path: root/test/document_symbol/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/document_symbol/init.lua')
1 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/document_symbol/init.lua b/test/document_symbol/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9f1bec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/document_symbol/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+local core = require 'core.document-symbol'
+local files = require 'files'
+local define = require 'proto.define'
+rawset(_G, 'TEST', true)
+local EXISTS = {}
+local function eq(a, b)
+ if a == EXISTS and b ~= nil then
+ return true
+ end
+ local tp1, tp2 = type(a), type(b)
+ if tp1 ~= tp2 then
+ return false
+ end
+ if tp1 == 'table' then
+ local mark = {}
+ for k in pairs(a) do
+ if not eq(a[k], b[k]) then
+ return false
+ end
+ mark[k] = true
+ end
+ for k in pairs(b) do
+ if not mark[k] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return a == b
+local function checkArcoss(symbols)
+ local lastFinish = 0
+ for _, symbol in ipairs(symbols) do
+ assert(symbol.range[1] <= symbol.selectionRange[1])
+ assert(symbol.range[2] >= symbol.selectionRange[2])
+ assert(symbol.range[2] > lastFinish)
+ lastFinish = symbol.range[2]
+ if symbol.children then
+ checkArcoss(symbol.children)
+ end
+ end
+function TEST(script)
+ return function (expect)
+ files.removeAll()
+ files.setText('', script)
+ local result = core('')
+ assert(eq(expect, result))
+ checkArcoss(result)
+ end
+TEST [[
+A = 1
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'A',
+ detail = 'global number = 1',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Class,
+ range = {1, 5},
+ selectionRange = {1, 1},
+ }
+TEST [[
+local function f()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 22},
+ selectionRange = {16, 16},
+ valueRange = {1, 22},
+ }
+TEST [[
+function f()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 16},
+ selectionRange = {10, 10},
+ valueRange = {1, 16},
+ }
+TEST [[
+return function ()
+ [1] = {
+ name = '',
+ detail = 'return function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {8, 22},
+ selectionRange = {8, 8},
+ valueRange = {8, 22},
+ }
+TEST [[
+f = function ()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 19},
+ selectionRange = {1, 1},
+ valueRange = {5, 19},
+ }
+TEST [[
+local f = function ()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {7, 25},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 25},
+ }
+TEST [[
+function mt:add()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'mt:add',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Method,
+ range = {1, 21},
+ selectionRange = {10, 15},
+ valueRange = {1, 21},
+ }
+TEST [[
+function A()
+ function A1()
+ end
+ function A2()
+ end
+function B()
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'A',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 68},
+ selectionRange = {10, 10},
+ valueRange = {1, 68},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'A1',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {18, 38},
+ selectionRange = {27, 28},
+ valueRange = {18, 38},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'A2',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {44, 64},
+ selectionRange = {53, 54},
+ valueRange = {44, 64},
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'B',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {70, 85},
+ selectionRange = {79, 79},
+ valueRange = {70, 85},
+ },
+TEST [[
+local x = 1
+local function f()
+ local x = 'x'
+ local y = {}
+ --= 1
+local y = true
+local z
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'local number = 1',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 11},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {13, 79},
+ selectionRange = {28, 28},
+ valueRange = {13, 79},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'local string = "x"',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {42, 48},
+ selectionRange = {42, 42},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'y',
+ detail = 'local {}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {60, 65},
+ selectionRange = {60, 60},
+ valueRange = {64, 65},
+ },
+ --[3] = {
+ -- name = 'z',
+ -- detail = 'global z: number = 1',
+ -- kind = define.SymbolKind.Object,
+ -- range = {71, 71},
+ -- selectionRange = {71, 71},
+ -- valueRange = {75, 75},
+ --},
+ },
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ name = 'y',
+ detail = 'local boolean = true',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {87, 94},
+ selectionRange = {87, 87},
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ name = 'z',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {102, 102},
+ selectionRange = {102, 102},
+ },
+TEST [[
+local t = {
+ a = 1,
+ b = 2,
+ c = 3,
+ [1] = {
+ name = 't',
+ detail = 'local {a, b, c}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 46},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 46},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'field number = 1',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {17, 21},
+ selectionRange = {17, 17},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'b',
+ detail = 'field number = 2',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {28, 32},
+ selectionRange = {28, 28},
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ name = 'c',
+ detail = 'field number = 3',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {39, 43},
+ selectionRange = {39, 39},
+ },
+ }
+ }
+TEST [[
+local t = {
+ a = {
+ b = 1,
+ }
+ [1] = {
+ name = 't',
+ detail = 'local {a}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 44},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 44},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'field {b}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {17, 42},
+ selectionRange = {17, 17},
+ valueRange = {21, 42},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'b',
+ detail = EXISTS,
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {31, 35},
+ selectionRange = {31, 31},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+local function g()
+g = 1
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'g',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 22},
+ selectionRange = {16, 16},
+ valueRange = {1, 22},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'g',
+ detail = 'setlocal number = 1',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {25, 29},
+ selectionRange = {25, 25},
+ }
+function f(a, b, ...)
+ local x = ...
+ print(x.a)
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function (a, b, ...)',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 58},
+ selectionRange = {10, 10},
+ valueRange = {1, 58},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'param',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Constant,
+ range = {12, 12},
+ selectionRange = {12, 12},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'b',
+ detail = 'param',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Constant,
+ range = {15, 15},
+ selectionRange = {15, 15},
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {33, 39},
+ selectionRange = {33, 33},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+TEST [[
+local t = {
+ a = 1,
+ b = 2,
+local v = t
+ [1] = {
+ name = 't',
+ detail = 'local {a, b}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 35},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 35},
+ children = EXISTS,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'v',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {44, 48},
+ selectionRange = {44, 44},
+ },
+TEST [[
+local x
+local function
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 7},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ },
+TEST [[
+local a, b = {
+ x = 1,
+ y = 1,
+ z = 1,
+}, {
+ x = 1,
+ y = 1,
+ z = 1,
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'local {x, y, z}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 49},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {14, 49},
+ children = EXISTS,
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'b',
+ detail = 'local {x, y, z}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {10, 87},
+ selectionRange = {10, 10},
+ valueRange = {52, 87},
+ children = EXISTS,
+ }
+TEST [[
+local function x()
+local function f()
+ local c
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {1, 22},
+ selectionRange = {16, 16},
+ valueRange = {1, 22},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {25, 58},
+ selectionRange = {40, 40},
+ valueRange = {25, 58},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'c',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {54, 54},
+ selectionRange = {54, 54},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+TEST [[
+local t = f({
+ k = 1
+ [1] = {
+ name = 't',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 26},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 26},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'k',
+ detail = 'field number = 1',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Property,
+ range = {19, 23},
+ selectionRange = {19, 19},
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST [[
+local t = {}
+local function f(a, b)
+ [1] = {
+ name = 't',
+ detail = 'local {}',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 12},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 12},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'f',
+ detail = 'function (a, b)',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {15, 40},
+ selectionRange = {30, 30},
+ valueRange = {15, 40},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'param',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Constant,
+ range = {32, 32},
+ selectionRange = {32, 32},
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ name = 'b',
+ detail = 'param',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Constant,
+ range = {35, 35},
+ selectionRange = {35, 35},
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST [[
+local a = f {
+ x = function ()
+ end
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'a',
+ detail = 'local',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Variable,
+ range = {7, 43},
+ selectionRange = {7, 7},
+ valueRange = {11, 43},
+ children = {
+ [1] = {
+ name = 'x',
+ detail = 'function ()',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {19, 41},
+ selectionRange = {19, 19},
+ valueRange = {23, 41},
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST [[
+table.sort(t, function (a, b)
+ return false
+ [1] = {
+ name = '',
+ detail = 'table.sort -> function (a, b)',
+ kind = define.SymbolKind.Function,
+ range = {15, 50},
+ selectionRange = {15, 15},
+ valueRange = {15, 50},
+ children = EXISTS,
+ }