 'View documents' HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = 'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = 'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#{}' HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = 'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#{}' HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = 'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#{}' HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = 'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = 'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = 'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/52/manual.html/{}"]' HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = 'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/53/manual.html/{}"]' HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = 'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/{}"]' HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = 'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE = '({} prototypes)' HOVER_STRING_BYTES = '{} bytes' HOVER_STRING_CHARACTERS = '{} bytes, {} characters' HOVER_MULTI_DEF_PROTO = '({} definitions, {} prototypes)' HOVER_MULTI_PROTO_NOT_FUNC = '({} non functional definition)' HOVER_USE_LUA_PATH = '(Search path: `{}`)' HOVER_EXTENDS = 'Expand to {}' HOVER_TABLE_TIME_UP = 'Partial type inference has been disabled for performance reasons.' HOVER_WS_LOADING = 'Workspace loading: {} / {}' HOVER_AWAIT_TOOLTIP = 'Calling async function, current thread may be yielded.' ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = 'Disable diagnostics in the workspace ({}).' ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = 'Mark `{}` as defined global.' ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = 'Clear all postemptive spaces.' ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = 'Add `;` .' ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = 'Add brackets.' ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = 'Change runtime version to {} .' ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = 'Load globals from {} .' ACTION_ADD_DO_END = 'Add `do ... end` .' ACTION_FIX_LCOMMENT_END = 'Modify to the correct multi-line annotations closing symbol.' ACTION_ADD_LCOMMENT_END = 'Close multi-line annotations.' ACTION_FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT = 'Modify to Lua multi-line annotations format.' ACTION_FIX_LSTRING_END = 'Modify to the correct long string closing symbol.' ACTION_ADD_LSTRING_END = 'Close long string.' ACTION_FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = 'Modify to `=` .' ACTION_FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = 'Modify to `==` .' ACTION_FIX_UEQ = 'Modify to `~=` .' ACTION_FIX_THEN_AS_DO = 'Modify to `then` .' ACTION_FIX_DO_AS_THEN = 'Modify to `do` .' ACTION_ADD_END = 'Add `end` (infer the addition location ny indentations).' ACTION_FIX_COMMENT_PREFIX = 'Modify to `--` .' ACTION_FIX_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = 'Modify to `{symbol}` .' ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME = 'Allow Unicode characters.' ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS = 'Change to parameter {index} of `{node}`' ACTION_FIX_INSERT_SPACE = 'Insert space.' ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA = 'Convert JSON to Lua' ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE= 'Disable diagnostics on this line ({}).' ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE= 'Disable diagnostics in this file ({}).' ACTION_MARK_ASYNC = 'Mark current function as async.' ACTION_ADD_DICT = 'Add \'{}\' to workspace dict' ACTION_FIX_ADD_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! 'Add parentheses.' ACTION_AUTOREQUIRE = -- TODO: need translate! "Import '{}' as {}" COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = 'Disable diagnostics' COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = 'Mark defined global' COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = 'Clear all postemptive spaces' COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = 'Add brackets' COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = 'Change runtime version' COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = 'Load globals from 3rd library' COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME = 'Allow Unicode characters.' COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA = 'Convert JSON to Lua' COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA_FAILED = 'Convert JSON to Lua failed: {}' COMMAND_ADD_DICT = 'Add Word to dictionary' COMMAND_REFERENCE_COUNT = '{} references' COMPLETION_IMPORT_FROM = 'Import from {}' COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE = 'Disable auto require' COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE = 'Add the code at the top of the file to require this file?' DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = "{} I'm sorry for the serious memory leak. The language service will be restarted soon." DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = 'Restart now' WINDOW_COMPILING = 'Compiling' WINDOW_DIAGNOSING = 'Diagnosing' WINDOW_INITIALIZING = 'Initializing...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER = 'Processing hover...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION = 'Processing definition...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE = 'Processing reference...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME = 'Processing rename...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION = 'Processing completion...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE = 'Processing signature help...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL = 'Processing file symbols...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL = 'Processing workspace symbols...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL = 'Processing full semantic tokens...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE = 'Processing incremental semantic tokens...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_HINT = 'Processing inline hint...' WINDOW_PROCESSING_BUILD_META = 'Processing build meta...' WINDOW_INCREASE_UPPER_LIMIT = 'Increase upper limit' WINDOW_CLOSE = 'Close' WINDOW_SETTING_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = 'You can delay or disable workspace diagnostics in settings' WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN = "Don't show again" WINDOW_DELAY_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = 'Idle time diagnosis (delay {} seconds)' WINDOW_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC = 'Disable workspace diagnostics' WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE = 'Workspace : {}' WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES = 'Cached files: {ast}/{max}' WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT = 'Memory usage: {mem:.f}M' WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP = [[ This icon is a cat, Not a dog nor a fox! ↓↓↓ ]] WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE= 'Perform workspace diagnosis' WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG = 'Do you want to perform workspace diagnosis?' WINDOW_APPLY_SETTING = 'Apply setting' WINDOW_CHECK_SEMANTIC = 'If you are using the color theme in the market, you may need to modify `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to make semantic tokens take effect.' WINDOW_TELEMETRY_HINT = 'Please allow sending anonymous usage data and error reports to help us further improve this extension. Read our privacy policy [here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy) .' WINDOW_TELEMETRY_ENABLE = 'Allow' WINDOW_TELEMETRY_DISABLE = 'Prohibit' WINDOW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG = 'Your client does not support modifying settings from the server side, please manually modify the following settings:' WINDOW_LCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG= 'Automatic modification of local settings is not currently supported, please manually modify the following settings:' WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_ADD = '`{key}`: add element `{value:q}` ;' WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_SET = '`{key}`: set to `{value:q}` ;' WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_PROP = '`{key}`: set the property `{prop}` to `{value:q}`;' WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING = 'Apply and modify settings' WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING = 'Apply but do not modify settings' WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY = 'Do you need to configure your work environment as `{}`?' WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES = 'Searching in files...' WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED = '`config.lua` is deprecated, please use `config.json` instead.' WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA = 'Convert to `config.json`' WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_PATH = 'Do you want to modify the require path?' WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_OK = 'Modify' CONFIG_LOAD_FAILED = 'Unable to read the settings file: {}' CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR = 'Setting file loading error: {}' CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR = 'The setting file must be in lua or json format: {}' CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR = 'Failed to modify settings, there are syntax errors in the settings file: {}' CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_NO_WORKSPACE = [[ Failed to modify settings: * The current mode is single-file mode, server cannot create `.luarc.json` without workspace. * The language client dose not support modifying settings from the server side. Please modify following settings manually: {} ]] CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL = [[ Failed to modify settings Please modify following settings manually: {} ]] PLUGIN_RUNTIME_ERROR = [[ An error occurred in the plugin, please report it to the plugin author. Please check the details in the output or log. Plugin path: {} ]] PLUGIN_TRUST_LOAD = [[ The current settings try to load the plugin at this location:{} Note that malicious plugin may harm your computer ]] PLUGIN_TRUST_YES = [[ Trust and load this plugin ]] PLUGIN_TRUST_NO = [[ Don't load this plugin ]] CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE = 'The argument of CHECK must be a string, but got {}' CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI = 'The argument of CHECK must be a valid uri, but got {}' CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL = 'Checklevel must be one of: {}' CLI_CHECK_INITING = 'Initializing ...' CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS = 'Diagnosis completed, no problems found' CLI_CHECK_RESULTS = 'Diagnosis complete, {} problems found, see {}' CLI_DOC_INITING = 'Loading documents ...' CLI_DOC_DONE = [[ Document exporting completed! Raw data: {} Markdown(example): {} ]] TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GLOBAL_DISMATCH = 'Type `{child}` cannot match enumeration type of `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED = 'Cannot use generic `{child}` in enumeration' TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_LITERAL_DISMATCH = 'Literal `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_OBJECT_DISMATCH = 'The object `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`. They must be the same object' TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_NO_OBJECT = 'The passed in enumeration value `{child}` is not recognized' TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER_DISMATCH = 'Literal `{child}` cannot match integer `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_STRING_DISMATCH = 'Literal `{child}` cannot match string `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_BOOLEAN_DISMATCH = 'Literal `{child}` cannot match boolean `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_NO_FIELD = 'Field `{key}` does not exist in the table' TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_FIELD_DISMATCH = 'The type of field `{key}` is `{child}`, which cannot match `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_CHILD_ALL_DISMATCH = 'All subtypes in `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_PARENT_ALL_DISMATCH = '`{child}` cannot match any subtypes in `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_UNION_DISMATCH = '`{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_OPTIONAL_DISMATCH = 'Optional type cannot match `{parent}`' TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_LITERAL_TO_INTEGER = 'The number `{child}` cannot be converted to an integer' TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_TYPE_TO_INTEGER = 'Cannot convert number type to integer type' TYPE_ERROR_DISMATCH = 'Type `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = [=[ Defines a class/table structure ## Syntax `---@class [: [, ]...]` ## Usage ``` ---@class Manager: Person, Human Manager = {} ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#class) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = [=[ Specify the type of a certain variable Default types: `nil`, `any`, `boolean`, `string`, `number`, `integer`, `function`, `table`, `thread`, `userdata`, `lightuserdata` (Custom types can be provided using `@alias`) ## Syntax `---@type [| [type]...` ## Usage ### General ``` ---@type nil|table|myClass local Example = nil ``` ### Arrays ``` ---@type number[] local phoneNumbers = {} ``` ### Enums ``` ---@type "red"|"green"|"blue" local color = "" ``` ### Tables ``` ---@type table local settings = { disableLogging = true, preventShutdown = false, } ---@type { [string]: true } local x --x[""] is true ``` ### Functions ``` ---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string local myFunction ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#types-and-type) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = [=[ Create your own custom type that can be used with `@param`, `@type`, etc. ## Syntax `---@alias [description]`\ or ``` ---@alias ---| 'value' [# comment] ---| 'value2' [# comment] ... ``` ## Usage ### Expand to other type ``` ---@alias filepath string Path to a file ---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in function find(path, pattern) end ``` ### Enums ``` ---@alias font-style ---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text ---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text ---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized ---@param style font-style Style to apply function setFontStyle(style) end ``` ### Literal Enum ``` local enums = { READ = 0, WRITE = 1, CLOSED = 2 } ---@alias FileStates ---| `enums.READ` ---| `enums.WRITE` ---| `enums.CLOSE` ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = [=[ Declare a function parameter ## Syntax `@param [?] [comment]` ## Usage ### General ``` ---@param url string The url to request ---@param headers? table HTTP headers to send ---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds function get(url, headers, timeout) end ``` ### Variable Arguments ``` ---@param base string The base to concat to ---@param ... string The values to concat function concat(base, ...) end ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#param) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = [=[ Declare a return value ## Syntax `@return [name] [description]`\ or\ `@return [# description]` ## Usage ### General ``` ---@return number ---@return number # The green component ---@return number b The blue component function hexToRGB(hex) end ``` ### Type & name only ``` ---@return number x, number y function getCoords() end ``` ### Type only ``` ---@return string, string function getFirstLast() end ``` ### Return variable values ``` ---@return string ... The tags of the item function getTags(item) end ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#return) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = [=[ Declare a field in a class/table. This allows you to provide more in-depth documentation for a table. As of `v3.6.0`, you can mark a field as `private`, `protected`, `public`, or `package`. ## Syntax `---@field [scope] [description]` ## Usage ``` ---@class HTTP_RESPONSE ---@field status HTTP_STATUS ---@field headers table The headers of the response ---@class HTTP_STATUS ---@field code number The status code of the response ---@field message string A message reporting the status ---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server function get(url) end --This response variable has all of the fields defined above response = get("localhost") --Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment statusCode = response.status.code ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#field) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = [=[ Simulates generics. Generics can allow types to be re-used as they help define a "generic shape" that can be used with different types. ## Syntax `---@generic [:parent_type] [, [:parent_type]]` ## Usage ### General ``` ---@generic T ---@param value T The value to return ---@return T value The exact same value function echo(value) return value end -- Type is string s = echo("e") -- Type is number n = echo(10) -- Type is boolean b = echo(true) -- We got all of this info from just using -- @generic rather than manually specifying -- each allowed type ``` ### Capture name of generic type ``` ---@class Foo local Foo = {} function Foo:Bar() end ---@generic T ---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here ---@return T # generic type is returned function Generic(name) end local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo ``` ### How Lua tables use generics ``` ---@class table: { [K]: V } -- This is what allows us to create a table -- and intellisense keeps track of any type -- we give for key (K) or value (V) ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#generics-and-generic) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = [=[ Primarily for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations. `@vararg` does not provide typing or allow descriptions. **You should instead use `@param` when documenting parameters (variable or not).** ## Syntax `@vararg ` ## Usage ``` ---Concat strings together ---@vararg string function concat(...) end ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#vararg) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = [=[ Allows defining of multiple function signatures. ## Syntax `---@overload fun([: ] [, [: ]]...)[: [, ]...]` ## Usage ``` ---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number function table.insert(t, position, value) end ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#overload) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = [=[ Marks a function as deprecated. This results in any deprecated function calls being ~~struck through~~. ## Syntax `---@deprecated` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#deprecated) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_META = [=[ Indicates that this is a meta file and should be used for definitions and intellisense only. There are 3 main distinctions to note with meta files: 1. There won't be any context-based intellisense in a meta file 2. Hovering a `require` filepath in a meta file shows `[meta]` instead of an absolute path 3. The `Find Reference` function will ignore meta files ## Syntax `---@meta` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#meta) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = [=[ Specifies Lua versions that this function is exclusive to. Lua versions: `5.1`, `5.2`, `5.3`, `5.4`, `JIT`. Requires configuring the `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` setting. ## Syntax `---@version [, ]...` ## Usage ### General ``` ---@version JIT function onlyWorksInJIT() end ``` ### Specify multiple versions ``` ---@version <5.2,JIT function oldLuaOnly() end ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#version) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_SEE = [=[ Define something that can be viewed for more information ## Syntax `---@see ` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#see) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = [=[ Enable/disable diagnostics for error/warnings/etc. Actions: `disable`, `enable`, `disable-line`, `disable-next-line` [Names](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/cbb6e6224094c4eb874ea192c5f85a6cba099588/script/proto/define.lua#L54) ## Syntax `---@diagnostic [: ]` ## Usage ### Disable next line ``` ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global ``` ### Manually toggle ``` ---@diagnostic disable: unused-local local unused = "hello world" ---@diagnostic enable: unused-local ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#diagnostic) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = [=[ Provides the semantics of `require`. ## Syntax `---@module <'module_name'>` ## Usage ``` ---@module 'string.utils' local stringUtils -- This is functionally the same as: local module = require('string.utils') ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#module) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = [=[ Marks a function as asynchronous. ## Syntax `---@async` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#async) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = [=[ Prevents this function's return values from being discarded/ignored. This will raise the `discard-returns` warning should the return values be ignored. ## Syntax `---@nodiscard` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#nodiscard) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_CAST = [=[ Allows type casting (type conversion). ## Syntax `@cast <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...` ## Usage ### Overwrite type ``` ---@type integer local x --> integer ---@cast x string print(x) --> string ``` ### Add Type ``` ---@type string local x --> string ---@cast x +boolean, +number print(x) --> string|boolean|number ``` ### Remove Type ``` ---@type string|table local x --> string|table ---@cast x -string print(x) --> table ``` --- [View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#cast) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_OPERATOR = [=[ Provide type declaration for [operator metamethods](http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents). ## Syntax `@operator [(input_type)]:` ## Usage ### Vector Add Metamethod ``` ---@class Vector ---@operation add(Vector):Vector vA = Vector.new(1, 2, 3) vB = Vector.new(10, 20, 30) vC = vA + vB --> Vector ``` ### Unary Minus ``` ---@class Passcode ---@operation unm:integer pA = Passcode.new(1234) pB = -pA --> integer ``` [View Request](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/599) ]=] LUADOC_DESC_ENUM = [=[ Mark a table as an enum. If you want an enum but can't define it as a Lua table, take a look at the [`@alias`](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) tag. ## Syntax `@enum ` ## Usage ``` ---@enum colors local colors = { white = 0, orange = 2, yellow = 4, green = 8, black = 16, } ---@param color colors local function setColor(color) end -- Completion and hover is provided for the below param setColor(colors.green) ``` ]=] LUADOC_DESC_SOURCE = [=[ Provide a reference to some source code which lives in another file. When searching for the defintion of an item, its `@source` will be used. ## Syntax `@source ` ## Usage ``` ---You can use absolute paths ---@source C:/Users/me/Documents/program/myFile.c local a ---Or URIs ---@source file:///C:/Users/me/Documents/program/myFile.c:10 local b ---Or relative paths ---@source local/file.c local c ---You can also include line and char numbers ---@source local/file.c:10:8 local d ``` ]=] LUADOC_DESC_PACKAGE = [=[ Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function cannot be accessed from another file. ## Syntax `@package` ## Usage ``` ---@class Animal ---@field private eyes integer local Animal = {} ---@package ---This cannot be accessed in another file function Animal:eyesCount() return self.eyes end ``` ]=] LUADOC_DESC_PRIVATE = [=[ Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only from within their class and are not accessable from child classes. ## Syntax `@private` ## Usage ``` ---@class Animal ---@field private eyes integer local Animal = {} ---@private function Animal:eyesCount() return self.eyes end ---@class Dog:Animal local myDog = {} ---NOT PERMITTED! myDog:eyesCount(); ``` ]=] LUADOC_DESC_PROTECTED = [=[ Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be accessed only from within their class or from child classes. ## Syntax `@protected` ## Usage ``` ---@class Animal ---@field private eyes integer local Animal = {} ---@protected function Animal:eyesCount() return self.eyes end ---@class Dog:Animal local myDog = {} ---Permitted because function is protected, not private. myDog:eyesCount(); ``` ]=]