path: root/test/crossfile/completion.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/crossfile/completion.lua')
1 files changed, 621 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/crossfile/completion.lua b/test/crossfile/completion.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb9f2f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/crossfile/completion.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+local service = require 'service'
+local workspace = require 'workspace'
+local fs = require 'bee.filesystem'
+local core = require 'core'
+local uric = require 'uri'
+rawset(_G, 'TEST', true)
+local CompletionItemKind = {
+ Text = 1,
+ Method = 2,
+ Function = 3,
+ Constructor = 4,
+ Field = 5,
+ Variable = 6,
+ Class = 7,
+ Interface = 8,
+ Module = 9,
+ Property = 10,
+ Unit = 11,
+ Value = 12,
+ Enum = 13,
+ Keyword = 14,
+ Snippet = 15,
+ Color = 16,
+ File = 17,
+ Reference = 18,
+ Folder = 19,
+ EnumMember = 20,
+ Constant = 21,
+ Struct = 22,
+ Event = 23,
+ Operator = 24,
+ TypeParameter = 25,
+local EXISTS = {}
+local function eq(a, b)
+ if a == EXISTS and b ~= nil then
+ return true
+ end
+ local tp1, tp2 = type(a), type(b)
+ if tp1 ~= tp2 then
+ return false
+ end
+ if tp1 == 'table' then
+ local mark = {}
+ for k in pairs(a) do
+ if not eq(a[k], b[k]) then
+ return false
+ end
+ mark[k] = true
+ end
+ for k in pairs(b) do
+ if not mark[k] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ return a == b
+function TEST(data)
+ local lsp = service()
+ local ws = workspace(lsp, 'test')
+ lsp.workspace = ws
+ ws.root = ROOT
+ local mainUri
+ local mainBuf
+ local pos
+ for _, info in ipairs(data) do
+ local uri = uric.encode(fs.path(info.path))
+ local script = info.content
+ if info.main then
+ pos = script:find('$', 1, true) - 1
+ script = script:gsub('%$', '')
+ mainUri = uri
+ mainBuf = script
+ end
+ lsp:saveText(uri, 1, script)
+ ws:addFile(uric.decode(uri))
+ while lsp._needCompile[1] do
+ lsp:compileVM(lsp._needCompile[1])
+ end
+ end
+ local vm = lsp:loadVM(mainUri)
+ assert(vm)
+ local result = core.completion(vm, mainBuf, pos)
+ local expect = data.completion
+ if expect then
+ assert(result)
+ assert(eq(expect, result))
+ else
+ assert(result == nil)
+ end
+if require'bee.platform'.OS == 'Windows' then
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/aaa.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'xxx/abcde.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "a$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = '',
+ filterText = '',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/aaa.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'abcde',
+ filterText = 'abcde',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'xxx/abcde.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "A$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'ABCD.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "a$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'ABCD',
+ filterText = 'ABCD',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'ABCD.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'ABCD.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "a$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/init.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "abc$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'abc.init',
+ filterText = 'abc.init',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/init.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc/init.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/bbc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "abc$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc',
+ filterText = 'abc',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/init.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = '',
+ filterText = '',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/bbc.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'abc.init',
+ filterText = 'abc.init',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/init.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/init.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "abc.$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc.init',
+ filterText = 'abc.init',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/init.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'abc.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/init.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "abc.i$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'abc.init',
+ filterText = 'abc.init',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/init.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'core/core.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'core/xxx.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'test.lua',
+ content = 'require "$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'core.core',
+ filterText = 'core.core',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'core/core.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'x000.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/x111.lua',
+ content = '',
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'abc/test.lua',
+ content = 'require "x$"',
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'x000',
+ filterText = 'x000',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'x000.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'x111',
+ filterText = 'x111',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'abc/x111.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ return {
+ a = 1,
+ b = 2,
+ c = 3,
+ }
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'b.lua',
+ content = [[
+ local t = require 'a'
+ t.$
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'a',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Enum,
+ detail = '(number) = 1',
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'b',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Enum,
+ detail = '(number) = 2',
+ },
+ {
+ label = 'c',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Enum,
+ detail = '(number) = 3',
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zabc = 1
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zabcd = print
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zabcdef = 1
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'b.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zab$
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'zabcdef',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Enum,
+ detail = '(number) = 1',
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'init.lua',
+ content = [[
+ setmetatable(_G, {__index = {}})
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ print(zabc)
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zabcdef = 1
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'b.lua',
+ content = [[
+ zab$
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'zabcdef',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Enum,
+ detail = '(number) = 1',
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ local japi = require 'jass.japi'
+ japi.xxxaaaaxxxx
+ ]]
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'a.lua',
+ content = [[
+ local japi = require 'jass.japi'
+ japi.xxxaaaax$
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'xxx.lua',
+ content = ''
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'xxxx.lua',
+ content = [[
+ require 'xx$'
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = 'xxx',
+ filterText = 'xxx',
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = 'xxx.lua',
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = [[xx'xx.lua]],
+ content = ''
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'main.lua',
+ content = [[
+ require 'xx$'
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = [[xx'xx]],
+ filterText = [[xx'xx]],
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = [[xx'xx.lua]],
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }
+ {
+ path = [[xx]=]xx.lua]],
+ content = ''
+ },
+ {
+ path = 'main.lua',
+ content = [[
+ require [=[xx$]=]'
+ ]],
+ main = true,
+ },
+ completion = {
+ {
+ label = [[xx]=]xx]],
+ filterText = [[xx]=]xx]],
+ kind = CompletionItemKind.Reference,
+ documentation = [[xx]=]xx.lua]],
+ textEdit = EXISTS,
+ additionalTextEdits = EXISTS,
+ },
+ }