path: root/.editorconfig
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-08-23Do not use off-spec value for end_of_lineGregory Anders
The [EditorConfig specification]( does not support "auto" as a value for "end_of_line". EditorConfig implementations which adhere to the specification (such as Neovim) will either ignore this value or, worse, show a warning or error to the user. Simply omitting `end_of_line` will use the default end of line value for the platform. Git (and other source control tools) can handle translating end of line characters between Windows and Unix platforms. The `end_of_line` option is there _only_ when you want to maintain a strict end of line character *across* platforms.
2022-04-09add formatter最萌小汐
2022-04-02chore(editorconfig): use lf for end_of_linekevinhwang91